essential oils Tag

Health and Natural Healing Tips / Posts tagged "essential oils" (Page 4)

Cedarwood: The Benefits and Usages

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Cedarwood Benefits Improves Hair Growth If you are affected by hair loss or just want longer, thicker locks, cedarwood oil may be just what you need. A study was done on 86 patients with alopecia areata. Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease causing bald patches and eventually total baldness. A mix of 4 essential oils including cedarwood oil was massaged into the scalp daily in the test group. The control group massaged the scalp with inert carrier oils. 44% of patients in the test group showed an improvement in hair growth compared with 15% in the control group. Any sort of massage will encourage hair growth as it increases blood flow to the area. This nourishes and oxygenates the hair roots, stimulating growth. However, the essential oil treatment gave results...


The Amazing Benefits of Lemon Essential Oil

Citrus oils are considered to be among the favorites in any essential oil collection. With their impressive range of favorites, they are indeed a popular choice. If you are looking for a citrus oil, to begin with, Lemon essential oil is perfect for you. With its wide array of benefits for the skin, hair, and environment, you will surely not want to miss on this essential oil. The essential oil is obtained from the rind of the lemon fruit and possesses an invigorating aroma. Enriched with Vitamin C, the oil is known for its cleansing properties and makes an effective ingredient to impart a refreshing feel to your hair and skin. Eager to know more about the magical ways in which Lemon essential oil can help you?...

Health and Natural Healing Tips