6 Natural Treatments and Prevention for Tonsil Stones
Even though there are many medicines and supplements that can be taken to help treat tonsil stones, they aren’t suited to everyone – especially if you’re trying to live an organic and natural lifestyle.
So what can you do to treat this infection instead? It does cause some very frustrating and annoying symptoms, so just leaving it and hoping it goes away is not really an option.
What I recommend you do then, is take advantage of the medicinal herbs you have available to you. Below I have outlined the best ones for treating a tonsil stones infection and what their medicinal properties are.
A compound found within garlic, Allicin, has been shown to have great antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and antioxidant properties which make it extremely helpful in the fight against tonsil stones – as well as many other diseases/infections.
This is because it fights against sulfur-producing bacteria found underneath your tongue and along your gums. This bacteria feeds on the debris found in the crypts of your tonsils which leads to the development of tonsil stones.
Therefore, if you want to avoid the infection then you should consider consuming more garlic.
For the best results, you should chew on it raw. Allicin is most effective when garlic is finely chopped, minced or pureed so you will see the most benefit by consuming it this way.
Of course, this isn’t entirely necessary. You could still see some benefit by just adding more of it to your meals. The effects might not be immediate this way but it still counts.
No matter which way you choose to consume it, just make sure you do so daily and try to make sure the garlic reaches your tonsils, to maximize your results.
Commiphora molmol is a volatile oil found in Myrrh which has been shown to have antibacterial and antifungal properties. Because of this, Myrrh has long been used to treat infections like tonsillitis, gingivitis, and ulcers, but it can also be used to treat tonsil stones.
So it will work in a similar manner to garlic, however, you would not consume it in the same way.
It is suggested that you add some myrrh to a glass of clean water and gargle it. Make sure when you’re doing so that you tilt your head back into the mixture reaches your tonsils. Again, to maximize results.
Myrrh has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties as well so it could help aid any symptoms you’re having because of the stones – main things like sore throats, trouble swallowing and gum pain.
Chamomile Tea
Even though chamomile is more commonly used to treat inflammations of the skin, it can be very effective in aiding the symptoms you have as a result of tonsil stones. Its anti-inflammatory properties will help reduce any swelling around your tonsils which will make swallowing easier and less painful – it may even reduce any ear pain you are also experiencing.
The herb may not help prevent or treat your tonsil stone infection per se, but it’ll certainly make the experience much smoother.
There are probably many ways to consume chamomile but for most people reading this, I’d imagine the easiest way is to enjoy it as tea as it can be found in most grocery stores.
If you want to learn more about chamomiles health benefits then I recommend you check out this study.
Echinacea is used similarly to myrrh and chamomile – to help aid symptoms caused by infections, not necessarily to prevent them in the first place. It has been used in this way for many years, most commonly for treating ailments such as the common cold, bad coughs, and bronchitis.
In the case of tonsil stones, Echinacea would help reduce swelling around your tonsils and gums.
The herb has also been shown to improve your immune system. This would, of course, make you more capable of fighting off bad bacteria and therefore less likely to encounter infection. Not just tonsil stones but many others as well.
Like garlic, ginger is a common household ingredient for many dishes all around the world and has been used medicinally for many years. This is due to its unique, acidic taste and the antibacterial properties it embodies.
Even though it’s mainly used to treat digestive distress, ginger can also help you prevent a tonsil stone infection. Because of its antibacterial properties, the herb will help fight off the sulfur-producing bacteria in your mouth, which of course makes tonsil stone growth less likely.
I recommend consuming some powdered ginger every day if you’re especially keen – about 250mg to 1g of powdered root mixed with warm water several times per day. Or just chew on raw ginger if you don’t have any in powdered form.
Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties, turmeric is a great remedy for treating a tonsil stones infection. Not only will it help prevent their development, by fighting off the bad fungi hiding around your mouth (which act in a similar way to the bacteria discussed above), it’ll also help aid any inflammatory symptoms you have also been experiencing.
For the best results, I would consume the turmeric (either in capsule or powdered form) several times per day just like the ginger.