
Do Dogs Look at Humans as Gods?

Do dogs think of humans as god-like creatures? No. Definitely not. How arrogant of you to think so. Let’s compare what dogs can do to what people can do (from a dog’s point of view.) Spot the dog can: Run really fast Leap effortlessly over fallen logs Smell things that passed by AGES ago Swim for hours Understand that cats are the anti-Christ Understand that squirrels are evil demons Hear and recognize the sound of their human’s car when it is a block away Poop wherever it likes Brian, Spot’s Human: Is quite slow… Even when Brian is running as fast as he can, Spot is very casually loping alongside him. Cannot jump very high at all, and must even fetch a stool just to take something from the...


How Cats Can Improve Your Family Life

Owning a feline friend is proven to make us happy and healthy. Cats have the power to boost our energy and create positive emotions. They are naturally clean animals and require less care than dogs, which makes them the perfect pets even for busy people with families. There are many studies that prove the benefits of cats. Read on and find out how cats can improve your family life! Social Support Cats will help you cope with the pain, no matter how big it is. They help people get over their loss more quickly and show fewer symptoms of sadness. This makes them the perfect social support pets. Cats are good companions that will remember the kindness shown to them and return the favor later. Benefits For Kids Growing up...

Health and Natural Healing Tips