A Silvery Therapy: The Value of Using Baking Soda for Oral Health
With an array of value in washing and cooking, the inexpensive baking soda is also an accessible solution for several common mild illnesses.
Surprisingly, baking soda can also help you in maintaining an excellent oral health. A particular disparity of levels of acid in the body can associate to a variety of health issues which precisely in the mouth, and the work of baking soda functions by stabilizing the acidity levels in the body.
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Whitening of Teeth
Food, drink, alcohol, and nicotine are the various reasons why the teeth become discolored and besmirched. With the damage caused by these factors, baking soda is an inexpensive tooth whitener as it can remove discolorations of the teeth.
Due to this reason, toothpaste and tooth whitening products include baking soda as part of preparation. To remove stains and to brighten your teeth, wet your toothbrush and submerge it into a small basin of baking soda.
For a natural way to whiten your teeth, crush one ripe strawberry and mix it with 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda. Spread the mixture onto your teeth and leave on for five minutes. Then brush your teeth and rinse. This method should be used no more than once a week, as excessive use could potentially damage your tooth enamel.
Remove any excess baking soda before you brush your teeth. For optimum result, try brushing your teeth with baking soda once a week. If used as a matter of usual practice, baking soda will help you preserve an excellent oral health and prevent plenty of visits to the dental clinic.
Some toothpaste products consist of baking soda nowadays, especially tooth whitening products. With this simple method, you can make your toothpaste by using baking soda and save yourself some money.
Tooth and Gum Paste
Baking soda has a mild abrasive action that helps to remove plaque and polish, clean, and deodorize your teeth.7 One review of data from five controlled clinical studies found that toothpaste containing baking soda “enhanced plaque removal effectiveness of tooth brushing to a significantly greater extent” than brushing with a non-baking soda toothpaste.
Baking soda also has antibacterial activity and has been found to kill Streptococcus mutans bacteria – a significant contributor to tooth decay. For an incredibly effective tooth and gum paste, use a mixture of six parts of baking soda to one part of sea salt.
Place them in a blender and mix for 30 seconds, then place in a container to use. Wet the tip of your index finger and place a small amount of the salt and soda mixture on your gums.
Starting with the upper outside gums and then the inside of the upper, followed by the lower outside of the gums then the lower inside, rub the mixture onto your teeth and gums. Spit out the excess. After 15 minutes rinse your mouth. This mixture is incredibly effective at killing bacteria.
You need to exert some caution in this area though as many believe baking soda can be too abrasive on your enamel, and Dr. Curatola believes that killing the oral microbiome may be highly counterproductive.
Mouth Sores and Ulcers
Oral ulcers and sores are bothersome and of course painful. Besides, they also take an extended time to heal as the location of the inflammatory condition is consistently irritated by drinks, foods and or other corrosive substance.
Baking soda can improve healing and help alleviate the pain of mouth sores and ulcers. Try dissolving a baking soda in an amount of at least one teaspoon in a glass of water to create soothing oral rinse.