Balsam (Tolu) oil

Essential Oil Properties: Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, excretory and antitussive
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for bronchitis, laryngitis, coughs, dry skin, eczema, rashes

Basil essential oil

Basil oil

Essential Oil Properties: Antiseptic, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, anti-venomous, expectorant, tonic
Aromatherapy Uses:  Use for muscle spasm and pain, increasing sexual desire and concentration, respiratory problems, sinusitis, headaches, jet lag, shock. Apply externally to kill bacteria and prevent infection

Bay oil

Essential Oil Properties: Anti-neuralgic, antispasmodic, astringent, diuretic, cholagogue
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for flu, neuralgia, muscle spasms and pain, stimulating the appetite, acne and skin care, water retention, stimulating gallbladder

Benzoin oil

Essential Oil Properties: Excretory, anti-depressant, relaxing, calefacient, pulmonic, antiseptic, astringent, deodorant, diuretic, sedative
Aromatherapy Uses:  Use for laryngitis, acne, eczema, psoriasis, cough, respiratory problems, anxiety, neuralgia, bad blood circulation, body odor, water retention, over-excitement, wounds. Apply externally to kill bacteria and prevent infection

Bergamot (Citrus Bergamia)

Bergamot essential oil Health benefits

Uplifting, refreshing and relaxing. Encourages cheerful emotions and ideal for depression. Its delicate, sweet aroma can also be used to freshen and uplift a room. Citrus Bergamia is a small tree about 4.5m high with smooth oval leaves. It belongs to the same family as the orange tree. The essential oil comes from the small round fruits which ripen from green to yellow, similar to oranges in appearance.


Native to Morocco and tropical Asia it is grown commercially in the Ivory Coast and is extensively cultivated in Southern Italy. It was first cultivated around Bergamo, from where it takes its name.

History / Traditions

The fruit has been used for hundreds of years in Italian folk medicine. However, the fruit was unknown outside Italy and wasn’t exported until recent times. The oil was primarily used for the treatment of fever and intestinal worms.


The essential oil is produced by cold expression of the peel of the nearly ripe fruit. Although many oils are produced by mechanical processes, the best quality oil is produced by hand.

General Description

The oil is a light greenish yellow liquid with an uplifting citrus aroma and balsamic overtones. On aging, the oil turns to a brownish olive color. The oil is known to have about 300 components the main being linalyl acetate 30-60%; linalol 11-22% and other alcohols, sesquiterpenes, terpenes, alkanes, and furocoumarins 0.3-0.39%

Aromatherapy Uses

Bergamot oil has a strong affinity for the urinary tract and is valuable in the treatment of cystitis and urethritis. It should be used in the bath or as a local wash at a 1% dilution. In helping with mental and psychological states, Bergamot is most valuable for its uplifting effects. For tension anxiety or depression, bergamot should be used in a massage oil or in a dally bath. The fragrance blends well with lavender, neroli, jasmine, geranium, chamomile, lemon, cypress, and juniper. bergamot can be used in the treatment of tensions causing dietary problems such as over and under eating. The antiseptic qualities of Bergamot make it ideal for the treatment of skin complaints such as acne, oily skin and all infections of the skin. Bergamot is cooling in feverish conditions and has effective insect repellent properties. It has an inhibiting effect on certain viruses, in particular, Herpes simplex 1 which causes cold sores. It will also reduce the pain of shingles and ease chicken pox in small children. Bergamot is used extensively as a fragrance and is also found in toiletries and cologne.

Safety data

Certain furocoumarins (including bergapten found in Bergamot) are phototoxic on human skin. This causes sensitivity and skin pigmentation when exposed to sunlight. Therefore exercise caution when using Bergamot in sunny weather. Bergamot should never be used undiluted on the skin. Severe burning may result.

Bitter Almond oil

Essential Oil Properties: Aromatic, sedative, anesthetic, diuretic

Aromatherapy Uses: Use for over-excitement, making nerves numb to sensation, water retention

Precautions: can cause an eruption of the skin.

