How Often Should You Have Sex with Your Partner?
How much is "normal"? Five times a week? Twice? A? Many people ask these questions about the number of times they should have sex during the week....
How much is "normal"? Five times a week? Twice? A? Many people ask these questions about the number of times they should have sex during the week....
Here are Aphrodisiacs Foods That Boost Libido. These foods can cause physiological effects that lead to more active sex life. Find out which ones...
Here are several things you can do to improve your skills in bed and make sex better. ...
Time passed, the relationship is great, but sex life is no longer satisfying? Don't give up, because it's possible to reverse the situation. If both are willing, some tips can deepen intimacy. We have listed some suggestions....
How To Fix Bad Sex With Your Partner. Here we will review the most common sexual problems and help you solve them, from the hand of experts....
Surely you have already heard thousands of sex tips, from sexual health topics to the best, kept secrets to be better in bed. However, you should know that not all of them work. Sometimes the simplest is what produces the best results (orgasms, experiences, etc) They say that perfection is impossible to achieve. They say this because we are human and not machines. So there is always room to grow and continue to improve, especially when it comes to sex. The cinema has made us believe that, since sex is something natural and instinctive, you don't need to try very hard to do things right. However, that is the worst lie they have told us in life. Clearly, you do not need a mathematical formula to have...
How To Fix A Sexless Marriage. The good news is that there are ways to fix the bleak outlook of a sexless marriage if both parties are willing to dedicate themselves to it....
See some tips to improve the day-to-day so that both partners can relax more and be more willing for sex. Learn how to increase you and your partner's sexual desire for sex....
This article will show you how to tell your partner that you are not satisfied with sex....
The Consequences of Couples who live together but have no sex life and how to fix the problem....