Author: Stacey Chillemi

Health and Natural Healing Tips / Articles posted by Stacey Chillemi (Page 17)

Natural Healing Remedies for Acid Reflux

Who wants to deal with the pain and discomfort of acid reflux?  Not me… and probably not you either.  Although there are a lot of over the counter medications that you can take for acid reflux, they can be a very expensive and sometimes not even a useful treatment option.  Why pay tons of money when there are simple home remedies that can allow you to eat those spicy foods you always have to avoid. Try these helpful home remedies and watch your worries of acid reflux diminish. Baking Soda, Water, & Lemon Juice This has got to be about the best and most used home remedy for your (heartburn) acid reflux.  In this home remedy, you simply put 2 tablespoons of baking soda into a tall glass,...


4 Natural Healing Ways to Reduce Inflammation Naturally

Although you may not be able to see or feel it, inflammation is a problem that could be damaging your body over time. Also known as swelling, inflammation is part of the body’s natural healing process, and it helps to fight injury and infection. However, this isn’t the only time that it occurs. Inflammation can be caused when the body’s immune system goes into action even though there is no injury or infection to fight off. And since there is nothing to heal, the immune system cells that usually heal and protect us begin to destroy healthy joints, organs, and arteries. Inflammation is a natural response to not eating right, not getting enough exercise, and being highly stressed. And left unchecked, inflammation can lead to serious problems...

vitamins and minerals

Are You Getting the Right Vitamins & Minerals?

It is often hard to know whether you are getting the right vitamins and minerals that your body needs. Even if you regularly take supplementary multivitamins, you may not be getting everything that your body requires to work to its full potential. Vitamins and minerals are essential to your body, and if you aren’t getting the right balance you may be left feeling lethargic or find it difficult to concentrate. Getting the right quantities of vitamins and minerals can be quite challenging. Your body may require higher doses of certain supplements if you suffer from specific ailments, or an increase or decrease in some vitamins or supplements may be needed if you are trying to achieve something specific with your body, like conceiving a child or...


100 Fashion Tips and Tricks That Will Change Your Life

When it comes to fashion tips, it sometimes seems that everyone and their mother (literally!) has tried-and-true style advice they absolutely swear by. Some are useful, while others … well, not so much. With that in mind, we’ve pulled 100 fashion tips and tricks from the best: designers, lifestyle experts and, of course, our staff. Trust us: With these gems, you’ll be well on your way to living your most stylish life. 1. Get fitter. One of the most important things you need to take note of about becoming fashionable is to get fitter. Therefore, if you are carrying some extra pounds, then you should lose some of it soon. You can do it through dieting, working out, or a good combination of both. 2. Have confidence in...


Top Resources for Managing Epilepsy: Online Info and Support

[vc_row][vc_column width="1/2"][vc_column_text] Helping Children Understand Epilepsy - Information for the Parent or Guardian [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Epilepsy Government Agencies Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) CDC, an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, promotes health and quality of life by preventing and controlling disease, injury, and disability. Within CDC, the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion is charged with preventing death and disability from chronic diseases and with promoting maternal, infant, and adolescent health and healthy personal behaviors. The CDC epilepsy program, which is within this center, conducts epilepsy program activities in the areas of improving care, improving communication and combating stigma, self-management, surveillance and prevention research, increasing public awareness and knowledge, and strengthening partnerships. National Enter for Prevention Health Promotion Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4770...


Fissure Sealant: Why Do You Need It?

One of the most popular types of preventative dentistry is fissure sealant. This is a type of thin coating that can be applied to the teeth. It is typically put along with the back teeth, where there are pits or fissures in the surface of the tooth. You can benefit from getting fissure sealants for several reasons. Reduce the Risk of Cavities Of course, the main benefit of a fissure sealant is that it prevents cavities from forming. The sturdy sealant material keeps bacteria from flourishing in all the crevices along molars and other wider teeth in the mouth. In the two years after a dental sealant is applied, people have 80 percent fewer cavities than they otherwise would. Even six years after they have been applied,...


What You Need to Know Before You Buy a Digestive Enzyme Supplement

Digestive enzymes have gained a lot of attention lately. What are they, what is their purpose, and why are they important to our health? Digestive enzymes are complex biomolecules that are produced in the small intestine and pancreas. Their primary purpose is to break down the food we eat. Specifically, they break down proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and other compounds into smaller nutrients that our body can absorb and use for its various life-sustaining functions. So, how are digestive enzymes important to our health? Here is the fact: our digestive system cannot absorb the food we eat as is. Instead, it can only absorb small food particles. Therefore, the big food particles—the fats, carbohydrates, and proteins—we eat must be converted to tiny cholesterol and fatty acids, simple sugars, and...

Health and Natural Healing Tips