Building The Perfect Upper and Lower Body At Home!

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Building The Perfect Upper and Lower Body At Home!

Every man wants to have a sculpted body, defined upper and lower body muscles, and look his best. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that; it’s perfectly natural to want to look a certain way, but most men think they can’t achieve it on their own. Sculpted body isn’t wishful thinking, it’s an achievable goal, and this article will show you how to do it at home. Yes, you can build your upper and lower body without spending a fortune on personal trainers and other stuff.

How can I build up the body at home?

Building up your body is not just about performing specific exercises. It would be best if you had a proper mindset. The main reason why many men give up their endeavors is that they are not fully prepared for the entire process, and your goal is to avoid that. Below, you can see important changes you can make to effectively build up the body at home.

Set goals

The first thing you need to do is set goals, but make sure they are achievable and realistic. A study from the University of Leicester found that men are more likely to achieve their targets if they set goals. They performed a simple task where a low goal led to a 20% higher score, while more challenging goals led to a 35% higher score. For instance, you can think of a big goal and divide it into smaller milestones. Achieving each milestone boosts your motivation to continue. These milestones can be about exercises, how many pounds you want to lose, or regarding muscle-building.

Do Kegels for men

A common misconception suggests that Kegels are only for women, but men can benefit from them too. Kegel exercises for men improve bladder control and sexual performance while strengthening pelvic muscles. That’s why they can allow you to perform other exercises more effectively.

Speaking of Kegels, it’s important to mention that they can help manage erectile dysfunction, one of the most common sexual problems in men. To perform Kegels, you need to identify pelvic muscles first, and the best way to do so is to stop urination in midstream. The muscles that you use to stop urination are your pelvic muscles. To do Kegels, you need to tighten these muscles, hold for a few seconds, release, and repeat. Start with five seconds and work your way up.

Keep food journal

Building up your muscles requires a proper diet, but a problem occurs when you eat more than you realize. Sometimes you also eat something unhealthy although you promised yourself it wouldn’t happen. A good way to keep food intake under control is to keep a journal. Write down everything you eat during the day, and it will be easier for you to track progress and identify weaknesses and strengths.

Other things to do

  • Focus on exercises that activate multiple muscle groups, not just one
  • Consider taking one of the best testosterone boosters to get more energy and increase muscle gain. Of course, natural products are the best
  • Get enough sleep
  • Work each muscle 2-3 times a week
  • Don’t neglect your legs
  • Weigh in weekly
  • Avoid foods with little to no nutritional value
  • Avoid alcohol and cigarettes

How do your muscles grow?

Everyone wants defined and bigger muscles, but how much do you know about their growth process? It’s important to learn to enhance the efficacy of the methods you use. The growth of a muscle occurs in three ways:

  1. An increase in the number of muscle cells,
  2. 2) By an increase in the diameter of muscle fiber
  3. 3) Increase in the length of muscle fiber. Successful muscle growth requires all three mechanisms.

That said, the increase in cell numbers is limited to a prenatal and immediately postnatal period, so building up muscles in adulthood has much to do with fibers. In other words, growth occurs by either hypertrophy of the existing muscle fibers by adding additional myofibrils to increase muscle mass or adding new sarcomeres to the ends of existing muscle fibers to increase their length.  For example, these pills improve strength and mass. Myofibrils are cylindrical structures extending along the complete length of each muscle cell while sarcomeres are a basic unit of muscle tissue.

After you exercise, the body repairs or replaces damaged muscle fibers through a cellular process where it fuses muscle fibers together to form myofibrils, repaired myofibrils become larger and thicker, thus leading to hypertrophy or the growth of a muscle. Basically, successful hypertrophy occurs whenever the rate of muscle protein synthesis is greater than the rate of protein breakdown. Bear in mind this process doesn’t happen while you exercise but when you rest. That’s why it’s important to exercise regularly and get enough rest so your muscles can repair and grow.

What helps gain muscle?

As seen above, muscle growth is a complex process, but many factors play a role. To help you sculpt upper and lower body muscles in the comfort of your home, there are factors that you need to consider.


sleep and muscle

Sleep deprivation reduces the activity of muscle protein synthesis pathways’ activity while enhancing degradation pathways’ activity. As a result, muscle mass gradually decreases. Not just that, muscle recovery after damage-induced exercise is impaired. Basically, lack of sleep can hinder muscle growth, so you need to get enough good night’s rest.