Bitter Orange oil

Essential Oil Properties: Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, styptic, antibacterial, fungicide, stomachic, laxative
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for stomachic problems, enteric fermentation, constipation, acne, greasy skin, and dyspepsia

Black Pepper oil

Essential Oil Properties: Antiseptic, digestive, aphrodisiac, diuretic, tonic
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for the digestive and respiratory system, flu, increasing sexual desire, concentration, urine production, fever, muscle pain, neuralgia. Apply externally to kill bacteria and prevent infection


Cajeput oil

Essential Oil Properties: Antiseptic, decongestant, calefacient, anti-dontalgic, anti-rheumatic, anti-neuralgic, expectorant, cicatrisant
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for respiratory infections, sinusitis, varicose veins, scar tissue, hemorrhoids, easing nerve pain, rheumatoid arthritis, relieving toothache. Apply externally to kill bacteria and prevent infection

Cajeput oil

Essential Oil Properties: Antiseptic, decongestant, calefacient, anti-dontalgic, anti-rheumatic, anti-neuralgic, expectorant, cicatrisant
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for respiratory infections, sinusitis, varicose veins, scar tissue, hemorrhoids, easing nerve pain, rheumatoid arthritis, relieving toothache. Apply externally to kill bacteria and prevent infection


Calendula oil

Essential Oil Properties: Anti-bleeding, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, styptic, cicatrizant, fungicide
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for burns, wounds, eczema, greasy skin, skin inflammation and eruption, insect bites

Camphor oil

Essential Oil Properties: Antiseptic, antispasmodic
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for muscle spasms, hypertension. Apply externally to kill bacteria and prevent infection

Caraway oil

Essential Oil Properties: Depurative, disinfectant
Aromatherapy Uses: Use to stimulate appetite, purify. Apply to surfaces to kill bacteria

Cardamon oil

Essential Oil Properties: Antiseptic, diuretic, emmenagogue, dilatant for blood vessels
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for the digestive system, bronchitis, enteric convulsion

Carnation oil

Essential Oil Properties: Anti-depressant, anti-viral, relaxing
Aromatherapy Uses: Use to treat viral infections, increase wellbeing

Carrot (seed) oil

Essential Oil Properties: Antiseptic, diuretic, dilatant for blood vessels, emmenagogue, depurative, diuretic, tonic
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for dermatitis, eczema, skin regeneration, psoriasis, rheumatisms, arthritis, anemia, dyspepsia, purifying, anorexia, colic

Cedarwood (Juniperus Virginiana)


With a dry woody aroma, this oil is ideal for soothing, harmonizing and focusing the mind. Antiseptic and astringent properties are beneficial to oily skin. Cedarwood oil was possibly the first essential oil to be extracted from a plant and was used by the Egyptians in the mummification process, they also valued it highly as an ingredient for cosmetics and impregnated papyrus leaves with it to protect them from insects. They used the wood to extensively to make jewelry, furniture, and ships. They valued cedarwood so highly that the Lebanon area (which produced Cedrus Libani) was incorporated into the Egyptian Empire in order to ensure a regular supply.


Many fragrant or sweet-smelling woods are known as cedar. But, there are actually only four species of the true cedars. They are stately evergreen trees, whose branches grow in flat tiers or layers with clusters of needle-like leaves. The evergreen tree belongs to the coniferous family and is very slow growing. They eventually reach a height of up to thirty-three meters and a possible trunk diameter of one and a half meters.

The heartwood is reddish in color and the branches will bear cones. It is referred to as Red Cedar and is closely related to the yellow cedar (Thuja Occidentalis), from which thuja oil is obtained. Thuja oil is however not used in Aromatherapy due to its high content of thujone, which makes it very toxic. One of the distinguishing features of the cedars is their large barrel-shaped female cones. They are green or purplish in color and are made up of overlapping scales which have claw-like projections.

History / Traditions

The North American Indians used cedarwood for respiratory infections, in particular, catarrh. The leaves, bark, twigs, and fruit all played a crucial part in treating a variety of ailments including menstrual delay, rheumatism, arthritis, skin rashes, kidney disease and much more. It is a very powerful insect and vermin repellent and is used against mosquitoes, moths, woodworm, and rats. It has also been used with citronella as a commercial insecticide.


Production is through steam distillation of the wood shaving and sawdust. Oil yields vary from 2.5% to 5%, with an average of 3.5%.

Details of Oil

It is a pale yellow color, which on rectification, gives a water-white oil. The odor is oily, woody and almost sweet, mild and pleasant. It is slightly balsamic and very reminiscent of the wood. It is an oil which is commercially viable in several forms due to the process of rectification. Light fractions have a high percentage of cedrene, whilst more common cedarwood, available on the market has the ‘typical’ cedarwood odor.


