Jennifer Mercier takes on IVF, exposing Low Success Rates, Lies and Dangers
Mercier Therapy offers a traditional alternative to predatory doctors and the overall fertility crisis
The Fertility Crisis
Couples are waiting longer and longer to start families for many reasons. Too often, when the time is right financially, socially, or professionally, it may not be right physically. Problems and delays in conceiving lead to pressures and stress between couples who fall prey to false hope and promises from an overly publicized IVF community.
IVF is a propitiously suggestive and expensive protocol that safeguards revenue by not disclosing accurate failure rates or injured organ data. IVF professionals feed into the panic, capitalizing on it through its money-making fear-mongering protocol. They routinely formulate life in LABS rather than investigate and solve what impairs a woman’s fertility. Couples end up cashing in their savings in hopes of having a child, and many end up never conceiving.
Jennifer Mercier’s own struggles with conceiving led her to years of drugs and disappointment. She questioned the IVF community and its practices and began dedicating her life to researching alternative practices that were less damaging to the body and the purse.
The result: Jennifer found that focusing on the cause of infertility is a better approach. Through research and her practice, Jennifer created an approach to conceiving that boasts a 5X more success rate than IVF for a fraction of the cost and a fraction of the stress to the couple and the body’s reproductive organs.
Her whole-body approach maintains the woman’s integrity physically, and her reproductive organs remain unscathed, intact, and free of drugs.
Jennifer Mercier would like to stop IVF doctors’ manipulative and predatory practices and provide women with knowledge and hope for a better way.
Jennifer found that organ malposition, the presence of scar tissue, anxiety, and overall health are significant factors that play into a couple not conceiving. She developed an integrative pro-active approach with proven, evidence-based case study results that involves a multi-pronged, multi-faceted approach to achieving pregnancy.
The physical focus is reproductive organ mobilization, alignment, balance, and excellent blood flow to accomplish optimal and functional pelvic health. Mercier Therapy maximizes the body’s ability to operate and perform as designed.
Through thorough and extensive investigation of all possible physical, mental, emotional, and psychological factors that may contribute to a lack of conception, Jennifer takes on a total body approach.
The Mercier Therapy has resulted in pregnancies for couples who have given up all hope and spent their life savings on IVF while ending up childless. In one case, Jennifer discovered one woman’s uterus to be off track just enough to hinder blood flow, thereby preventing conception. Through manipulation, massage, and total body preparation, she readied the uterus for conception, and the couple conceived after 14 years of trying with IVF!
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