Your hormones play a significant role in everything you do. Testosterone significantly impacts your sexual health, muscle mass, and everything else. Low levels of this hormone increase fat mass while decreasing muscle. Supplements that balance the concentration of this hormone can help, but weight loss can do the same. You can consider fat burners if you’re looking for something to jump-start your weight loss. Always read customer reviews and see whether the product’s formula is scientifically proven. For instance, PhenQ reviews are positive, and the formula truly works, so you know it’s safe for you. Weight loss balances your hormones, making it easier to define muscles.


healthy food

Muscle growth requires a healthy lifestyle. One can’t spend an hour exercising and eat something unhealthy right after. To increase muscle growth rate, you need to adjust your diet (see below).


Your body adapts to movements and exercises easily. That explains why certain workouts don’t yield desired results after some time. A significant mistake is that people do the same exercises and perform the same number of reps every time. Add more variety to your routine to get the maximum results.


Sculpting your upper and lower body is all about consistency. This means you need to create a workout schedule and stick to it. That way, you’ll also have enough time to rest. It’s not practical to exercise today and have your next workout five days later.

How can we make our muscles strong at home?

If you don’t have enough time to go to the gym, you can build up your upper and lower body muscles in your home, garage, backyard, or wherever you can. All you need is a little creativity and space to exercise without knocking something down. You can also invest in some equipment that will make this process easier.

If you’re a beginner, you can start with the following full-body program:

  • Barbell squat (2 sets, 12 reps)
  • Dumbbell lunges (2 sets, 12 reps)
  • Barbell seated calf raise (2 sets, 15 reps)
  • One-arm dumbbell row (3 sets, 12 reps)
  • Pushups (3 sets, to failure)
  • Arnold dumbbell press (2 sets, 10 reps)
  • Side lateral raise (2 sets, 12 reps)
  • Lying triceps press (2 sets, 12 reps)
  • Barbell curl (2 sets, 12 reps)

If you want to build upper body muscles without equipment, you should do the following exercises in 4 sets of 15 reps with 45-60 seconds rest:

  • Pushup extensions
  • Typewriter pushups (side to side)
  • Inverted extensions (forearm)
  • Partner pushups
  • Regular, wide diamond pushups
  • Pike pushups
  • Clap pushups
  • Walking pushups

Other upper body exercises to do are:

  • Barbell bench press medium grip (4 sets, 8 reps)
  • Bent over barbell row (4 sets, 8 reps)
  • Standing military press (2 sets, 8 reps)
  • One-arm side laterals (2 sets, 12 reps)
  • Dumbbell bicep curl (3 sets, 10 reps)

For stronger lower body muscles, perform the following exercises in 3 or 4 circuits. Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, followed by 30 seconds of rest:

  • Squat jump
  • Walking side-leg straight-leg deadlift reach
  • Side Lunge
  • Scissor box jump
  • Single-leg hip raise
  • Alternating drop lunge

If you have equipment in your home, then you can also try the following:

  • Barbell deadlift (4 sets, 6 reps)
  • Front barbell squat (4 sets, 6 reps)
  • Dumbbell step-ups (3 sets, 12 reps)
  • Barbell lunge (3 sets, 25 reps)
  • Freehand jump squat (3 sets, 25 reps)
  • Standing barbell calf raise (3 sets, 15 reps)

What foods give you energy and strength?

healthy food

As seen throughout this post, food plays an important role in muscle growth. Your workouts should be accompanied by a well-balanced diet containing foods that provide energy, and strength and support the growth of your muscles. Top foods for bigger muscles include lean beef, skinless chicken, cottage cheese, eggs (with yolk), tuna and other fish, oatmeal, whole grains, and fruits and vegetables.

If you want more energy, enrich your diet with chia seeds, kale, sea vegetables, tempeh, quinoa, yogurt, oatmeal, spinach, almonds, bananas, lentils, green tea, oranges, pumpkin seeds, blueberries, and dark chocolate.


Building upper and lower body muscles require a healthy lifestyle. It’s not just about performing specific exercises but making sure you eat a proper diet, get enough sleep, and set your goals adequately, among other things. Fortunately, this is an entirely achievable goal, and you can accomplish it. Follow tips from this post for a sculpted upper body and sexy lower body muscles.

Ben Arnold

Ben Arnold is a freelance writer and health advisor. In his free time, he loves to read books and enjoy soft music. You can Follow him on Facebook and Linked-In.

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