Abortifacient, Antiseborrheic (helps control the production of sebum), Antiseptic (Pulmonary – genitourinary) Antispasmodic, Astringent, Balsamic, Diuretic, Insecticide, Emmenagogue, Expectorant, Sedative (nervous), Stimulant (Circulatory).

Physical and Psychological Effects

Tends to be useful for long-standing complaints rather than acute ones. A combined toxic action on the glandular and nervous systems help put the body back in balance, thereby regulating homeostasis. Its main effect (due to its expectorant properties) is in the respiratory tract and may help ease bronchitis, coughs, and catarrh. Excess phlegm is curbed through its drying effect. It also reduces problems concerned with the genito-urinary tract, particularly where there is a burning pain. It has a tonic effect on the kidneys. The astringent and antiseptic properties are of greatest benefit to oily skin conditions It helps acne, aids in clearing scabs and pus, and chronic conditions such as dermatitis and psoriasis. It is a good hair tonic and can be effective against dandruff, alopecia, and seborrhoea. Skin softening properties can be enhanced when mixed with Frankincense and Cypress. Nervous tension and anxious states benefit greatly from its soothing and calming action. It can also be effective for arthritis and rheumatism.


The oil is clear and relatively viscid. Like Sandalwood oil, it blends well with Rose, Juniper, Vetiver, Patchouli, Benzoin, and Cypress. It somewhat resembles Sandalwood, but its fragrance is a bit hotter and more toxic.

Safety and Contra-Indications

Externally is it fairly non-toxic, but can cause local irritation and sensitization in some people. Only used diluted and in moderation. It should be avoided during pregnancy because it is a powerful abortifacient.

Other Uses

Extensively used in rooms sprays and household insect repellents. Its pleasant aroma is released nicely when used in a burner (particularly when mixed with Sandalwood).


Cedarine 26.6%, Thujopsene 18.9%, other sesquiterpene hydrocarbons 13.3%, Cedrol 31.6% and Widdol 4.8%.

Celery oil

Essential Oil Properties: Anti-rheumatic
Use for hypotension, rheumatism

Chamomile (Blue) oil

Essential Oil Properties: Calming, refreshing, antiseptic, anti-allergen, anti-rheumatic, emollient
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for skin infections, hay fever, digestive problems, rheumatism, heartburn, mumps/b>

Chamomile (Roman) oil

Essential Oil Properties: Calming, relaxant, antiseptic, anti-asthmatic, anti-rheumatic, anti-allergen
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for muscle pain, asthma, anxiety, migraines, rheumatism, insomnia, enteric parasites, menopause, menstrual problems, sunburn

Chaste oil

Essential Oil Properties: Hormone balancing
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for gynecological and menopause problems, toothache, prostate. This oil is also used in hormonotherapy.

cinnamon oil

Cinnamon oil

Essential Oil Properties: Antiseptic, antibiotic, aphrodisiac
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for flu, increasing sexual desire. Apply externally to kill bacteria and prevent infection

Cistus oil

Essential Oil Properties: Styptic, relaxing, calming
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for older skin and wrinkles

Citronella oil

Essential Oil Properties: Cardiotonic, antispasmodic, calming, insectifuge, anti-louse
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for rheumatisms, insomnia, stress, depression, otitis, arthritis, various colic and pelvis pain, head lice

clary sage

Clary Sage (Salvia Sclarea)

Deeply relaxing and euphoric. Eases feelings of depression and helps when feeling run down emotionally and physically. Contains sensual properties and has a nutty pervasive fragrance.

A perennial or biennial herb with large hairy green leaves with a hint of purple. The flowers are small and blue growing out from large pinkish bracts. Branches of these bracts radiate in pairs from a spectacular central stem often reaching 1.5 meters in height. Other members of the Sage family include garden sage (S. Officinalis) and Spanish sage (S. Lavendulaefolia)


It is native to Southern Europe and is cultivated in the Mediterranean region, Russia, USA, England, Morocco and Central Europe. The French, English and Moroccan sage are considered to be of the best quality for perfumery work.

