Addiction Recovery

Health and Natural Healing Tips / Addiction Recovery (Page 4)

Check Yourself for Destructive “Healthy Eating”

Health and wellness experts, as well as the countless people who lead healthy lives, recommend that you eat healthy food. You can lose weight. Also, You can reduce fat. You can become healthy in all the senses of the word if you eat nutritious food. However, when you become obsessed with eating only healthy food, you might develop an eating disorder. You can protect yourself by looking at possible symptoms and bringing yourself to eating disorder treatment centers if you conclude that you genuinely need help. The Illness of Healthy Eating Healthy food helps you to have a great life, but too much focus on eating healthy can be detrimental to you. Orthorexia nervosa (ON) is the pathological obsession to eat healthily. York University researchers scoured past studies...

The Best Remedies for Undergoing Recovery

If you are about to go into addiction recovery or are nearing the end of a regime, then one of your priorities should be looking after yourself to the best of your abilities. Adopting an improved lifestyle will help to ensure that you re-enter everyday life in the best possible health. Some healthy practices might feel somewhat alien at first, but by trying new things and practicing mindful activities, you will be adopting positive new routines. Regime Keeping to a regular regime can help enormously if you are currently undergoing a process of recovery. Getting up and going to bed on time, as well as taking up daily activity can help to instill a sense of regularity into your life. Finding an exercise you enjoy is one...


Side Effects and Risks of Kratom You Need Know

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The Food and Drug Administration has warned the public about the health risks of kratom use. In this article, you'll learn and discover the side effects and risks of kratom you need to know before you decide to try it. What is kratom? Kratom is a tree native to Southeast Asia (Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Borneo, etc.). Its botanical name is Mitragyna speciosa. Kratom is in the same family as the coffee tree (Rubiaceae). The leaves of kratom have been used as an herbal drug from time immemorial by peoples of Southeast Asia. It is used in folk medicine as a stimulant (at low doses), sedative (at high doses), recreational drug, pain killer, medicine for diarrhea, and treatment for opiate addiction. Many people report that kratom is an effective...

Health and Natural Healing Tips