The Keto Diet Grocery List That Will Make Your Life So Much Simpler
Are going shopping today? Wondering what to include in your shopping list? Look no further, you are in the right place. During the first weeks of switching to the ketogenic diet, you will have to learn which types of foods are keto friendly, which types of foods should you not buy and which ones to buy.
You will be looking at the ingredients section of every food, to determine the carbohydrate contents before you make the decision to buy it or not. Konscious Keto will help you create a keto diet grocery shopping list that will benefit you during your first weeks as a ketogenic dieter.
Let’s jump in.
Table of Contents
Meat Shopping List
Meat is a very important part of your ketogenic diet shopping list. You should choose the highest quality of meat that you can afford. You should prefer grass-fed meat; wild-caught seafood, chicken and eggs, and pasture raised-pork whenever possible.
For the red meat, you must choose grass-fed meat whenever you can, because they are the highest quality type of meat. You can converse with your local butcher about where he sources his flesh to be sure that the animals are grass-fed. You can choose beef and organ meats.
You should avoid highly processed meats, including hot dogs, sausages, bacon, and charcuterie. You should prevent deli meat that contains dangerous additives such as carrageenan, BHA, aspartame or natural flavors.
Seafood Shopping List
Most kinds of seafood are safe to use if you on a ketogenic diet. You can add tuna, salmon, catfish, trout, halibut, Mahi Mahi, cod, bass, haddock, shrimps, crabs, scallops, lobsters, clams and mussels to your seafood shopping list. Canned seafood is excellent, but you should ensure that they do not contain BPA. You should also prefer seafood in olive oil, rather than water for the addition of healthy fats.
Poultry Shopping List
Poultry is an example of white meat. This type of meat is less dangerous to the body as compared to red meat. It also has low-carbohydrate content making it a must-have in your shopping list. Here is the poultry you can include in your keto diet shopping list: duck, quail, wild game, Cornish hen, chicken broth, turkey bacon, turkey sausage, and eggs.
Dairy Shopping List
Just like seafood and red meat, you must always choose the best quality of meat that you can afford. Select organic, full-fat and grass-fed products whenever you can. Despite them having healthy fats, dairy products shouldn’t make the bulk of your calories.
The dairy products that should be part of your keto diet shopping list include full-fat Greek yogurt, mayonnaise, ghee, butter, kefir and heavy creams that are preferably raw. You can consume these types of cheese: cheddar, Swiss, Monterrey jack, mozzarella, cottage cheese, Ricotta cheese, Monterrey jack, and goat cheese.
You should avoid all low-fat or reduced fat products such as evaporated or condensed milk. These products contain high amounts of carbohydrates as well as added sugar. You should also avoid added fermented products such as yogurt that contains added fruit or sugar.
Oils and Fats Shopping List
By now you know that fats should make the bulk of the calories you consume if you are on a ketogenic diet. Saturated fats are the best for cooking. They include coconut oils and grass-fed butter. Oils such extra-virgin oils can be used for homemade salad dressings. Nut and seeds should only be used for snacks because they are they have high-carb content, which can interfere with weight loss.
The oils that should be on your shopping list include coconut oil, avocado oil, MCT oil, and olive oil. Mercola.com recommends these nuts and seeds if you want to have a great body: macadamias, walnuts, pistachios, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, chia seeds, peanut butter, and almond butter. Other fats that are safe for your consumption are cocoa butter, coconut butter, bacon fat, and duck fat.
Hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils found in fast foods and margarine should not be used. You should abstain from peanuts and nuts that have high carbs. You also avoid all types of seed oils, including corn oil, peanut oil, soybean oil, canola oil, and grape seed oil.
Vegetable Shopping List
Just like fats, vegetables should also form a significant portion of your shopping list. They play a vital role in weight loss when a person is on a ketogenic diet. Leafy vegetables contain small amounts of carbohydrates per serving and provide a high number of minerals and vitamins. Fermented vegetables should also be part of your shopping cart because they contain healthy probiotics.
Vegetables have short lifespan once they are collected from the garden. You should, therefore, buy vegetables enough to take you for a few days to avoid wasting both money and time on food that will soon go bad.
Here are the vegetables that are part of the ketogenic dieter shopping cart: kales, leafy greens, romaine lettuce, Bok choy, Iceberg lettuce, Radicchio, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, garlic, onions, bell peppers, asparagus, Kohlrabi, zucchini, green olives, spaghetti squash, snow peas, okra, cabbage and cauliflower. You can also buy fermented vegetables such as salsa, pickles, Natto, and kimchi.
Even though these vegetables contain lots of micronutrients, they contain lots of carbohydrates that deter them from being part of the keto diet. You should exclude these starchy vegetables from your keto diet grocery shopping list: white potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, corn, and parsnips. Squash may also fall in this category.
Fruit Shopping List
If you are on the keto diet, then you should consume fruits with moderation because they contain lots of sugar. You can enjoy organic berries because they meet the keto standards of low-carb content. Avocados are also an exception because they contain high fat and low carbohydrates; they should be consumed in great amounts.
Berries such as strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, cherries, cranberries, and mulberries can be part of your keto diet grocery shopping list. However, fruits with high carbohydrate content such as apples, pears, mangos, oranges, and watermelon should be avoided. Dried fruits and fruit juices should not be consumed at all cost.
In Conclusion
Preparing a shopping list can be so difficult, especially if you beginning the ketogenic diet; however, as you get used to your new diet, you will find it easy to identify the foods that you need. The obvious foods to avoid are those foods with high-carbohydrate content.