History / Traditions

It is believed that the word ‘Clary’ is derived from the Latin ‘clarus’ meaning clear. It was called ‘Clear eye’ in the middle ages since it was known for its ability to heal eye problems. Although it was highly esteemed in the middle ages, it has largely fallen out of use. It was used for digestive disorders, kidney disease, uterine and menstrual complaints, for cleansing ulcers and as a general nerve tonic. The mucilage from the seeds was used for treating tumors and for removing dust particles from the eyes. Like garden sage, it cools inflammation and is especially useful for the throat and respiratory infections.


The flowering tops of the plant and the leaves are used and is extracted by steam distillation. A concrete and absolute are also produced by solvent extraction in small quantities.

Details of Oil

The oil is a colorless or pale yellow/green liquid with a saturating nutty, sweet, and heady aroma. The oil blends well with juniper, lavender, geranium, sandalwood, cedarwood, pine, jasmine, frankincense, bergamot and other citrus oils. Sage oil has antispasmodic qualities and it serves as an effective relaxant and sedative. In addition, the oil is antibacterial, anticonvulsive, antiseptic, astringent, cholesterol reducing and cicatrizant.

Aromatherapy Uses

Emotional: The oil has uplifting qualities making it suitable for the treatment of depression, anxiety, tension and mental fatigue. The oil may also prove effective in the treatment of a migraine and stress-related disorders.

Respiratory: The calming and anti-inflammatory qualities can help to relieve sore throats and hoarseness.

Skin: The soothing qualities make sage useful for all skin inflammations including boils and acne. Sage can help to preserve moisture in dry skin. Benefits have also been shown in treating hair loss and dandruff.

Circulatory: The calming effect of sage can help to relieve high blood pressure.

Gynecological: Sage can help to relieve P.M.S. and menstrual pain and help to establish menstrual regularity. Sage can also help to soothe swollen breasts and prevent hot flushes.

Digestive: Sage can have a calming influence on colic, cramp, and dyspepsia.

Other Uses

The Oil and the absolute are used as fragrance components. The oil is also used by the food and drink industry, especially in the production of wines with a Muscatel flavor. German winemakers have used clary sage to improve the flavor of an inexpensive wine.

Safety data

Avoid its use during pregnancy and use cautiously in conjunction with HRT. Alcohol should be avoided after use as the combination induce a narcotic effect which exaggerates drunkenness.


Up to 75% linalyl acetate, linlol, pinene, myrcene, and phellandrene. The constituents vary according to the geographical origin so there are several different chemotypes.

Coriander oil

Essential Oil Properties: Calefacient, deodorant, tonic, peptic, depurative, digestive,
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for indigestion, stress, insomnia, body odor, purifying, digestion, flatulence

Cumin oil

Essential Oil Properties: Calefacient, tonic, antiseptic
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for dyspepsia, enteric convulsions, insomnia

Cypress oil

Essential Oil Properties: Deodorant, styptic, diuretic, anti-asthmatic, calming, sedative, anti-rheumatic, astringent, refreshing, cicatrizant
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for asthma, bronchitis, laryngitis, cellulite, varicose veins, scar tissue, greasy skin, body odor, sweaty feet, phlebitis, suppuration, rheumatisms, gynecological and circulation problems, water retention, menopause, nosebleed, over-excitement


Elecampane oil

Essential Oil Properties: Antiseptic, anti-asthmatic, decongestant, analgesic, pesticide, anti-rheumatic, anti-viral, depurative, diuretic
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for headaches, flu, cold, sinusitis, laryngitis, cough, respiratory problems, coxalgia, neuralgia, fever, hay fever, rheumatisms, mental lucidity, purifying, water retention, sunburn, wounds. Apply externally to kill bacteria and prevent infection


Fennel seed oil

Essential Oil Properties: Alleviative, diuretic, anti-parasitic, purge and against enteric fermentations
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for all gynecological problems, water retention, cystitis

Fir (Black) oil

Essential Oil Properties: Antimicrobial, ejaculatory, anti-scorbutic, antiseptic, tonic
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for rheumatisms, respiratory

Fir (Siberian) oil

Essential Oil Properties: Antiseptic, anti-scorbutic, refreshing
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for acne and bronchitis. Can be used to prevent or treat scurvy and applied externally to prevent infection

Fragonia oil

Essential Oil Properties: Anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, tonic
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for muscle pain, laryngitis, tonsillitis, respiratory problems, flu, migraine, mouth infection, mumps, wounds


