

Natural Treatments and Remedies for Cancer

Have you ever wondered how effective natural cancer treatments can be? Here are some effective home remedies to help treat and prevent cancer. Home Remedies For Cancer Garlic This superfood has certain antibiotic properties that can be used to get rid of various infectious agents like bacteria, yeast, and fungi. According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), the presence of alkyl sulfur compounds makes it a very good anti-cancer agent. This superfood causes malignant cells to undergo natural cell death (apoptosis). Garlic also activates the immune cells against cancerous cells. It should be eaten in raw form as an oil, clove or powdered substance, rather than consuming it in a cooked form. Broccoli This vegetable contains the linamarase gene that when present inside cancer cells can...

13 Cancer Causing Foods You're Probably Eating Every Day!

13 Cancer Causing Foods You’re Probably Eating Every Day!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] [embed][/embed] It’s probably not something you think about every day, but the foods you are eating might cause cancer! Yes, you read that right! Cancer is one of those diseases that loom over a good majority of the population. Avoiding these 13 foods altogether, or even limiting your intake of them, can help reduce your chances of contracting cancer. 1. Foods That Are Highly Salted, Pickled, Or Smoked Meats such as bacon, sausage, bologna, and salami are high in fat and salt. Pickled foods are very high in salts. Eating these types of foods greatly increases the risk of colorectal cancer and higher rates of stomach cancer. 2. Diet Anything Diet foods, including frozen foods, or prepackaged foods labeled as “diet” or “low-fat”, including diet sodas, generally contain aspartame, which is a chemical,...


10 Proven Health Benefits of Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha has been used for strengthening the body and for helping to prevent disease. Ashwagandha has shown benefits in treating both anxiety and depression, enhancing the antitumor effects of chemotherapy, stimulation of thyroid function, and improvement in memory and mental function....

cancer prevention

What Is the Best Food for Cancer Prevention?

Poor nutrition offers a favorable environment for cancer to grow and develop. Consume whole foods - fruits, vegetables, soy, beans, etc. Ensure organic produce to avoid the intake of pesticides and dangerous food additives. Cut back on refined and processed foods. Hydrate adequately and indulge in regular physical activity. Nutrition plays a very important role not only in the prevention of cancer but also in its treatment. Scientific evidence shows that nutrition and physical activity are the two most important aspects that can be modified to alter the course of cancer, prevent its occurrence, and stop its progression. Remember, you are what you eat. Poor nutrition provides a favorable environment for cancer to grow and develop. By changing the environment—changing the diet-cancer can and will weaken and shrivel....

How To Eat Well When You Have Cancer

If you’ve been diagnosed with cancer, your life will, of course, change in massive ways. The way you live will alter as you go through treatment and as you battle this illness. However, thanks to medical advances, new technology, and lifestyle choices, you can still live a wonderful life filled with hope, love, and potential. Like any illness and disease, you must eat well to remain healthy as your body battles cancer, so if you’ve recently been diagnosed or you know someone who has, here’s a guide on how to eat well. Oily Fish Although the very best treatment for cancer should always come from professionals such as those at Augusta Oncology, using the latest medical innovations and eating the right foods can make you feel better...


Top 5 Cancer Beating Herbs

Using herbs as part of cancer treatment is becoming more common. Alternative medical treatments are generally safer and can still deliver results. It’s currently estimated that 54% of patients will have used some form of herb when going through chemotherapy. This is important for doctors and the medical profession is starting to take notice of that. In time there’s a chance the mainstream medical profession will go as far as to recommend certain natural cancer treatments. So what are the 5 main cancer-beating herbs you should take into account? Garlic Garlic is one of the most popular herbs for cancer sufferers to take. And many studies have shown a link between a lower risk of cancer development and the consumption of raw garlic. One study investigated whether the population of...

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Top 10 Chemicals That May Cause Breast Cancer & Chemicals To Avoid

You may be surprised to know that the food you eat and the garden you love to walk in could lead to Breast Cancer. Modern scientific evidence has linked some toxic chemicals to Breast Cancer. Some of these toxic chemicals are commonly used in Food Packaging, Food Containers, and Water supplies, whereas others are well-known pesticides. To avoid Breast cancer risk and have a healthy life ahead we should avoid these toxic chemicals. Some of them are mentioned below. CHEMICALS TO BE AVOIDED Bisphenol A (BPA) It is present in reusable plastic containers and the linings of food and beverage cans. Evidence shows that BPA is associated with breast and other cancers and many other diseases including obesity, heart disease, and reproductive problems, etc. The percentage of BPA in the...

Health and Natural Healing Tips