Face Care

cucumber mask

Top Tips for Smooth and Silky Skin

Everybody wants smooth and silky skin, but this is difficult to achieve and particularly when there are so many damaging factors in day to day life. In addition to being healthier, a better complexion can also do wonders for self-esteem and confidence, so it is no surprise that it is such a point of focus for so many people when it comes to health and beauty. This also means that there is a lot of information out there, but not all of it is helpful and many skincare products can actually do more damage than good with harsh ingredients. With this in mind, here are a few healthy tips to get smooth and silky skin which will reel back the years. Water It is the easiest (and...


Top 7 Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Freckles Fast

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]If you can recall, when you were a young teenager, having freckles on your face was somewhat a common thing, because of all the raging hormones of teenagehood. However, if these freckles did not reduce as you got older, then there’s no doubt they are a nuisance to your overall appearance. But do not worry if these irritating freckles have been lowering your self-esteem. I have a number of ways to help you get rid of them for good. Read on and discover 7 natural remedies to get rid of freckles fast. 1. Protection from the sun As our very first remedy, this has to be the easiest way to get rid of freckles ever. Protecting your skin from the sun can be an effective way of getting...

The Working Moms Guide For Looking Younger Than Your Age

The ageless actress, Julianne Moore, once said about being a mother: “It’s not difficult to take care of a child; it’s difficult to do anything else while taking care of a child. Trying to clean up the kitchen after you’ve had a baby is a nightmare.” And, we bet you can’t even find the time to look into the mirror and examine yourself. We guarantee signs of skin aging may have been creeping up on you and you barely noticed. Beauty 911 For The Hardworking Mom  As high-performing as you are at work while simultaneously managing your household effectively, you may have entrusted the fate of your aging skin to a single beauty bottle to do all the skin-pampering for you. It’s no surprise therefore that you...

Can Food Slow Down The Aging Process?

Can Food Slow Down The Aging Process?

Aging is inevitable, although how well you age can be affected by your lifestyle. Certain choices, including your diet, can influence how aging takes its toll on your mind and body. In this article, learn how food-sourced essential oils can help aging skin and discover some other tips for healthy aging that relate to the foods you eat every day. Can eating less slow down the aging process? While what you eat is important, how much you consume can also influence the rate at which you age. Aging occurs at the cellular level, and new research published in Molecular & Cellular Proteomics has found that reduced calorie consumption slows down the ribosomes within your cells, which slows the aging process. The study compared two groups of mice, with the...

bad food for your skin

The Worst Foods For Your Face and Skin

by JESSICA MIGALA The old saying "you are what you eat" holds true for your health. And, it turns out, your skin. Fill up on junk like refined carbs, sugar, and trans fats, and well, your skin is going to look like it. "We’re actually learning that poor nutrition is just as bad for your skin as cigarette smoking," says Patricia Farris, MD, dermatologist and author of The Sugar Detox. A poor diet can cause inflammation, which triggers oxidative stress and in turn damages collagen and DNA, making you look older. Here are the top 10 food offenders to keep off your plate. Rice Cakes Once hailed by supermodels—and the women who wanted to be them—as the quintessential fat eraser, we now know that rice cakes cause your blood...

Layering Skin Care Products – 8 Steps To Follow

Layering Skin Care Products – 8 Steps To Follow

Let’s face it; you probably spent a large sum of money on the best skincare products for your skin. So the last thing you want to do is use them incorrectly. If you don’t know how to apply them in the proper order, you won’t be able to get the most out of each product. Often people keep changing products because they don't work for them. But, this can also be because of the product not being applied correctly. This is where the art of layering skin care products is needed. So take a look at these 8 steps to get your money’s worth and to layer products like a pro. Step 1: Cleanse (Cleansing the face) Before applying anything, your face must be clean and fresh. The primary...

Health and Natural Healing Tips