Frankincense oil

Essential Oil Properties: Refreshing, anti-inflammatory, anti-asthmatic, antiseptic, immunizer, astringent, sedative, tonic
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for asthma, bronchitis, acne, skin regeneration and care, over-excitement, wounds. Apply externally to kill bacteria and prevent infection


Garlic oil

Essential Oil Properties: Anti-viral, decongestant, expectorant
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for viral infection, sinusitis, respiratory problems

Geranium oil

Essential Oil Properties: Circulation tonic, anti-aging, astringent, anti-coagulant, styptic, anti-cellulite, hemostatic, insectifuge, deodorant, relaxing
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for stress, neuralgia, nervousness, urine retention, cellulite, hemorrhoids, greasy skin, skin regeneration, body odor, sweaty feet, varicose veins, mouth infection, blood clotting, menopausal and gynecological problems, menopause, menstrual problems, jet lag

Ginger oil

Essential Oil Properties: Calefacient, anti-scorbutic, peptic, bechic, aphrodisiac, digestive, tonic
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for seasickness, nausea, scurvy and various enteric diseases, stimulating appetite, digestion, increasing sexual desire and concentration, coughs, fever, Grapefruit oil

Grapefruit oil

Essential Oil Properties: Antioxidant, antispasmodic, detoxification
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for headaches, cellulite, obesity, urine retention, detoxification, jet lag


Hypericum oil

Essential Oil Properties: Styptic, calming, cicatrizant, anti-inflammatory
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for enteric inflammation, healing internal and external injuries, various pains (back, neck, muscle). Also great for greasy hair and dandruff

Hyssop oil

Essential Oil Properties: Antiseptic, anti-rheumatic, astringent, bechic, diuretic, expectorant, tonic, cholagogue
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for blood dialysis, hypertension, tonsillitis, rheumatism, pneumonia, respiratory problems, acne and skin care, coughs, water retention, stimulating gallbladder.


Lavender (Lavandula Officinalis)

Clear light flowery aroma, versatile oil for relaxing and balancing for mind and body. Aids sleep, soothes tired muscles, benefits the immune system, and encourages stillness and tranquility. Has some antiseptic qualities and is useful for the skin. True Lavender oil is extracted from Lavandula angustifolia (a.k.a. L. officinalis, L. spica and L. vera) from the Lamiaceae (Labiatae) family and is also known as garden, common or English lavender.

Extraction and Chemical Composition

Lavender oil is extracted from the flowering tops by steam distillation and yields 1.4%-1.6%. The main chemical components of Lavender oil are Borneol, Geraniol, Linalool, Lavendulyl acetate, Linalyl acetate and Cineol. If the plant material from which the oil is extracted is grown at a high altitude, it normally yields more esters. Although lavender is considered one of the safest essential oils, you should discontinue use if you have any allergic reactions.

Aromatherapy Uses

The therapeutic properties of Lavender oil include Antiseptic, analgesic, anti-convulsant, anti-depressant, anti-rheumatic, anti-toxic, anti-spasmodic, anti-inflammatory, emmenagogue, anti-toxic, carminative, deodorant, diuretic, nervine, restorative, sedative, insecticide, and tonic. Lavender oil has a soothing and calming effect on the nerves, relieving tension, depression, panic, hysteria and nervous exhaustion in general. It is effective for headaches, migraines, and insomnia. Lavender oil is beneficial for problems such as bronchitis, asthma, colds, laryngitis, halitosis, throat infections and whooping cough. It helps the digestive system deal with colic, nausea, vomiting, and flatulence. Lavender oil relieves pain when used for rheumatism, arthritis, lumbago and muscular aches and pains, especially those associated with the sport. Lavender tones the skin and is useful for all types of skin problems: abscesses, acne, oily skin, boils, burns, sunburn, wounds, psoriasis, lice, insect bites, stings and as an insect repellent. Lavender is one of the few essentials oils that can be used directly on the skin and this is especially useful when treating a minor burn wound. Lavender is a very useful oil and can be effective for a variety of problems. Tt not only helps with nervous conditions, it is useful for the digestive system, the respiratory tract and skin problems, it also helps with muscle aches and pains and arthritis and rheumatism.


