Medical Marijuana

Health and Natural Healing Tips / Medical Marijuana (Page 4)

Curing Pain, Anxiety, and Mental Illness: What Cannabidiol Can and Can’t Do

It is not uncommon to experience anxiety at some stage in our lives. It’s a normal coping mechanism our body undergoes whenever we leave our comfort zones. However, intense anxiety may result in depression, which may lead to mental illness and long-lasting pain. This condition is difficult to treat once it becomes chronic. Effects associated with anxiety include low back pain, headache, irritable bowels and nerve pain. The need to find a cure for anxiety, pain and mental illness early is therefore crucial. Cannabidiol oil has been used to treat this disorders. It is important to know what the Cannabidiol can and cannot do to avoid settling for low as well as disappointments. Here is a list of what Cannabidiol can do. Relieves Pain The use of Marijuana...

Marijuana Terpenes

Health Benefits of Marijuana Terpenes

In this artice, you'll learn and discover the health benefits of marijuana terpenes. I want to believe you are comfortable if I assume that you have never heard the word “terpenes” before, but what am so sure of is that the reverse would be the case in the next couple of minutes after reading this post. Beyond every aorta of doubt, there is quite a lot more to marijuana if you think it’s all about cannabis and this is where the Terpenes magic comes in to live. Terpenes are fragrant oils that are known to give cannabis its aromatic diversity and they are secreted alongside CBD. Remember that distinctive piney smell? That’s exactly terpenes. What Do Terpenes Do? Terpenes are known to affect both the aroma of your...


5 Natural Herbs that Work with Marijuana

In a time and society where addiction from pharmaceutical pills is the norm, people are trying to find new and more natural ways to get medical care.  They are turning to natural and holistic herbs more and more, as it’s being found that pharmaceutical drugs are doing more harm than good.  People are also turning to marijuana for various ailments and are benefitting from this popular herb.  But, one thing you may not know is that natural herbs, like lavender and St. John’s Wort, can actually work with marijuana for more optimal benefits. There are a variety of ways to consume natural herbs, including cannabis.  You can cook them, rub the oils on your skin, vape them and drink them in the form of a tea. ...


Cannabinoids: The Natural Medicine Behind Medical Cannabis

A treasure trove of anecdotal evidence exists behind medical cannabis’ efficacy as a natural remedy. What inside cannabis causes these reported medical effects? Enter cannabinoids. Continue reading to learn how these chemical compounds work to provide cannabis effects. For those just beginning to look at medical cannabis, many know a few distinctions, like an Indica vs. Sativa plant, but even few cannabis experts know every compound that makes up the plant. There are 66 different known cannabinoids. These chemicals are found in the cannabis plant, and a great deal has medical properties. Learning the basics of cannabinoids can help you better understand cannabis’ extensive range of efficacy across treatment and remedy options for patients. Cannabis naturally acts upon something everyone has inside their body, the endocannabinoid...

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Epilepsy Awareness: Medical marijuana helps local boy’s seizures

Linda and Chris Lloyd were at their wits’ end. Their 7-year-old son, Henry, who’d been having seizures since he was 2, had been on 13 different pharmaceutical drugs and homeopathic medicines to alleviate the symptoms of his severe epilepsy. The Pawcatuck couple had done all sorts of research about medical marijuana and had even thought about moving to a state where it was already legal to administer it to a child. So when it became legal in Connecticut on Oct. 1, the two started the process of getting a physician’s approvals and finding a dispensary from which to obtain the product for Henry. Henry was the first child in Connecticut to be approved for medical marijuana. “Some people have had difficulties finding two physicians who sign off on...

Health and Natural Healing Tips