Everyday Solutions

Health and Natural Healing Tips / Everyday Solutions (Page 24)

Herbal Teas and Pregnancy: Which Ones Are The Safe Ones To Drink?

In this article, you'll learn and discover which herbal teas are safe to drink during pregnancy. Nothing is more calming and consoling than taking a seat in the wake of a long day with a cup of tea or a cup of tea on a chilly winter's day. That is, unless your pregnant. With all the information out there, you can't differentiate those safe teas for drinking, and all you're longing for is a cup of tea! The good news is that there are safe teas to drink while you're pregnant, and we have five herbal teas that are certified safe for pregnancy. Experts even prescribe some to help in pregnancy and birth. Drinking herbal teas is a better choice than caffeinated drinks, including some types of tea...

Health and Natural Healing Tips