In vapor therapy, Lavender oil can be used for allergies, anorexia, dizziness, sleeplessness (also in children), hay fever, headaches, depression, trauma, anxiety, hysteria, fear, nightmares, irritability, nervous tension and as an insect repellant. Lavender oil can be used as a massage oil or diluted in the bath for: abdominal pains, allergies, anorexia, arthritis, bowel disorders, fatigue, hay fever, headaches, insomnia, moodiness, trauma, anxiety, depression, hysteria, nightmares, fear, irritability, nervous tension, stress and for relaxing. Lavender oil can be used as a wash or on a cotton bud for acne, insect bites, carbuncles, bruises, chilblains, dandruff, and lice. On a cold compress, Lavender oil can be used for arthritis, eczema, and sores.

lemon juice

Lemon oil

Oil properties

Lemon oil has a sharp, fresh smell, is pale greenish-yellow in color and is watery in viscosity. The shelf life of Lemon oil is only 8-10 months if to be used in aromatherapy, but can still be used in fragrance therapies such as vapor therapy. Origin of lemon oil A native of India, this evergreen tree grows up to about 6 meters (20 feet) and has dark green serrated oval leaves. The pink/white flowers are highly perfumed and the trees have thorns and fruit that turn from green to yellow on ripening. Lemon is derived from the Arabic ‘laimun’ or Persian ‘limun’ and was brought to Europe by the Crusaders in the Middle Ages. Lemon has a high content of vitamins A, B and C and an ounce a day was given to sailors in the Royal Navy to alleviate scurvy and other vitamin deficiencies. In Japan, Lemon oil is used in diffusers in banks to reduce worker-error and is a popular flavoring agent for food and perfumes.

Extraction and Chemical Composition

Lemon oil is extracted from the fresh fruit peel by cold expression. The main chemical components of Lemon oil are Limonene, Citronella, Phellandrene, Citral, and Citroptene. Non-toxic, but can cause skin irritation and sensitize in some individuals, and since it is a photo-toxic oil, should not be used (even in low dilution) before being exposed to the sun.

Aromatherapy Uses

The therapeutic properties of Lemon oil are anti-acid, anti-sclerotic, antibiotic, sedative, carminative, anti-neuralgic, diuretic, astringent, digestive, anti-spasmodic, antiseptic, febrifuge, laxative and vermifuge. Lemon oil can be very beneficial to the circulatory system. It aids in blood flow and brings down blood pressure and also helps with nosebleeds. It can help bring down fever, helps relieve throat infections, bronchitis, asthma, and flu. It helps the immune system and can be helpful in cleansing the body, it improves the functions of the digestive system, and it is helpful for constipation, dyspepsia, and cellulite. Lemon oil can soothe and relieve headaches and migraines and it can be helpful for rheumatism and arthritis and is useful in helping to clear up acne, cleaning greasy skin and hair, as well as removing dead skin cells. Lemon oil eases painful cold sores, mouth ulcers, herpes and insect bites. Lemon oil helps to fight against infections, aids the digestive system, soothes headaches, migraines, and muscular problems, and clears greasy skin and hair.


In burners and vaporizers, Lemon oil can be used for colds, voice loss, flu, depression, stress, lack of energy and fatigue. It can be used in blended massage oils or diluted in the bath to assist with: digestive problems, lack of energy, fatigue, infections, flu, obesity, overweight, rheumatism, depression, stress and as a general tonic. Lemon oil can be used in a base cream, in a lotion or as a mouthwash, for mouth ulcers and throat infections and for oily skin.



Lemongrass oil

Essential Oil Properties: Analgesic, deodorant, anti-depressant, antiseptic, insecticidal, digestive, diuretic, tonic
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for digestive, hepatic problems, body odor, water retention. Apply externally to kill bacteria and prevent infection

Lime oil

Essential Oil Properties: Anti-scorbutic, antiviral, astringent, disinfectant
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for prevention of viral infections, acne and skin care, prevention, and treatment of scurvy. Apply to surfaces to kill bacteria.


