Expert Advice on Overcoming Anxiety and Stress: Effective Strategies for a Peaceful Mind

Health and Natural Healing Tips / Expert Advice on Overcoming Anxiety and Stress: Effective Strategies for a Peaceful Mind (Page 5)

Natural Remedies for Beating Stress

Unfortunately, stress seems like a normal part of everyday life these days, but it needn’t be this way. You can learn to adopt techniques that put you in a better position to manage stress and get better at lessening its effect on you. Of course, stress is a natural part of life, and it’s not new either. Stress is a mechanism designed to actually help you survive, pretty cool right? However, undoubtedly the stress you feel every day sure doesn’t feel this cool, and can instead make you feel miserable, worried, unable to sleep and focus, and out of control. It’s time to try and gain back some control by finding out more about natural remedies for beating stress. Exercising Blow off steam by donning your running...


Different Herbs That Help With Mental Health

Do you ever find yourself in a situation where you’re not able to remember what were you doing just a couple of minutes ago? Or from time to time, do you experience a mild or severe mental confusion, such as lacking the needed focus or poor memory? These things may happen to you frequently, especially with the fast pace of our world today. Every single day, you’re overloaded with information, stress, and toxins, all of which can have a significant impact on your brain function. Having a healthy diet, exercising daily, and reducing your electronic activity are some of the ways that can help you bring back order to your brain. However, most of the time, your brain still needs a little help in restoring its balance....

cant sleep

The Real Reason You Can’t Sleep – Anxiety

Falling asleep is hard for many people, in fact, as many as 40 million Americans report that they have problems with sleeping. You lay down to sleep and your mind won’t stop. Thoughts are racing through your brain and you can’t seem to stop worrying. You replay each conversation you’ve had and the things you have to do tomorrow. You’re exhausted but you can’t seem to stop thinking. You desperately want to sleep but that seems impossible. Do you start to think about what’s going on? Why can’t I sleep?  The answer is anxiety. Anxiety can cause us to feel anywhere from worried to out of control depending on the severity of our emotions. You’re struggling with what you can control and what you can’t. When...

5 Things To Consider When Buying Memory Boosting Supplements

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Without the ability to store and recall memories, you would not only be unable to remember names, contact numbers, why you went to the store or the time for an important meeting, but you will also be unable to learn and master new skills that you can use to improve your life, productivity, and career. Fortunately, the human brain has the ability to store memories and it allows you to recall those memories on-demand. This, however, is a common problem among the global population – with an increased amount of stress being placed upon people, approximately 6.7% of the U.S. population struggling daily with depression and sleep deprivation declared as a public health concern – which are all factors that lead to cognitive impairment. If you suffer...


Anxiety and Herbal Remedies: 8 Herbal Remedies for Immediate Stress Relief

Stress has become more rampant in today’s ever-changing world. It comes in all shapes and forms, springing up when we least expect it. Whether it be the struggle of a career, a family, or even the mere fact that we’re always connected, it leads to many problems along the way. It’s also something that shouldn’t be taken lightly. In the United States alone, 77 percent regularly experience physical symptoms that are caused by stress. And if you don’t believe that times are changing we can infer you to the fact that 48 percent of those asked reported that their stress levels have increased over the past five years. Stress can also lead to a number of physical ailments such as heart disease, skin conditions, and reproductive issues....

Health and Natural Healing Tips