Lifestyle Wellness Tag

Health and Natural Healing Tips / Posts tagged "Lifestyle Wellness" (Page 5)

Five Tips to Naturally Stay Awake and Alert Throughout the Day

It happens to everyone. You're working right along, feeling productive and efficient and engaged, when you suddenly hit a wall. Maybe the wall comes at two in the afternoon, or maybe right after your morning meetings, or maybe an hour before quitting time. What was once alertness is now sleepiness, but you still have things to get done. Daytime sleepiness is a common frustration among workers. Luckily, you can take steps to combat drowsiness without resorting to unhealthy habits. Here are just a few ways you can stay awake at work, even through the dullest and most tedious tasks. Five Tips to Naturally Stay Awake and Alert Throughout the Day Get a Good Night's Sleep It may seem obvious, but staying awake during the day requires sleeping at night....

happy family

Easy Ways to Keep Your Memory Sharp Throughout Your Life

Every person's body betrays them at one point or another. Whether it's catching a cold, which can be recovered from within 10 days, having an allergic reaction, or having some other ailment, our bodies don't always act the way we want them to. But there are those certain things that we think we have no control over -- like memory loss as we age. However, there are several ways to keep your memory sharp, whether you're 25 or 65. Let's take a look at a few simple ways to keep your memory sharp so you avoid memory problems throughout your life. Keep Socializing Having an active social life isn't just for fun, it can actually be extremely beneficial to your health as well. Social interaction can help...

Health and Natural Healing Tips