erectile dysfunction Tag

Health and Natural Healing Tips / Posts tagged "erectile dysfunction" (Page 4)

5 Natural Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ED) occurs when a man has consistent and repeated problems sustaining an erection. Without treatment, ED can make sexual intercourse difficult. The problem is reported by 1 in 5 men and that number increases with age. It is normal that we stop producing testosterone as we grow; Besides, there are other factors that can damage your testosterone production: excess steroids; and especially cultural, environmental, and food changes that increasingly harm men, at any age: Stress increases cortisol levels but decreases testosterone Lack of sleep drains testosterone because it develops when we sleep (especially in the REM stage of sleep). Large soy inputs favor estrogen, decreasing testosterone and sperm production. It has been shown that a low-fat diet is not the ideal solution to improve...

erectile dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction and How It Can Affect Your Relationship

Sex is essential in a couple's relationship. It literally binds the husband and wife to each other. During orgasm in sex, the hormone oxytocin is released in both partners. This is the love hormone that strengthens their emotional connection. All is not well in Loveland, however, if the husband suffers from erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction, or ED, is the incapacity to maintain an erection during sex. It's actually a medical condition that may be triggered by an existing health condition. Unfortunately, the effects of ED on the couple go beyond what happens in the bedroom. How does erectile dysfunction (ED) affect the couple’s relationship? Blaming When the man experiences ED, and he doesn't acknowledge the problem right away, the initial response is sometimes for him to blame his wife...

man and woman

5 Ways Natural Herbs Affect Men And Women Differently

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]While men and women contain similar organs in the body, such as a brain, heart, liver, stomach, and lungs, and both of their bodies are covered in skin, there are some distinct differences between the two genders. For example, a woman’s breasts tend to grow much larger than a man’s breasts. At the same time, the genital regions of a man and a woman also defer substantially – with men featuring a penis and testicles, while women feature a vagina. Personality traits and many other features often also tend to defer to men and women, yet their internal bodies work similarly in many cases. For example, the digestive tract, cardiovascular system, and even their respiratory systems mostly work in the same way. There are, however,...

Aphrodisiac Supplements For Men

The Ultimate Guide To Effective Aphrodisiac Supplements For Men

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]A low libido is certainly not an attractive trait for any man. Not being in the mood for sex can be disappointing – not only for the man’s partner but also for the man himself. While the condition is more common amongst women, it still affects roughly 31% of all men at some point in their lives. Some men only experience a low libido once in a while, which is perfectly reasonable when you take the fact that life has become very stressful in the modern world into account. Other men, however, find that they experience a low libido, or a poor sex drive, most of the time. This is when such a condition becomes problematic and requires treatment or aphrodisiac supplements to restore the average...

How To Remove ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION Using Hypnosis

How To Remove ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION Using Hypnosis

By Richard Barker How To Remove ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION is a fascinating and rewarding subject with amazing results. Erectile dysfunction is very common, affecting about one in ten men, and is one of the most commonly treated sexual problems in my office today. Erectile dysfunction issues that can be resolved include but not limited to: Impotency – a difficulty in obtaining or maintaining firm erections Libido – your libido may have decreased or disappeared Relationships – perhaps you avoid intimacy or your partner feels you’re not attracted to them Sexual confidence – you worry about pleasing a partner or perhaps feel sexually inexperienced As a sufferer, you may be caught in a perpetual loop of anticipating failure to achieve an erection, which in turn brings about the failure and thus...

Health and Natural Healing Tips