12 Beauty Tips: Natural Remedies In Your Kitchen To Start Fighting The Anti-Aging Process
In the last article, 9 Beauty Tips Every Woman Must know we went over a few general tips that you could use for all over beauty. In this issue we are going to go over some natural and very beneficial anti-aging remedies.
Aging is a natural process that affects us all and as we get older most of us wish we could slow down the effect that age has on our bodies. Even
though it may not seem so our skin is very delicate and extremely sensitive to sun damage, strong chemicals, products, and cosmetics.
That’s why it’s extremely important to protect it, treat it well, and look for natural ways to help prevent damage and slow down the aging process.
There are many natural remedies and products available that can help slow down the aging process. These natural remedies are often less expensive and safer when compared to other more invasive techniques like cosmetic procedures, surgery, or other chemical solutions. This makes them a great option when it comes to reducing the effect that time has on our skin.
Generally, these more gentle treatments are composed of various natural ingredients like fruits, vegetables, botanical oils, vitamins, and herbal extracts which are essential for restoring moisture, balance, and restoring the elasticity of the skin while maintaining its softness, which in turn helps you maintain a younger appearance.
These herbal extracts and natural ingredients are inexpensive and can be found at your local grocery or health food store. They often provide a much better solution to cleaning and treatment than the harsh chemicals found in most over-the-counter products.
Now let’s go over a few great natural ingredients that you probably already have in your kitchen that you can use to start fighting the aging process right away:
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Natural Remedies In Your Kitchen To Start Fighting The Anti-Aging Process
Coconut hydrates and moisturizes. It can be used on your skin and hair. For your skin simply grate a raw coconut, squeeze the coconut shreds, extract milk and apply the milk on the face and let it dry. Rinse it with warm water.
Avocado is Mother Nature’s moisturizer, simply mash up an avocado and apply it to your face as a mask for 15-20 minutes.
Castor Oil
Apply castor oil to soften your skin and eliminate wrinkles.
Lemon Juice
Blemishes and aging spots can be removed by applying a few drops of lemon juice on the face.
Your skin is an organ so remember to drink plenty of water to help flush away toxins and excess debris.
Sugar Cane Juice and Turmeric Powder
Make a paste of sugar cane juice mixed with turmeric powder which is quite effective in controlling wrinkles and preventing the skin from aging.
The enzyme in pineapple helps remove dead skin and reduces subtle signs of aging. Mash some pineapple and rub it on your face as a mask. Allow your face to dry for 10-15 minutes then rinse thoroughly.
Essential Oils
Certain essential oils act as effective natural remedies for anti-aging. Drops of oils like sandalwood, geranium, rosewood, rose jasmine, neroli, and frankincense is to be taken and mixed with primrose oil or any other oil which can be used as base oil.
Facial Massage
Facial massage is another good natural remedy for anti-aging. Blood circulation is increased by massage which results in tightening of the muscles and tissues.
Green Seedless Grapes
Green seedless grapes can be taken and cut into half and then gently crushed on the skin. Leave it for 20 minutes and then rinse it with warm water.
Vitamin E Oil
Vitamin E oil or cod liver oil is to be applied daily to the skin. The aging spots shall fade.
Remember healthy on the inside reflects on the outside so be sure and include plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet. There are many fruits and vegetables that you can eat to help prevent aging. Some of them are:
- carrots
- cabbage
- spinach
- broccoli
- strawberries
- tomatoes
- red peppers
- oranges
- grapes
- turnips
By replacing some of the harsh chemicals that we use with more natural remedies and treatments we can all protect and nourish our bodies as well as help reduce the signs of aging on our skin.
Make sure you look for our next article soon. We will be talking about some quick and easy tips for naturally beautiful skin.
Until then,