Ayurvedic Medicine

Health and Natural Healing Tips / Ayurvedic Medicine

How To Grow Hair On Your Forehead Naturally

Thick, lustrous hair is something that everyone desires, but it can be challenging to achieve, especially if you're suffering from hair loss on your forehead. Losing hair on your forehead is a common hair issue faced by both men and women. However, you can regrow your hair on your forehead naturally using simple home remedies. In this article, we will explore 11 natural home remedies for regrowing hair on your forehead, such as onion juice, olive oil, black pepper, beetroot leaves, coriander, camphor, spinach juice, snake gourd, curry leaves, cumin seeds and herbal rinses. These remedies are safe, easy-to-find, and incredibly effective for promoting hair growth and regaining your confidence. Try them out, and let your hair do the magic!...


The Easiest Ayurveda Spring Cleanse Ever

Finally, spring is here, and we may find ourselves in the midst of spring fever, clearing out our winter clothes, dressing a little lighter, revisiting our exercise programs, and lightening up our diets. This time of year it’s natural to want to lighten up both physically and emotionally and cleanse to shake off those extra winter pounds and brighten up for the rest of the year. There is a reason we want to clean everything out including ourselves - it's natural! Did you know that even though spring cleanses seem new - they are well known in our grandmothers time. Spring bitters and tonics were all the rage to “get the blood moving.” Even in traditional eastern medicine like Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine, spring is the...

Health and Natural Healing Tips