How do you know if your partner is not sexually satisfied in the relationship?

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How do you know if your partner is not sexually satisfied in the relationship?

When they feel unmotivated with their intimate partner, most women prefer to keep quiet so as not to hurt their feelings or make them feel bad. Communicating to the person you love about the problem is difficult and uncomfortable.

Especially when you know that the other person does not do it because they want to but because of a problem in their privacy that they are going through.

If this is your case, and you are going through a situation in your sexual life, but you want to know if your partner is not happy with her sexual life, know these signs that your partner is dissatisfied in bed.

How do you know if your partner is not sexually satisfied?

It may be best to talk to her and come to an agreement for a better connection and relationship. Don’t let the situation stay like this!

Behaving strangely

Have you noticed that lately, your partner behaves strangely, avoiding moments of affection, such as a kiss or hug during the day?

Avoiding sexual gestures

When a woman is unmotivated and dissatisfied with her intimacy, she can avoid gestures of affection and affection towards you.  Since she will not want to reach the point where a sexual encounter may arise. This is because you will think of intimacy as something not even worth trying. In addition, the situation is likely affecting her, and she does not want to hurt you and communicate what is happening.


Change behavior

Loss of concentration, little eye contact, little gratitude, or sadness could indicate something wrong under the covers. Sexual dissatisfaction goes more in common sense than in clinical aspects and, if the person can make contact with their own emotions, it is easy to perceive.

Experiencing little fun

A couple that is not in tune on a sexual level is difficult to be prolonged in time because sexuality is one of the great columns that sustain a couple. So the little concentration would be something like the little fun that may be taking place in that love affair.

Eye contact

For its part, eye contact is very important inside and outside the intimate space. Making love and having eye contact at that moment is part of the desire to be with that person, to see his face “and tell him with his eyes how much he wants him. It is a reflection of the soul” so if Your partner’s gaze is on the ceiling or in limbo it may be that you are not on the same page.


After sex behavior

Pay special attention to what happens after sex. If your partner jumps out of bed to do other earrings, it is another sign that something is wrong.

After making love, there comes a time of rest that both people share, saying pleasant, funny connotations and laughing at both of them, in the most intimate duality that does not transcend space or time.

However, if someone jumps out of bed, looking to do something else, it is almost like getting up from the table without dinner having finished.

Beware of sadness!


Dissatisfaction may make us sad

In moments of sadness, it is better not to supply it with sexuality. Each moment has its space, and sadness is not filled with pleasure. They are two important and intense wishes.

Therefore, if you see her sad, remember that people understand each other and ask her how she feels and why she feels this way. Communication is crucial for your relationship to be successful.

Sometimes people experience dissatisfaction in the bedroom due to physical problems, such as erectile dysfunction, and vitamin and hormone deficiency which can cause a lack of desire too.  Here are some things that may help rekindle a relationship that feels like it’s in the slumps.

The List 

What are the best products to help you become sexually satisfied in the relationship?

The following are the best products to consider to help you become sexually satisfied in the relationship.

Best Vitamins to increase sexual desire

L-arginine is an amino acid that helps the body make protein. Once absorbed into the body, it is converted into nitric oxide, a molecule that helps open blood vessels and improves blood flow. Since an erection results from the penis filling with blood, improving blood flow can make achieving an erection easier. According to a scientific study, L-arginine in combination with the supplement pycnogenol resulted in significant improvement in sexual function of men with erectile dysfunction.

Vitamin B3 for Energy – It aids in converting enzymes to energy, vital for engaging in robust sexual activities. Additionally, Vitamin B3 helps improve blood flow, making for stronger erections.

Vitamin D for Sexual Function – According to a study in the International Journal of Impotence Research, low vitamin D corresponded with impaired male sexual function, and the severity of dysfunction correlated with the degree of deficiency.

Vitamin E for Healthy Sperm Count – vitamin E is known as the  “sex vitamin”, due to its role in the production of testosterone and its ability to improve sperm function.

DHEA to Improve Symptoms of ED.  It produces adrenal glands and then uses them to produce sex hormones.

Zinc to Prevent Low Testosterone

Magnesium helps to get in the mood and keeps testosterone in the bloodstream, boosting sex drive and desire.

Best Supplements for your penis

DHEA to Improve Symptoms of ED.  It produces adrenal glands and then uses them to produce sex hormones.

Fenugreek– One study published in the journal Phytotherapy Research found men who took the supplement experienced an 82 percent increase in libido (more intense arousal) after six weeks.  63 percent of the men taking fenugreek enjoyed a boost in sexual performance (stronger orgasms), and 67 percent said the supplement enhanced their sexual recovery time and promoted greater muscle strength, overall energy, and well-being.

Ginseng – Increases overall sexual health, including proper penile function, libido, performance, sperm quality

L-citrulline – Men also reported having more sex and were very satisfied with the results.

Maca –  published in Andrologia, found that 40 percent of men who took maca plant supplements for three months experienced a stronger sex drive, as well as improved sperm formation and movement.

Yohimbine helps increase the health of your sexual organs, yielding firmer erections, and combating erectile dysfunction, according to a meta-analysis published in Wiley.

Vitamin E for Healthy Sperm Count – vitamin E is known as the  “sex vitamin”, due to its role in the production of testosterone and its ability to improve sperm function.

Best Supplements to Improve Women’s Libido

Vitamin B3 for Energy – It aids in converting enzymes to energy, vital for engaging in robust sexual activities.

Vitamin D for sexual function: Deficiency in vitamin D can be associated with reduced sexual function.

Vitamin E: It is called the “sex vitamin” due to its involvement in estrogen production.

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA): It is a hormone generated naturally by the adrenal glands.  It helps in the synthesis of other hormones such as testosterone.

Zinc: It can help libido in women.

Magnesium helps to get in the mood and keeps testosterone in the bloodstream, boosting sex drive and desire.

Omega-3 fatty acids can increase dopamine levels, which can improve mood and promote arousal.

L-arginine can increase libido.  It can expand clitoral blood vessels, boosting flow to erogenous zones and aiding arousal in your sex life.

Maca Root – For thousands of years, people have used the plant’s roots to increase sexual desire.

Ginkgo biloba can increase sexual desire

Tribulus Terrestris is a Mediterranean plant that can boost estrogen and testosterone levels in both men and women.

Turnera diffusa (damiana) – boosts sex desire and overall enjoyment. Surprisingly, postmenopausal women appeared to gain the most from the supplement.


Stacey Chillemi

Stacey Chillemi is an entrepreneur, bestselling author, speaker & coach. She is the founder of The Complete Herbal Guide. She has empowered hundreds of thousands worldwide through her books, websites, e-courses, educational videos, and live events. You can Twitter me at @The_HerbalGuide.

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