5 Natural Ways to Decrease The Risk of Stroke
Most people hope to live long and healthy lives, but work has to be put in to assure such a result most of the time. While some are lucky enough to have perfect health throughout the duration of their lives with very little effort, your average person has to actively look after their health. A stroke, which is a sudden interruption in the blood supply to the brain, is a common health issue that many people around the world face. There are, however, natural things that can be done to reduce the risk and, in some cases, prevent the occurrence of a stroke which can be detrimental to your health. On that note, you will find five natural ways that you can decrease the risk of a stroke below.
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Stay Active
You have likely heard it so many times before but staying active is a natural solution to maintaining good health. More specifically, exercise is also a natural remedy that can help prevent stroke. For this reason, you should try your best to keep your body active and moving as frequently as possible. This might mean doing exercise in moderation at least five days a week. There are several options for exercising which include going to the gym, using the outdoors, or doing it in the comfort of your home. Finding time to work out can be difficult, especially when you have an extremely busy schedule. The key is, therefore, to make exercise a lifestyle so that it’s something that you see as part of your everyday routine. In addition to helping reduce stroke, exercise can also help lower blood pressure and help you to maintain a healthy weight. It’s is also a remedy that doesn’t have to cost you money and can help you look and feel better.
Drink Tea
While some people aren’t regular tea drinkers, others can’t do without it. If you happen to fall into the latter, then you may be happy to know that drinking tea is a natural way of preventing stroke. If you’re wondering exactly how drinking tea can do this, research suggests that it may be because of the antioxidants that it contains. More specifically it is advised that your drink at least three cups of either green on black tea on a daily basis. Research shows that this could result in a 21% decrease in the risk of ischemic stroke. If you’re a tea enthusiast, you should consider visiting platforms such as the World Tea Directory. If you aren’t a fan of tea, perhaps try having a look at their website to see if there’s a type of tea that you haven’t yet tried that may appeal to you. Doing so could mean that you significantly reduce the risk of a stroke happening to you.
Quit Smoking
It is common knowledge that smoking can have a negative effect on your health. As well as making you age quicker, costing you a lot of money over time, affecting your sense of smell and taste, as well as making you more susceptible to infections, smoking can increase your risk of stroke. For this reason, quitting may be a good choice to make if you want to live a healthy life. Seeing as smoking can be addictive, quitting the habit may be a serious challenge, but there are ways to make it happen. Some steps you can take to help you quit smoking include not hanging around smokers, trying nicotine patches, looking for effective counseling, setting a quit date, holding yourself accountable, and talking to your doctor regarding what options for help and support there are. Quitting smoking is a great step in the right direction if you’re trying to reduce the risk of stroke as well as live a healthier life generally. It may be difficult to knock the habit at first, but with persistence and determination, you can conquer your urges.
Cook with Olive Oil
It is often advised to reduce the amount of oil you cook with for a number of reasons. For starters, it can put you at higher risk of conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, or obesity. This is especially true when you consume foods that have been fried in unstable and unhealthy oils. However, if you are a fried food lover, you should think about cooking with olive oil seeing as it’s been linked to reducing the risk of stroke. A recent study found that seniors who regularly used olive oil had a 41% lower risk of stroke in comparison to their counterparts who never used olive oil. You should, therefore, consider adding it to your diet in moderation as it’s a natural way of eating healthier and reducing the risk of stroke. You should also know that olive oil is a healthy fat and can reduce cholesterol inflammation as well as heart disease.
Look After Your Mental Wellbeing
People are becoming more aware of the importance of mental health and the role it plays in your overall health. On that note, you should know that depression can actually increase the chances of you having a stroke. This is because depressed people are said to smoke more, have higher blood pressure, exercise less, have uncontrolled diabetes, and weigh more which can all increase the chances of a stroke as mentioned earlier. Recognizing depression symptoms is therefore imperative If you want to reduce your risk of stroke. Some signs of depression include excess sleeping or insomnia, agitation, feelings of hopelessness, loss of interest in things you love, excessive crying, social isolation, dramatic weight gain or loss, and lack of concentration. It is critical that you try and seek help if you seem to be experiencing these symptoms as the earlier you begin treating it, the better.
Stroke is something that can have damaging effects on both your health and quality of life. For this reason, looking for ways to prevent it is key. There are many things you can do beyond the ones mentioned above to reduce your risk of stroke, but hopefully, the ones mentioned will give you a good place to start.