Mandarin oil

Essential Oil Properties: Calming, sedative, antispasmodic, anti-wrinkle
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for acne, greasy skin, skin regeneration, urine retention, obesity, dyspepsia, enteric problems, muscle spasms, over-excitement, insomnia

Manuka oil

Essential Oil Properties: Antibacterial, fungicide, relaxant
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for skin diseases, mycosis, and psoriasis


Marjoram oil

Essential Oil Properties: Calefacient, corroborant, antispasmodic, muscle booster, cholagogue
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for heartburn, arthritis, rheumatisms, lumbago, colic, strains, constipation, cellulite, dyspnoea, migraine, headaches, nervous tension, insomnia, dizziness, menstrual problems, muscle pain, stimulate gallbladder

Mastic oil

Essential Oil Properties: Anti-inflammatory, antibiotic
Aromatherapy Uses: For skin problems, arthritis, coxalgia, bronchitis, urethritis

May Chang oil

Essential Oil Properties: Antiseptic, deodorant, disinfectant, insecticidal stomachic, calming
Aromatherapy Uses: For acne, dermatitis, sudation, bloat, dyspepsia, heart arrhythmia, hypertension, nervous tension

Melissa oil

Essential Oil Properties: Antispasmodic, anti-allergen, refreshing, calming, sedative
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for hypotension, chronic cough, asthma, bronchitis, colic, menopausal problems, stress, migraines, headaches, vertigo, insomnia, hysteria, fever, hay fever, erethism, nausea, over-excitement

Myrrh oil

Essential Oil Properties: Anti-microbial, astringent, tonic, anti-aging, deodorant, disinfectant, expectorant
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for respiratory problems, dysentery, hemorrhoids, hyperthyroidism, acne and skin care, body odor, gum, and mouth infection. Apply to surfaces to kill bacteria

Myrtle oil

Essential Oil Properties: Astringent, carminative, anti-bacterial
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for skin invigoration, greasy skin, hormone counterbalance, hemorrhoids and ovary and thyroid problems


Neroli oil

Essential Oil Properties: Anti-depressant, antispasmodic, refreshing, calming, relaxing, sedative, nervine, tonic, cicatrizant
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for parasites, hemorrhoids, exhaustion, anxiety, over-excitement, muscle spasm, menstrual problems depression, skin regeneration and care, insomnia, scar tissue

Niaouli oil

Essential Oil Properties: Antiseptic, decongestant, anti-allergic against viruses, anti-rheumatic
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for otitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, rheumatism and hormone problems

Nutmeg oil

Essential Oil Properties: Peptic, calefacient, antioxidant, aphrodisiac, antispasmodic, analgesic, antiseptic, anti-dontalgic, tonic
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for bloat, dyspepsia, seasickness, stimulating appetite, increasing sexual desire, muscle pain and spasm, relieving toothache. Apply externally to kill bacteria and prevent infection


Orange oil

Essential Oil Properties: Calming, antispasmodic, anti-depressant, anti-wrinkle, detoxification, tonic
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for skin care, obesity, fluid retention, obesity, constipation, nervous tension, muscle spasm, stress, detoxification


Oregano oil

Essential Oil Properties: Antiseptic, deodorant, aphrodisiac, tonic, febrifuge, anti-rheumatic, bechic, peptic, pesticide
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for a massage (especially for painful articulations), rheumatism, coughs, asthma, bronchitis, and cellulite.

Precautions: Do not use undiluted oil on skin


Parsley oil

Essential Oil Properties: Antiseptic, diuretic, expectorant
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for water retention, respiratory problems. Apply externally to kill bacteria and prevent infection

Patchouli oil

Essential Oil Properties: Relaxing and refreshing
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for dry skin, acne, eczema. It helps nervous invigoration

Pepper (Red) oil

Essential Oil Properties: Antiseptic
Aromatherapy Uses: Use to help invigorate blood circulation, aid in flu healing. Apply externally to kill bacteria and prevent infection

peppermint oil

Peppermint oil

Essential Oil Properties: Antiseptic, decongestant,
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for indigestion, sinusitis, anaesthetic, antispasmodic, astringent, tonic, anti-dontalgic, anti-inflammatory, digestive, expectorant, cholagogue respiratory problems, flu, coxalgia, dyspepsia, seasickness, nausea fever, stress, heartburn, sweaty feet, migraine, headaches, muscle spasm and pain, neuralgia, flatulence, relieving toothache, gum infection, acne and skin care, insomnia, stimulate gallbladder

Petitgrain oil

Essential Oil Properties: Antiseptic, deodorant, peptic, tonic, calming, sedative, cicatrisant
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for acne, sudation, greasy skin and hair, dyspepsia, insomnia, nervous exhaustion, over-excitement, scar tissue

Pimento oil

Essential Oil Properties: Anti-dontalgic, aphrodisiac
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for relieving toothache, increasing sexual desire

