
Treatment of Low Back Pain Neck Pain Fibromyalgia

Helpful Tips for Managing and Even Eliminating Pain

Cindy Perlin, LCSW One of the worst emotions pain patients can feel is helplessness. In the face of severe pain, whether from low back pain, neck pain, fibromyalgia, migraine and tension headaches, or other chronic pain conditions, when the medications don’t work, don’t do enough or cause intolerable side effects, patients can feel helpless to ease their suffering. And helplessness leads to hopelessness and fear, which creates more pain. I know this because I have been there. After I was disabled by chronic back pain many years ago, I spent three years feeling helpless, hopeless and frightened about what was going on in my body. Then I began to discover self-care strategies and my life changed dramatically for the better. I’ve spent decades learning about simple home...

What Is Cupping Therapy, and Why Does Michael Phelps Swear By It?

What Is Cupping Therapy, and Why Does Michael Phelps Swear By It?

BY PAIGE CARLOTTI Competing in the Olympics is definitely grueling, but it’s not the sports that are responsible for some of the bruises on several of the top athletes. For instance, swimmer Michael Phelps and gymnast Alex Naddour—among other competitors—have been seen with round, purple marks across their bodies. It’s called cupping therapy, and it’s a form of ancient Chinese medicine purported to treat athletic aches and other pains. But can a couple of cups on your skin really make a difference in what’s going on in your body? We take a look at what’s really behind this health trend. How Does Cupping Therapy Work? In cupping therapy, an acupuncturist soaks a cotton ball in alcohol and lights it on fire inside a glass cup. He or she removes the flame, and...

Health and Natural Healing Tips