Health & Well-Being

Health and Natural Healing Tips / Health & Well-Being (Page 10)
Top 5 Morning Habits To Implant For A Better Life

Top 5 Morning Habits To Implant For A Better Life

Rushing through your morning and running late for work or school is not going to make for a good day. Or for a good life for that matter if you keep repeating this habit. But let’s face it, most of us are guilty of pressing that snooze button far too often and skipping breakfast. Because who has time for breakfast. Stopping this vicious cycle and taking charge of your mornings is key if you want to lead the life you want and deserve. To get the most out of your mornings for a better and happier life. We’ve gathered the 5 top morning habits you need to start practicing as of today. 1. Wake up earlier morning If your mornings feel hectic, chances are you’re not rising when...


5 Leading Causes of Death in the US

In today’s modern world, everyday life is becoming faster and faster. Life as we know it is passing by without us even noticing. Though these changes might be quick and at times, subtle, the toll that most of us take for these changes are significant. Unhealthy lifestyles tend to birth unwanted diseases and conditions. Morbid as it may sound, these diseases if left untreated, are fatal in most adults. A terrifying statistic, however, shows that these illnesses aren’t solely targeting middle to older aged adults. Individuals as young as 20 years old are now stricken with a disease that would otherwise be present in older people. Here’s a list of the 5 leading causes of death in the US. These are the most prevalent diseases rising among...

5 Tips to Boost Your Mental Health Naturally

5 Tips to Boost Your Mental Health Naturally

One of the most important things you can do in your lifetime is taking care of your mental health. Some people need the help of professionals to deal with certain disorders such as depression or anxiety. For the rest of us, simple tricks can make a world of difference in how you perceive events and experience life. In the following article, we will present five tips that can boost your mental health naturally. You can try following all of them at the same time, or you can try them separately. The important thing is to give them a chance and see how they work for you. 1)    Set Achievable Goals When you were young, and people asked what you wanted to be when you grew up, you...

Reiki Touch

Complementary and Alternative Medicine: What’s the Difference?

Acupuncture works nicely as an adjunct to your traditional treatment plan. For example, many patients undergoing chemotherapy also use acupuncture as a way to lessen the side effects associated with chemotherapy. Acupuncture has also been used as a complementary therapy in the treatment of allergies, asthma, sinusitis and infertility, and is used in conjunction with physical therapy for rehabilitation from serious injury....

Can Essential Oils Help Treat Depression?

Throughout our lifetime, many or almost all of us will suffer some form of depression at one time or another. Symptoms of depression can range from mild, moderate or severe, and are said to affect at least 300 million people worldwide. Depression can be caused by loss, stress, fear, or anxiety and affects how we think, feel and respond to our daily activities such as work, sleep, and also relationships. Common symptoms are feelings of low self-esteem, loneliness, sadness, loss of appetite, low libido, fatigue, and moodiness. Studies show that the signs and symptoms of depression can be treated holistically through medical, therapeutic and alternative interventions. It also suggests that the use of essential oils has a direct and therapeutic effect on the parts of the brain...

Celiac Disease: Symptoms and How to Get Diagnosed

Celiac Disease: Symptoms and How to Get Diagnosed

Consuming gluten and wheat has become a controversial hot topic. In a recent article, we discussed the reasons for you to be mindful of your wheat consumption and discussed non-celiac wheat sensitivity. Wheat has become integral in the American diet, but many people have started questioning its impact on their health. We all love bread, bagels, pasta, cereal, pizza, baked goods, and many things that often contain wheat. For some of us, however, wheat can cause serious health reactions. Celiac disease is an inflammatory condition of the digestive tract where the immune system believes gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye, is the enemy. The intense inflammatory reaction caused by ingesting gluten harms the gut lining leading to poor absorption of essential nutrients....

Healing from the Inside Out - Writing Therapy for Childhood Traumas

Healing from the Inside Out – Writing Therapy for Childhood Trauma

I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in my late thirties and lost not only my mobility but also the normal energy levels I needed to maintain a successful career. I had to close down my business and stay at home until I finally found an effective therapy which turned my life around. This “treatment” involved writing about the trauma of my childhood and off-loading the accumulated stresses of life onto a blank page every morning. It was simple and yet deceptively powerful; I started to feel the benefit almost immediately as symptoms reduced and energy levels soared. Since then I’ve discovered that writing therapy (also known as expressive writing or journaling) has the backing of many doctors and psychologists. Its healing effects have been measured scientifically,...

Health and Natural Healing Tips