
yoga mat

3 Important Tips for Beginning Yoga

If you're looking for an exercise that not only works out your body but offers a sense of calm and peacefulness as well, yoga might be just what you need. But once you've bought your yoga attire and high-quality mat, you may not know exactly where to start. So if you're new to yoga, keep on reading for some tips and tricks to help release the inner yogi in you. First off You should start by creating a practice area in your home. While you don't have to have an entire room in your house dedicated to yoga, you should have an open, quiet place you can practice. Even if you plan to primarily attend yoga classes, you should still have a practice area at home so...


The Perfect Yoga Clothes for Women

So you've finally decided to sign up for that yoga class, and you've done your research on just about everything you think you would need to know about practicing yoga. But before you get ahead of yourself and head to your first yoga class, let us remind you of one of the very basic requirements for doing yoga.  You need the perfect workout clothes. If you're in doubt about what you should wear for your next class, or you're looking for more comfortable yoga clothes to were during practice, then we suggest you ditch what you're currently wearing and read on to find out what would be the perfect yoga clothes for women. Types of Yoga Clothes  Leggings, Capris, and Harlem Pants Some yoginis and more advanced yoga...


How to Find the Right Kind of Yoga for You

The days of yoga being only for spiritual pursuits and those interested in Eastern traditions are gone. Nowadays, yoga has grown to become a household fitness method. It's an excellent way to improve personal health, and it has numerous self-improvement and spirituality perks, too. Yoga can provide peace, clarity, calmness and a strong sense of connection to the whole. The word "yoga" translates in Sanskrit to "unite." There are many different types of yoga available, some of which designed to help you improve fitness, while others focus more on spirituality. In today's article, we hope to help you decide which style will suit your needs best, helping you get the best of starts with your yoga practice. What Do You Want From Yoga? Since all styles of yoga...

yoga for special needs

Can a Child with Special Needs Practice Yoga?

Growing up with special needs can be frustrating and very stressful. I know because I grew up with a special need. I developed epilepsy at the age of five years old and not only was it traumatic for me, but it was hard for my family to deal with as well....

Health and Natural Healing Tips