Pine oil

Essential Oil Properties: Anti-rheumatic, decongestant, deodorant, disinfectant, diuretic, expectorant, tonic
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for rheumatism, respiratory problems, sinusitis, body odor, water retention. Apply to surfaces to kill bacteria


Ravensara oil

Essential Oil Properties: Anti-infectious, nervine and excretory
Aromatherapy Uses:  Use for insomnia and invigoration of chronic fatigue of the muscles

Rose oil

Essential Oil Properties: Antiseptic, calming, relaxing, sedative, astringent, antidepressant, anti-wrinkle, depurative, diuretic, tonic
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for water retention, chronic bronchitis, asthma, sexual impotence, over-excitement, skin regeneration, and care, purifying. Apply externally to kill bacteria and prevent infection

Rosemary-Essential-Oil-Uses (1)

Rosemary oil

Essential Oil Properties: Corroborant, emmenagogue, anti-rheumatic, astringent, tonic, antiseptic, detoxification, diuretic, cholagogue
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for hypertension, migraine, memory, energy boosting, muscle pain, respiratory problems, sinusitis, menstrual problems, rheumatisms, bad circulation, water retention, insomnia, stimulating gallbladder. One of the best tonic massage oils, it helps hair grow and great for skin care and detoxification

Rosewood oil

Essential Oil Properties: Anti-aging, tonic, aphrodisiac, deodorant, cholagogue
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for depression, fatigue, increasing sexual desire, respiratory infections, body odor, stimulating gallbladder


Sage oil

Essential Oil Properties: Antiseptic
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for cold, fever, stomach and peptic problems, cellulite, obesity, herpes and menstruation problems. It is also considered a decongestant for blood circulation

Salvia Sclarea oil

Essential Oil Properties: Calming and antidepressant
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for mental euphoria, menstruation problems, hemorrhoids and nervous distress

Sandalwood oil

Essential Oil Properties: Antiseptic, antispasmodic, calming, anti-aging, astringent, aphrodisiac, bechic, cardiotonic, diuretic, expectorant, relaxing, sedative, cicatrizant
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for respiratory problems, muscle spasms, anxiety, over-excitement, increasing sexual desire, as a decongestant for veins and lymph, acne, and skin care, coughs, water retention, insomnia, menopause, scar tissue. Apply externally to kill bacteria and prevent infection

Savory oil

Essential Oil Properties: Tonic, calefacient, aphrodisiac, antibiotic, antiparasitic
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for the immune system, increasing sexual desire, preventing infection.

Precautions: Do not apply it undiluted to skin


Tagetes oil

Essential Oil Properties: Antispasmodic
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for muscle cramps


Essential Oil Properties: Anti-microbial
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for fungal infections

Tarragon oil

Essential Oil Properties: Calefacient, stimulating
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for peptic and equilibration of the nervous system

tea tree oil

Tea Tree oil

Essential Oil Properties: Antiseptic, antibiotic, antiviral, local anesthetic
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for laryngitis, tonsillitis, mycosis, enteric parasites, prevention of viral and other various infections, gum infection, mumps, sinusitis, wounds. Apply externally to kill bacteria and prevent infection

Thuya oil

Essential Oil Properties: Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-bactericidal
Aromatherapy Uses: Use to help blood circulation

Thyme essential oil

Thyme oil

Essential Oil Properties: Antiseptic, antispasmodic, anti-microbial, anti-rheumatic, anti-venomous, antibiotic, aphrodisiac, bechic, expectorant
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for hypertension, respiratory problems, bronchitis, otitis, coughs, stimulate appetite, muscle spasm, rheumatism, increasing sexual desire


Valerian oil

Essential Oil Properties: Soporific, hypotensive, calming
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for insomnia, migraine, nervous dyspepsia, dandruff

Vanilla oil

Essential Oil Properties: Aromatic, balsam, aphrodisiac

Vetiver oil

Essential Oil Properties: Antiseptic, circulation tonic, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for acne, arthritis, rheumatism, increase sexual desire

Violet oil

Essential Oil Properties: Diuretic
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for water retention


Ylang Ylang

Essential Oil Properties: Calming, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, relaxing, sedative
Aromatherapy Uses: Use for hypertension, skin diseases, increasing sexual desire, over-excitement


Health and Natural Healing Tips