Natural Remedies

Health and Natural Healing Tips / Natural Remedies

15 Natural Remedies to Alleviate Stress During the Holidays

The holidays can be a fun time seeing friends and family. However, holiday stressors create a lot of stress, such as the preparation of buying gifts, wrapping, setting up the decorations, and cooking for your family.  This can turn a fun holiday into a very draining and stressful event.  Here are some ways to reduce holiday stress so you can feel relaxed and get through the holidays with a smile....


Natural Remedies for Joint Pain

In this article, you'll learn and discover natural remedies for joint pain. Dab some birch, ginger, chamomile or nutmeg essential oil along with a carrier oil onto your sore joints. Try herbal remedies like willow bark extract, seed oils of evening primrose, borage, black currant seed, devil's claw, cat's claw, nettles, to counter joint inflammation. Apply a cold-warm compress and massage the affected part with medicated oils to relieve the achy joints. Even if you’re the kind of person who really takes care of their health (and god knows, many of us don’t!), you probably don’t pay much attention to your joints. But the complex machinery of our body depends on these tiny cogs to move, bend, and turn. We wouldn’t be able to do a million...

Health and Natural Healing Tips