Respokare N95 Mask Review: My Everyday-Go-To Mask
Respokare N95 masks were developed to be at the forefront of cutting-edge innovation in personal protective equipment (PPE).
Why Should People Wear Face Masks?
My Respokare Niosh N95 respirator mask review. COVID-19 can spread to people who are in close contact with one another. Usually within about 6 feet from each other. The use of Respirator Masks can help protect people from the virus who are close to each other or where social distancing is difficult to maintain. It helps keep respiratory droplets contained and from reaching other people.
Which Mask Is Better to Buy?
Since this epidemic began, what I’ve noticed was that I found myself immediately critiquing every part of the masks I’ve previously used. From the moment I saw it to the moment I took it off. I have been doing this with every mask I have used, and I’ve tried so many. They are all made differently therefore they all have a different fit. Some are simply better fitting than others.
At first, I just dealt with a mask that only kind of fit my face. I had to tie it around my head because it hurt my ears. Then I tried one that felt like it was suffocating me. I have bad allergies, so I had a hard enough time breathing without a mask. Some of these masks were torturous. Especially, when I had to wear it for longer than taking the dog around the block. That’s where things got bad. I knew I needed to find a mask that worked on all levels: comfort, breathability, and safety.
How Did I Feel After Using Respokare® NIOSH N95 Masks?
Respokare® NIOSH N95 Respirator Masks were sent to me to use during the COVID-19 pandemic. They wanted me to try their masks, describe how I felt using the Respokare N95 masks, and compare them to other masks on the markets that I used.
I said sure. I was pretty desperate to find a mask that worked on all levels including breathability.
For all-day wear, I knew I could count on Respokare® NIOSH N95 masks, because of how it worked on all levels including breathability. I also liked that it was so easy to take on and off.
It became a preference for me when I was looking to buy a mask. I would take my mask on and off depending on where I was or what I was doing. I wanted something that was easy to use and easy to fold up. When I would get in the car, I would quickly take the respokare® n95 respirator mask off, fold it up, and go off on my way.
I was very pleased with these N95 masks. This mask had everything I needed: comfortable ties that didn’t wrap around my ears, a nose wire, multiple layers of durable fabric to protect me, and (most importantly) quick shipping. Similarly, with all the products at N95MaskCo. This is the mask I wear every single day to run quick errands by myself and with my family.
It’s made with four secure layers capable of blocking 95% of small (.3 micron) particles but inactivates up to 99.9% within minutes. This way, the transmission of one (or more than one) human pathogen(s) by antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antiviral activity is markedly decreased keeping you vitally protected.
Furthermore, rigorous validation testing has been performed on these antiviral respokare® niosh n95 to ensure they comply with GLP regulation and can, therefore, block a wide range of pathogens, bacteria, and fungi so you can feel safe and secure when you journey out to work, go on errands or help a friend or family member in need.