Top 15 Pumpkin Juice Benefits for Skin, Hair and Health (Including Recipes)
Pumpkin is one of the most widely grown vegetables and is incredibly rich in vital antioxidants and vitamins. This humble backyard, low-calorie vegetable contains abundant quantities of vitamin A and flavonoid poly-phenolic antioxidants such as lutein, xanthin, and carotenes. In this article, you learn the top 15 pumpkin juice benefits and some fabulous recipes.
Table of Contents
Pumpkin Juice Health Benefits
Just like the vegetable itself, pumpkin juice contains vital vitamins and minerals.
Vitamins it contains…
- vitamins B1
- B2
- B6
- Vitamin C
- D
- E
- Beta-carotene
Minerals pumpkin juice contains…
- Potassium
- Phosphorus
- Calcium
- Magnesium
- Iron
- Sucrose
- Organic matter
In addition, pumpkin juice contains carbohydrates and certain vital salts and proteins.
How to make Pumpkin Juice?
Pumpkin juice is an extremely versatile juice that is used in several recipes apart from being consumed in its raw form. For the best juice, select a pumpkin that is consistent in color and is sweet (suitable for eating or making pies).
If you want to enhance the flavor of the juice, sprinkle in some spices like ground nutmeg, ground cinnamon, ginger or apple juice, or even lemon juice. We suggest adding these in moderation to preserve the natural taste of this wonder juice. Serving over ice only enhances its cooling and refreshing effect.
Want to try it out but not sure where to start? Check this instructional video on how to make Pumpkin Juice quickly and easily.
Pumpkin Juice Benefits
Raw pumpkin juice.
Liver & Kidney Ally
People suffering from kidney stones and gallbladder problems can benefit by consuming ½ glass of pumpkin juice three times a day over a 10-day period.
Prevents Arteriosclerosis
Pumpkin juice exhibits great cleansing properties busting arterial deposits and greatly reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke—the high anti-oxidant content aids in preventing the stiffening or hardening of the arterial walls (arteriosclerosis).
Digestive & Bowel Curator
The laxative properties of Pumpkin juice are helpful in curing both constipation and loss of motion.
Smooth Functioning of the Urinary System
Pumpkin juice aids in toxic waste disposal through the kidney and urinary system. Its curative properties have proved highly effective in treating ulcers and acidity.
Potent Sedative
Studies have proved the effectiveness of Pumpkin juice in curing insomnia. Doctors advise a glass of pumpkin juice with honey to calm your nerves.
Blood Pressure & Cholesterol Regulator
Pectin and Phytosterols, present in Pumpkin juice, help to reduce the bad or LDL cholesterol and subdue heightened blood pressure levels.
Excellent Cooling Agent
A glass of pumpkin juice with honey is recommended as a coolant against external summer heat or excessive internal body heat.
Morning Sickness Goodbye
Pumpkin juice is effective in providing relief from morning sickness, especially in pregnant women.
Heals Viral Hepatitis A & Reactivates Liver Function
Doctors have long recommended Pumpkin juice as part of the regular diet for patients suffering from Viral Hepatitis A. The biologically active substances in the juice act as a natural liver cleanser!
Immunity Booster
Vitamin C and other minerals in the juice act as immunity boosters, thus shielding the body from viral attacks.
Skin Benefits – Radiant, Soft Skin
Abundant amounts of vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta-carotene in Pumpkin juice replenish the skin keeping it youthful, supple, and radiant.
Burns, Bites & Inflammation Curative
Its coolant properties come in handy in treating burns, abscesses, inflammation, and insect bites. The vital mix of anti-oxidants in the form of vitamins A, C, and E and zinc makes it an excellent healing agent.
Anti-Wrinkle & Hydrating
Combined with other ingredients like honey, yogurt, lemon juice, and vitamin E oil, this wonder juice, through its hydrating properties, provides nutrition for various skin types.
Hair Care – Promotes Hair re-growth
Vitamin A, aided by a high content of potassium, helps in promoting the re-growth of hair. Pumpkin juice is an active ingredient in hair loss treatments.
Pumpkin juice has excellent results in moisturizing dry and damaged hair.
Thanks to its various medicinal and therapeutic properties, half a cup of pumpkin juice is recommended daily. So where’s your glass of this marvel juice?
*Warning: Check for your allergic response to Pumpkin juice before trying any of the above tips.