Addiction Recovery

Health and Natural Healing Tips / Addiction Recovery (Page 5)
relationship compress

Hypersexuality (Sex Addiction): Signs, Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Sexual addiction or obsession is said to be the continual intimacy disorder that is complemented with unavoidable sexual thoughts and actions. Sexual addiction can have a very negative and dangerous impact on oneself, and their family members as the addiction only go up with time. The addict keeps on increasing the level of activity to keep up the satisfaction level. There are different categories of sex addicts. Some are satisfied by just uncontrollable masturbation, watching porn videos and participating in online or phone sex services. For others, it goes to a different level where they are so obsessed that they start making an illegal trade like voyeurism, pedophilia, vulgar phone calls, child abuse, and rape. Not all sex addicts are sex offenders and vice versa. About 55...

sugar addiction

8 Ways To Beat Sugar Cravings

By ROB THOMPSON, MD In the world of fantasy wish lists, wouldn't it be great if—instead of prompting us to snack all the time—our bodies would just use up fat we have already stored? One major reason this doesn't happen has to do with our diets. When you consume starch and refined sugar, these foods enter the bloodstream quickly, causing a sugar spike. Your body then produces the hormone insulin to drive that sugar from your bloodstream into cells. But over time, excessive levels of insulin can make your muscle cells lose sensitivity to the hormone, leading to type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Your fat cells are another story: They always remain sensitive. Insulin spikes lock fat into them, so you can't use it for energy. How do...

Can a Holistic Herbal and Diet Plan Kick Addictions

Can a Holistic Herbal and Diet Plan Kick Addictions Without Help?

There is an old sitcom scene where a guy keeps hitting his head against a wall. Each time he does it, he says his head hurts. That is the same way individuals feel about their addictions. They understand that it is wrong, but they are not able to stop. Addictions come in many different forms. For some, they have strong food cravings that they are not able to control. They may have an especially difficult time saying no to foods like chocolate and bread. There are other types of addictions that can cause major havoc in a person’s life. These are addictions to alcoholism, drug abuse, and gambling. Extreme risk-taking and compulsive behaviors can also be considered addictions. Dopamine and Its Connection to Addictions The counselors at the...

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Top 7 Ways to Overcome Food Addiction

Published On The Huffington Post Food addiction affects millions of people worldwide, but are all addictions similar, and should they be treated the same? The primary difference between food addiction verse drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and other addictions is that everyone needs to eat in order to survive. When discussing other addictions such as drugs and alcohol, it is important to realize that individuals do not need drugs and alcohol to live unless they have a medical condition that requires specific medications. The goal in the treatment of many addictions, especially, drugs and alcohol is usually abstinence, which may appear to be an unrealistic goal when it comes to food addiction. It isn’t really, and here is why. Through research, scientists have found that when a person is battling an...

Three Plants That Could Replace Opioids in Pain Treatment

Opioids and the 3 Treatments for Chronic Pain

In this article, you'll learn and discover about Opioids and the 3 treatments for chronic pain. Opium. Heroin. Morphine. Methadone. Oxycodone. Hydrocodone. What all of these have in common is they’re derived from a plant—the poppy plant. Written references to the use of this plant, native to Southeast Asia, for pain and other ailments, date back to 3400 B.C. In more recent times, opium and even heroin were commonly used in pharmaceutical preparations for pain relief until the early 1900s. Concern about their addictive potential led the U.S. Congress to eventually ban these substances in pharmaceutical preparations. That didn’t stop the pharmaceutical companies from searching for ways to find patentable substances derived from the poppy plant to meet a real need: relief from suffering for those in pain....

Health and Natural Healing Tips