Anamu: An Herbal Treatment Used to Fight Cancer
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A herb that is getting a great deal of notice for its anti-cancer effects is Anamu (Guinea Hen Weed)
Anamu (Petiveria alliacea) is indigenous to the Amazon rainforest and the tropical areas of the Caribbean, Central and South America and Africa. It is also known in Jamaica as guinea hen weed, guinea hen leaf, garlic weed or gully root.
Anamu has been used for a wide variety of conditions, including arthritis, digestive disorders, infections, diabetes, cancer, for pain relief, and to induce abortion. Some of the compounds isolated from the plant have never been identified in any other plant – some were similar to compounds found in garlic, a plant known to have medicinal properties. Laboratory investigations show that anamu retards the growth of several strains of cancer and leukemia cells.
In a plant-screening program performed at the University of Illinois at Chicago, over 1,400 plant extracts were evaluated for the prevention and treatment of cancer. Anamu was one of only 34 plants identified with active properties against cancer. One of its active chemicals is dibenzyl trisulphide (DTS) which is known to directly kill all cancer cell lines that it has been tried on (while not harming normal cells). “…DTS at a concentration of 10 mM, a dose lethal to all cancer cells tested,…” West Indian Medical Journal, 2007 Jan; 56(1):17-21. Other substances in the herb boost the immune system, fight infections and relieve pain.
On the negative side, it is not advised for pregnant women (it induces abortion), for people on blood thinners (it is a blood thinner) or for hypoglycemia.
One full tablespoonful of the whole powdered anamu plant – preferably organic – is diffused in one liter of hot water. The resulting tea is drunk preferably on an empty stomach. An average dosage is four ounces (about half a cup) twice daily. Available on the internet at a cost of about US$30 an lb. Supporting personal anecdotal evidence strongly suggests that this could be a powerful herbal weapon against cancer.
Jonathan Chamberlain
The author of The Cancer Survivor’s Bible and Cancer? Don’t Panic.
For further details see www.fightingcancer.com