Diet & Weight Loss

Health and Natural Healing Tips / Diet & Weight Loss (Page 5)

How a Healthy Diet Keeps You from Packing Unwanted Pounds

A healthy body, soul and mind can lead you to a happy life. Undoubtedly, staying healthy is the most significant part of your life. It affects you physically as well as emotionally. However, in the millennial age where everything is fast-processed, staying healthy has become a daunting task. From the slice of your pizza to a muffin, the portion sizes have increased and the number of restaurant-goers is skyrocketing. So, the trends have shifted as people now consume more calories than ever before. People tend to eat unhealthy food because it is cheaper, flavorful and easily accessible. Even being aware of the consequences, people crave for junk food knowing that poor nutrition is related to heart problems, high blood pressure, hosting depression, overweight and other diseases....


The Keto Diet Grocery List That Will Make Your Life So Much Simpler

Are going shopping today? Wondering what to include in your shopping list? Look no further, you are in the right place. During the first weeks of switching to the ketogenic diet, you will have to learn which types of foods are keto friendly, which types of foods should you not buy and which ones to buy. You will be looking at the ingredients section of every food, to determine the carbohydrate contents before you make the decision to buy it or not. Konscious Keto will help you create a keto diet grocery shopping list that will benefit you during your first weeks as a ketogenic dieter. Let’s jump in. Meat Shopping List Meat is a very important part of your ketogenic diet shopping list.  You should choose the highest...

healthy food

What Everyone Ought to Know About the Die Off Condition

Taking care of your health should be the prime goal of your life. For many people, it is the last thing that they consider doing. They never think about the complications and as a result, end up suffering a lot. Many of us plan on following a healthy diet and avoid taking carbs and sweets to get back to shape. We know that it is crucial for us to avoid sugars and unhealthy carbs. We avoid rice, wheat, and carbonated drinks to get in shape. People believe that they are doing everything right and that they will soon be able to lose some weight. Of course, they might feel great at the beginning, but soon they might face some other challenges. People who are following this kind...

Top 10 Foods Which Will Control Your Belly From Becoming Fat

There are heaps of healthy foods that can be added to your day by day suppers to build your fat consuming potential and the capacity to lose stomach fat. They might be things that you as of now use regularly, or they could be foods you have never considered or even known about. We've made a rundown of foods and beverages, that can enable you to lose stomach fat and increment your weight loss. Drink Water Regularly Water is first on the rundown as it is the most imperative and most overlooked fixing to a level belly! Keep a two-liter jug close by constantly; it flushes out poisons, holds craving within proper limits and is the best and least expensive fat killer accessible. Always Use Apple...


New Diets Worth Giving A Shot In 2020

Dieting is a multibillion-dollar industry that attracts thousands of new people each and every year. Most people aren’t satisfied with the shape they’re currently in and want to make some changes to their lifestyle to help them get the body they want. A diet is a good way to begin changing your habits for the better. Most diets are best used if they come along with major changes to your eating habits once you’ve finished them or else you’re at risk of the dreaded yo-yo effect of gaining all of the weight back. That’s not to say that diets aren’t a great starting point to get some results more quickly to keep you motivated, they can, in fact, change your metabolism and help you get on...

yoga weight loss

Can Yoga Help You Lose Weight?

"Most individuals need to change both their energy intake and energy expenditure to lose weight. Many yoga practices burn fewer calories than traditional exercise (e.g., cardio based exercises, Zumba dance routines, jogging, brisk walking); however, yoga can increase one's mindfulness and the way one relates to their body.  So, individuals will become more aware of what they are eating and make better food choices.  Many individuals have experienced healthy weight loss when they began to incorporate yoga into their daily routine. Why Crash Dieting Is Bad For You Crash diets involve drastic changes in the diet that can only be followed for a short period of time. “In other words, these changes are unsustainable,” Alexandra Miller, RDN, LDN, Corporate Dietitian, Medifast, says. All nutrients are essential to life. Each one has a specific...

How Herbal Teas Help You Lose Weight

5 Best Teas to Lose Weight and Belly Fat

Looking to lose weight? Check the internet and you’ll find a crazy list of fad diets that promise to help you lose those extra pounds within weeks. But, you need to be careful with these diets or chances are that you’ll gain back the inches as easily as you lose them. In fact, as an article in Livestrong reports, close to 65% of dieters are likely to gain back the weight they lost within the next 3 years. Look for a Sustainable Weight Loss Program Instead Endocrinologist and professor of nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health, Dr. David Ludwig says in his book, “The long-term success rate of obesity treatment is abysmal, which is why every year we have new diets and weight-loss treatments, along...


How Does CBD Oil Increase Metabolism and Help You Lose Weight?

Due to its health benefits, CBD has received plenty of attention in the last few years. Users and researchers, as well as the public in general, seem to be especially interested in one area – the effects of CBD oil on the metabolism. Many of us have heard that certain cannabinoids, in particular, THC, can increase the appetite and make you feel hungry. But the latest research shows that CBD has the exact opposite effect, i.e. that it can actually help you lose weight. How does CBD oil increase metabolism and help people to lose weight? Read on to find out. What is CBD? Cannabidiol is one of over 60 compounds found in the cannabis plant. CBD is non-psychoactive and doesn’t make users high. The psychoactive compound in cannabis,...

lose weight while you sleep

Lose Weight While You Sleep: 8 Ways To Burn Calories While You Sleep

Do you know that you can burn calories while sleeping? How can this happen? Everyone knows that exercise and diet are the two ways that help people shed some pounds. However, several science-backed studies have shown that you can actually be successful in your weight loss goals while snoozing. Check out some ideas on how you can change your sleeping habits to burn more calories: Sleep in a dark room Sleeping in complete darkness is beneficial not only for your sleep but for your weight loss goals. Studies published in the Journal of Pineal Research found that the body produces the hormone melatonin that perks up the production of calorie-burning brown fat. It is also good for promoting sleep. So, if you have trouble burning calories, you may check...

Health and Natural Healing Tips