Sleep Disorders

Health and Natural Healing Tips / Sleep Disorders (Page 3)

The Sleep and Depression Connection Explained

After a long and tiring day, you usually tend to fall asleep when you got home. The sleep affected each part of your life, from your looks to health, even to the progress of your work. And this will hit your brain terribly. The brain is influenced by the sleep and also the absence of sleep. However, today the world is full of stress, rush and lack of sleep and this turned into a standard condition. The most common sign of depression is lack of sleep. The sleep problem can prompt depression, and depression can provoke sleep problems too. Poor sleep does not just mean the real amount of hours you spent napping every night, yet, the nature of your sleep also. In this article, you'll...


8 Tips for Having A Good Night’s Sleep

A good night sleep directly affects your mental and physical health including your overall wellbeing. Fall short on quality sleep, and you'll begin to experience an imbalance in your productivity and energy. Meanwhile, many people are still doomed to a frequent toss and turn every night; struggling to have a good night rest. There are solutions, however, and they include adopting habits that’ll have a profound impact on how well you sleep. Some of these tips for having a good night's sleep include: Have a strict sleep schedule and stick to it Although doctors recommend that every adult should have at least seven hours of sleep daily, you may not need more than eight hours in bed to feel fine. Thus, it’s important that you set aside eight...


Natural Treatments for Common Leg Problems to Give You a Restful Night’s Sleep

In this article, you'll learn and discover different natural treatments for common leg problems to give you a restful night's sleep. Aches and pains, restlessness, tingling feelings, being too hot or too cold, and debilitating cramps are just some of the issues affecting our legs that might keep us up at night. When something gets in the way of our sleep it can be very tempting to reaching for the sleeping pills. The little white helpers can be very effective at knocking us out cold. Unfortunately, medical sedation is a very different thing from natural sleep. Plus, they can be a little bit moreish can’t they? And developing any medical dependency is bad news. Fortunately, just as there are many natural remedies to help you get a better night’s...


Effective Ways to Stop Snoring

A good number of healthy adults snore in their sleep with the majority of snorers feeling embarrassed about the issue and seek ways of stopping it. It is important to find ways to stop your snoring since long-term snoring can lead to serious health complications. Sometimes snoring is an indication of an underlying health problem. If you want to stop snoring, you must first check if there is no underlying health issue. There are hints to stop snoring that you can try at home and if all fails, seek professional medical treatment. Use nasal sprays Nasal sprays will help decongest your nose if your snoring is as a result of a stuffy nose. Saline nasal sprays are the best since they dilate the nasal vessels to accommodate more...

cant sleep

The Real Reason You Can’t Sleep – Anxiety

Falling asleep is hard for many people, in fact, as many as 40 million Americans report that they have problems with sleeping. You lay down to sleep and your mind won’t stop. Thoughts are racing through your brain and you can’t seem to stop worrying. You replay each conversation you’ve had and the things you have to do tomorrow. You’re exhausted but you can’t seem to stop thinking. You desperately want to sleep but that seems impossible. Do you start to think about what’s going on? Why can’t I sleep?  The answer is anxiety. Anxiety can cause us to feel anywhere from worried to out of control depending on the severity of our emotions. You’re struggling with what you can control and what you can’t. When...


5 Simple Tips That Can Help Improve Your Sleep

It is estimated that over a third of the population suffer from insomnia and other sleep-related health issues. Sleep deprivation can lead to devastating mental and physical health consequences and can be increasingly frustrating to deal with. In this article, we’ll go over 5 simple tips that can help to improve your sleep. Get a Decent Mattress It is estimated that the average person spends over a third of their life sleeping, but most people don’t have the right mattress for their needs. You may not realize it, but your mattress can drastically affect the quality of your sleep. The wrong mattress can disrupt your natural sleeping patterns, lead to pain, fatigue, stress and poor posture. Buying a quality mattress from a specialist such as Threel, can...


4 Easy Natural Remedies To Stop Snoring

Around 45 percent of adults will snore occasionally, and although it doesn’t often disturb the person snoring, it can greatly affect other people. Occasional snoring is normal, you might be sleeping in an awkward position, or you may snore when you have had a lot of alcohol to drink. However, there are those people who snore regularly, and it is those people that can suffer serious problems. There are ways that you can help to stop someone from snoring without the use of any medications. Change Your Sleeping Position Most people who snore, do so because they are lying on their backs. When you sleep on your back, the tongue and soft palate collapse and cause the airway to become partially obstructed. By trying to change your...


Natural Sleeping Aids: 10 Surprising Natural Remedies For Insomnia {Including Infographic}

Sleep is the condition in which our consciousness is temporarily suspended. During this time, our body and mind are charged with energy that we need to perform our day-to-day tasks. Research shows that in order for us to function optimally, we need to get seven or eight hours of sleep. The right amount of sleep is extremely important in keeping ourselves healthy, rejuvenates our body and keep our minds sharp. You would think that sleeping is as natural as breathing. It may be for some but for others, it is the opposite. At some point in our lives, it is more likely that we experience difficulty in sleeping. It can be that we have difficulty staying asleep or we tend to wake up too soon. But...

Health and Natural Healing Tips