Author: Kate Riley

Health and Natural Healing Tips / Articles posted by Kate Riley

15 Foods That Help Keep You Stay Hydrated

Pineapple The juicy fruit is a great source of water, as can be seen from the wet slices that one gets from the fruit. Orange A preferred fruit for juice, this tangy fruit comes with very high water content, which made it a natural juice fruit. Eggplant Eggplant is another vegetable that offers users high water content. Typically consumed as a cooking ingredient, it helps users receive water through cooked food.  Banana Known for its high nutrient value, banana is also a very rich source of water, and its easy availability as a common fruit makes it the perfect way to store up on water. Celery Delivers the right combination of fiber and water content with every stalk that is consumed.  Tomato Not only does this offer high water content it comes with great taste. It...

Health and Natural Healing Tips