7 Signs It’s Time to See a Sleep Study Doctor
Did you know that about 50 to 70 million Americans suffer from a sleep disorder? Most people tend to ignore the symptoms as they can be pretty mild. If you are experiencing discomfort in your sleep and are uncertain of whether to see a sleep study doctor or not, you are reading the right piece. If any of the following signs and symptoms are consistent, then it’s time to see a sleep study doctor.
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Trouble Falling Asleep
According to the U.S. Library of Medicine, taking about 30 minutes or longer to fall asleep could be a sign of insomnia. If this happens more than three times a week, you may need to take a sleep study for insomnia. What can a sleep study diagnose? Apparently, there is a lot that it can: sleep apnea, periodic limb movement disorder, and narcolepsy are some of the disorders that can be diagnosed through these tests.
Interrupted Sleep
Truth is, everybody experiences interrupted sleep often. The thing is that healthy sleepers have such short periods of awakenings that they don’t remember being awake at all. If you find yourself staying awake for more than twenty minutes at night or even have short but frequent periods, then its best to visit a sleep center.
Vivid Visions
According to the NHLBI, experiencing intense visions just when you are waking up or when falling asleep could be a symptom of narcolepsy.
Sleepy Head
Feeling sleepy during the day is a common symptom of sleep disorders. Naps taken during the day destabilizes the body’s resting pattern. This action leaves you feeling fatigued and unproductive in the daytime.
Tingly Legs
Having a “pins and needles” feeling in your legs may not sound like much, but can be a symptom of restless legs syndrome (RLS). Experiencing this feels like having the uncontrollable urge to move your leg muscle and sometimes even the arm muscle. These sensations can range from mild to intolerable. Note that these symptoms are associated with chronic diseases like kidney failure and peripheral neuropathy. Therefore, it is really important to visit the doctor. You could be diagnosed with a serious illness.
Loud and frequent snoring, especially one that comes along with snorts and gasps, is not a good sign. The snorts and gasps could be an indicator of blockage in the air passage. If you ever experience that, make sure to visit a sleep center.
Falling Asleep Immediately
Taking too long to sleep is a bad sign — but so is falling asleep immediately. If you take less than five minutes to fall asleep each night, it might be a symptom of sleep disorder.
Visit a Sleep Study Doctor
If you are experiencing the above signs, whether its itchy legs or intense visions, make sure you visit a sleep study doctor. Exercise can help you to regulate sleep patterns and feel more relaxed come bedtime. Tests can diagnose diseases just in time to treat them. The sooner you reach out, the better!