Natural Healing Remedies for Acid Reflux

Natural Healing Remedies for Acid Reflux

Who wants to deal with the pain and discomfort of acid reflux?  Not me… and probably not you either.  Although there are a lot of over the counter medications that you can take for acid reflux, they can be a very expensive and sometimes not even a useful treatment option.  Why pay tons of money when there are simple home remedies that can allow you to eat those spicy foods you always have to avoid.

Try these helpful home remedies and watch your worries of acid reflux diminish.

Baking Soda, Water, & Lemon Juice

This has got to be about the best and most used home remedy for your (heartburn) acid reflux.  In this home remedy, you simply put 2 tablespoons of baking soda into a tall glass, fill your glass about half full with cold water, you then pour the juice of one freshly squeezed lemon into your glass, and drink the mixture as quickly as possible.  I would advise that when mixing all of the ingredients that you do this over a kitchen sink as the baking soda and water will fizz and will tower over your glass.  However, that is why this mixture should be consumed very quickly because it is the fizz and water that will provide you the relief from your acid reflux.

BE ADVISED that is you have a history or have been diagnosed with hypertension (high blood pressure) you do not want to try this home remedy.  This is because the remedy itself will create sodium in your system.

benefits of apple cider vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar

This is another highly popular home remedy for the relief of your acid reflux.  Apple cider vinegar is believed to work so well due to the fact that the acidity of the vinegar mocks as the acid in your stomach helping to make it easier to digest the food that you have consumed. Simply take one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and mix it with about ¾ of a cup of water. If you have a hard time stomaching this mixture, you can also add a teaspoon of sugar or honey to the mixture to make it a bit more tolerable for you.

Regardless of the taste of the mixture, this home remedy is one of the leading remedies for instant acid reflux relief.  Just simply take this mixture before a meal or during a meal for best results.  If you suffer from acid reflux at night, you can also consume the mixture right before bed and rest assure that you won’t wake up during the night with the hassles of acid reflux again!  You can purchase apple cider vinegar in a pill form also, although the juice mixture is more effective and is absorbed by your body better.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera

Oh, yea, that’s right aloe vera and I don’t mean the lotion!  Many people aren’t aware that aloe vera is also found in a juice form.  The juice provides you with the very same cooling effect that the lotion treatment gives you and it will help reduce the amount of acid in your stomach.  You can simply drink anywhere from 1-2 ounces of the aloe vera juice and provide yourself with instant relief as well as a drop in the frequency of your acid reflux.  If you do choose to take this treatment option, you will not want to take it more than once a day.

Raw Potato Juice

Who would have thought that a raw potato keep is the answers to all of your acid reflux problems… but it can… believe it or not!  Raw potato juice is proven to prevent the buildup of acid in your stomach from the consumption of acidic foods.  The raw potato juice method has been used for many years and used to be used by boiling a raw potato (unpeeled) for several hours before drinking.  However, studies have shown that actually juicing the potato yourself is not only a quicker method but is also more potent.  You simply wash the potato (do not peel the potato), juice the raw potato with a standard juicer, and then mix the raw potato juice with equal amounts of water.  Then you will want to consume this mixture immediately and you will find yourself free of your acid reflux discomfort.  You can follow this method up to 3-4 times a day and should be used as needed.

Pineapple Juice or Fresh Pineapple

Yes, not only can raw vegetables be your friend, but some fruits also.  Pineapples have proved to be great acid reducers. Pineapples are packed with tons of enzymes and contain bromelain.  These particular enzymes are the exact enzymes that also help with the reduction of acid in your stomach.  Bromelain provides you with digestion support and also reduces inflammation (swelling), which is a big factor in stopping your acid reflux symptoms.  Because pineapples and pineapple juice are natural fruits, there is no limit on how many you consume.  Keep in mind that the juice form of the pineapple is the best and quickest treatment for your acid reflux.

Chewing Gum

So I know you have heard the phrase of a person who, “can’t chew bubblegum and walk at the same time,” right?  Well, I don’t know about walking… but you can certainly chew bubble gum and start reducing your acid reflux!  Yes, I know it sounds crazy, but there is a science to the madness of this theory.  Chewing gum produces mega amounts of saliva and your saliva is a natural antacid.  So when you are chewing the gum, your saliva will neutralize any of the acid that is in your stomach and any acid that is coming up your esophagus.  Try this and you might find your road to an acid reflux free life.


Herbal Teas

There are certain types of herbal teas that will also help you in your journey to an acid reflux free life.  Teas that consist of peppermint, lavender, and anise have also been known to cure many acid reflux cases.  Rather than buying premade herbal teas (which may not contain these specific herbs), try purchasing the specific herbs and making the tea mixture yourself.  To make the tea you will first need to put equal amounts of each herb into one cup. You can use anywhere from 1-2 tablespoons of each herb.  Then you will add boiling distilled water to the mixture.  Mix this all together and you have created yourself immediate acid reflux relief.  Drinking at least 8 ounces up to two times a day you will find that there is a major decrease in your acid reflux episodes.

ginger tea

Ginger or Ginger Root

This can also help you with your acid reflux discomfort.  Ginger has the ability to absorb acid… which is very good news for you if you suffer from acid reflux. Ginger is very easily found in the spice aisle of your grocery store.  Ginger and ginger root has been used for many, many years and studies have shown that ginger is great for digestion, which is why it makes it so powerful when it comes to acid in your stomach.  You can also purchase ginger raw (in root form), and can also be consumed raw.  You will soon find that incorporating ginger or ginger root into your diet, can be a major perk for the reduction of acid. Note that ginger should, however, be taken in small amounts when you are trying this method for acid reflux relief.

Useful Treatment Tips

  • Drinking pickle juice can also provide you with acid reflux relief. Pickle juice contains vinegar which is a leading ingredient used to mimic your stomach acids.  So if you can stomach drinking straight pickle juice, you will find that this is an excellent acid reducer.
  • Eating a slender piece of celery before and after meals can also give you instant acid reflux relief. Some find this method to be very beneficial and also very healthy.
  • There are certain foods that are good for your acid reflux… as well as there are foods that are bad for your acid reflux. You always want to start by eating a healthy diet consisting of vegetables and fruits.  You will want to make sure that the meats that you eat are to cooked in too much fat and you will want to avoid chocolate and alcoholic beverages.  Eating foods such as almonds, bananas, peppermint, figs, and papaya before you go to bed at night can greatly prevent the occurrence of your acid reflux.
  • You can also make a tea with chamomile or lavender. Simmer one teaspoon of licorice root powder for about 15 minutes in a pan with one cup of water.  Add one teaspoon of chamomile or lavender and then cover it and let it stand for about 15 minutes.  You will, however, need to use a strainer to strain the mixture.  You will want to drink the mixture while it is still warm.
Stacey Chillemi

Stacey Chillemi is an entrepreneur, bestselling author, speaker & coach. She is the founder of The Complete Herbal Guide. She has empowered hundreds of thousands worldwide through her books, websites, e-courses, educational videos, and live events. You can Twitter me at @The_HerbalGuide.

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