3 Key Things You Can Do to Be an Eco-Friendly Driver
Today, we are more conscious of how our actions affect the environment than ever before. If you drive regularly, you’ve probably wondered how you can be more eco-friendly without dramatically changing your daily life. Fortunately, you can reduce your environmental impact without dramatically changing your lifestyle.
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Here are 3 Things You Can Do to Be an Eco-Friendly Driver
Invest in an Eco-Conscious Car
If your car guzzles fuel, there is only so much you can do to make it more eco-friendly. That would mean not driving or barely driving it, which is probably not an option. Therefore, when you choose your vehicle, remember you want a car with a minimal environmental footprint.
Eco-friendly cars are becoming more popular than ever, which means they’re also becoming more affordable. For a while, electric vehicles were costly and seemed unattainable to many of us, but today, luxury car brands are not the only ones coming out with electric models. As the industry continues to grow in popularity, a wider range of models and car brands will branch into the field.
If you’re hesitant to invest in one of these vehicles, remember that, according to the U.S. Department of Energy, the average cost to drive an electric vehicle is around $0.03 per mile. Therefore, you’ll save money in the long run if you have a long commute to work, take frequent road trips, or just run quick errands.
You must be mindful of charging time with an electric car. Ideally, you should get a charger for your home, so you can put it on charge overnight in the same way you would other battery-operated devices like your cell phone. If not, there are nationwide charging stations where you pay a small amount to top up the battery. It might seem strange to do when you’re used to taking a few minutes to put gas in your car but remember that, on average, a vehicle in the U.S. is parked 95% of the time.
Repair Your Vehicle Regularly
Your car could wreak havoc on the environment if it isn’t running properly. It could cause many issues like leaking fuel or putting hazardous gases into the air. The worst part is that you might not know it’s happening until the car completely breaks down.
A car is a significant investment; you want to protect it at all costs. In the U.S., four out of five auto repairs performed on cars are related to the vehicle’s durability. Even if it’s driving fine, you should perform regular maintenance and repairs on your car. Doing so will not only help the environment but also increase the lifespan of your car.
Recycle Your Car Parts
Just because your car has reached the end of its life doesn’t mean it has no uses. Many recyclable materials were used to make it, which are still usable even if the car is not. The better you care for the vehicle when you use it, the more valuable it will be when it’s used for parts. According to Your Mechanic, a driveshaft doesn’t have a set lifespan, but a good rule of thumb is to change it once every 75,000 miles.
If your car has been totaled or costs more for repairs than buying a new vehicle, you might not realize how valuable it is. Like many parts of the automobile industry, the revenue of U.S. motor vehicle and parts dealers is highly profitable and was over 1 trillion in 2020. Therefore, even the most torn-up car has probably got some use for parts dealers.
Being a more eco-friendly driver is at the front of many people’s concerns. Every action you take to help the environment counts, so take the time to learn about your options, consider investing in an electric vehicle, stay up to date with maintenance and repairs, and recycle your vehicle’s materials when you’re done with it.