Are You More Prone to Injury When You’re Tired?

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Are You More Prone to Injury When You’re Tired?

Injuries aren’t always just random. Beware of these scenarios that could throw off your fitness—and your safety

Engaging in exercise or strenuous activity while tired and fatigued can leave you prone to injuries that would otherwise be avoidable. Many don’t take fatigue seriously and underestimate the dangers associated with it, such as an increased risk of injury for athletes. There is a direct correlation between fatigue, decreased performance and a higher risk of injury.

What can you do reduce the risks of injury?

Certain herbal remedies can help you ameliorate the effects of fatigue.  These herbals include licorice root, Panax ginseng, and maca.  However, there is no substitute for good rest and sleep.

Licorice Root

Licorice root

Licorice root is identified with regulating normal system function and helps your body deal with stress.

Panax ginseng

Panax ginseng has been used for over 5,000 years as a natural remedy for fatigue.  It can help people with severe exhaustion.



Part of the cruciferous family of plants, maca is known for its caffeine-like energy boost minus the jitters and sudden crash, leaving you feeling more alert and energetic.

insomnia sleep


Yet, sleep is still the best medicine. Sleep is as vital to your well-being as the air you breathe.  A lack of rest makes you more likely to have an accident or injury.

Sleep and Injury: The Correlation Between the two

Sleeping less than 8 hours per night, whether you’re an adolescent or an adult, can be detrimental. Research conducted by the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) found that students who reported sleeping less than 7 hours per night were more likely to report injury-related risk behaviors, compared to those who slept 9 hours or more. The connection between insufficient sleep and injury is more alarming as a high percentage of students reported sleeping less than 8 hours. Another CDC study of 112 students over a 21-month period also found that 57% suffered injuries recorded by their school and 38% of all athletes suffered multiple injuries. Of those, the highest percentage who suffered injuries were also the ones who did not get sufficient sleep.

Adults fare no better and as the age range increases, so does the risk of injury. Adults are more likely to tweak muscles or experience cramps when tired or fatigued. Adult athletes especially are prone to fatigue and overtraining as the demands of their sport put a heavy burden on their routines. Trainers and sports psychologists always try to find a fine line between the right amount of training, rest, and sleep in order to avoid injury.

Despite these efforts, however, many athletes still suffer preventable injuries due to lack of sleep and overtraining. The Telegraph reported that golfer Rory McIlroy suffered a stress fracture last year during his off-season while spending an inordinate number of hours on the range testing equipment. McIlroy is no stranger to freak injuries throughout his career; Ladbrokes noted that he was unable to defend his 2014 Open Championship title after he suffered an ankle injury while playing with friends. This was another injury he picked up during the off-season.  Ladbrokes joins many others who don’t get enough rest and sleep during their breaks to allow their bodies to recover.

Without the proper rest, the body is unable to effectively heal and regenerate, leaving you open to injury and accidents.

Arabella Farah

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