Author: Stacey Chillemi

Health and Natural Healing Tips / Articles posted by Stacey Chillemi (Page 50)

5 Ways to Cope With Depression

Depression is a severe mental health illness in which a person continuously feels a sense of helplessness, emptiness, and loneliness. It negatively affects your actions, your way of thinking and leads to inefficient day to day chores. The best five ways to cope with depression are: Exercise It has been scientifically proven that practices play a significant role in reducing depression symptoms and stress level. The release of endorphin during exercise or any other activity like sports, small walks etc. triggers a sense of happiness which relaxes the brain and helps the brain to generate new neurons and develop better neural infrastructure. The last thing one could do to tackle depression is not getting out. The change of environment could elevate your mood and promise good...

Know the Significant Uses of Birthing Ball

Ways A Birthing Ball Helps With Pregnancy

The exercises women do during pregnancy are helpful to avoid complications in this period. It has a broad range of benefits for pregnant women keeping them fit and fine during this time. The exercise given at this time is to keep the weight under control and avoid complications like preeclampsia and diabetes. The most important part here is that it helps the women to remain active and also reduce the labor pain. The exercises are recommended to help a woman produce effective contractions by increasing pelvic diameter.  As a result, there are fewer interventions such as forceps or vacuum births. In order to maintain a fit body during pregnancy, the women use birthing ball inflated with air. It is referred to as physiotherapy ball and it...


How to Prevent Injury When Exercising

Whether you have been a regular at the gym for many years, or you have recently started working out, it is important that you take care of your body to prevent injury or overuse of the muscles. It can be especially important if you are starting out on your exercise regime as this is the time when an injury can occur. You are eager to get fit so push yourself a little too hard. However, there are ways that you can prevent yourself from getting injured and still get the workout you want. Learn When to Stop When you're motivated to stay fit and healthy it's easy to push to hard and find you simply train without sufficient rest. This happened to a blogger who recently wrote...


Does Marijuana Really Help People with Epilepsy and Other Conditions?

Published in the Huffington Post November is National Epilepsy Awareness Month.  There are many actions you create take to spread the important and accurate information about epilepsy throughout the world.  Share this article with friends and family and together let's make a difference. Epilepsy can happen at any time.  One percent of Americans will develop epilepsy in their lifespan.  In the United States, it is estimated that 2.5 to 3 million people have epilepsy. More than 467,000 children have been diagnosed with the central nervous system disorder.   Almost 150,000 people in the U.S. develop epilepsy every year. Additionally, about one in 26 people will experience recurring seizures. What is medical marijuana or cannabis? Marijuana is known by many names; the most common is cannabis. The word marijuana usually refers...


Cross Training: Why It’s A Good Idea to Change Things Up

Muscle confusion, or the practice of regularly changing up a training program, is a topic of heated debate in the fitness world. Some people swear by its ability to challenge the body and keep it guessing, while others believe switching gears too much makes it difficult to make progress with a certain lift, sport, or activity. Cross training—which means mixing different forms of conditioning, strength training, and flexibility—is all about balance. By practicing yoga one day and running the next, for example, it’s easier to stay motivated. Incorporating different equipment and levels of intensity can reduce injury risk, improve overall fitness, and even increase weight loss. Check out the infographic below to learn more about cross training and how you can get started.        ...


5 Healthy Natural Remedies for Injuries

Nowadays there are a lot of different kinds of remedies and supplements almost for almost every kind of injury. And whenever we feel sick or have some kind of a muscle injury, our first reaction is usually to grab for the nearest pain-reducing drug. While there are some good pain relievers out there, most offer short-term relief. A lot depends on the injury as well. For example, supplements for brain injuries are essential and irreplaceable. But for the most part, there are a lot of underlooked healthy natural remedies that can help you get better in no time after an injury. Healing vitamins and minerals Several nutrients are essential for healing and are perfectly natural and healthy too. Vitamin C is an important player in preventing and...


5 Simple Tips On How To Look Beautiful Naturally Without Makeup

We try to express and enhance our beauty through makeup. It's fun doing all the stuff from setting the base with primer or foundation to coloring up your face. You achieve something to express yourself. Brands like Skinfood can cover the imperfections you may have and helps your face look naturally beautiful. This could also help us boost our confidence to meet and talk with the people around us. But getting used to having makeup all the time could make you feel strange if you don’t put them on. It's not really necessary to put on some makeup just to be able to interact with people outside the home. A bare or natural look allows us to shine through and carry it around. You can still look...

Health and Natural Healing Tips