Herbal Medicine

Health and Natural Healing Tips / Herbal Medicine (Page 10)

Ways HAWTHORN Can Help Improve Your Health

Like many members of the rose family, the hawthorn bears lovely, fragrant flowers; brightly pigmented fall berries, high in vitamin C; and a few thorns. The hawthorn has been a cherished plant for centuries and is mentioned in many of the old European herbals. A popular ornamental and landscaping plant, this beautiful tree flowers in May; thus, it is sometimes called the mayflower. The pilgrims who traversed the Atlantic centuries ago may have named their ship the Mayflower after the prosperous hawthorn tree....


Top 7 Amazing Health Benefits of Ginger you Need to Know

Superfoods are nutrient filled foods and ingredients with a wealth of health benefits. The multiple numbers of Health Benefits of Ginger make it be considered as one of the top super foods benefits from the reduction of inflammation to the treatment of Nausea. Ginger is a flowering plant, whose root, also known as the Rhizome is used as Spice. Originating from the tropical regions of Southeast Asia, dating back over 5000 years ago, Ginger has been referred to as a healing herb with various medicinal properties. While it was discovered growing wild within the Asian rainforests, it was soon exported to India and Europe. Today, ginger should be a staple in every kitchen for both culinary uses and its generous health benefits. It can be prepared...

Health and Natural Healing Tips