How To Cure Vertigo Naturally
Vertigo is the sensation of dizziness, faintness, or lightheadedness. It is related to the sense of balance and equilibrium. Dizziness occurs when the central nervous system receives conflicting messages from the inner ear, eyes, muscles, or skin pressure receptors.
Those who suffer from vertigo feel that they are sinking or falling, that the room and its objects are spinning around, and sometimes that they are spinning too. it can be caused by brain tumors, high and low blood pressure, allergies, head injuries, lack of oxygen to the brain, anemia, infections, nutritional deficiencies, neurological disease, psychological stress, change of atmosphere, blockage of the ear canal or eustachian tube, middle ear infections, excess wax in the ear, or moving too quickly from lying or sitting to a standing position. Poor cerebral circulation can also cause dizziness and the inability to maintain balance. Vertigo is sometimes accompanied by nausea and hearing loss.
In this article, you’ll learn and discover how to cure vertigo naturally.
Table of Contents
How to Ged Rid of Vertigo
Physical Therapy
For people who experience recurring vertigo, one type of helpful treatment is vestibular rehabilitation, a form of physical therapy that addresses the vestibular organs. The vestibular system constantly sends information to the brain in the form of nerve impulses from special nerve endings called sensory receptors, so therapy can retrain these organs to work with our other senses to re-establish a sense of balance. Vestibular rehab can help promote central nervous system compensation for inner-ear problems causing loss of balance.
Inactivity has also been linked to worsened vertigo, so additionally, physical therapy treatments work on increasing strength, a range of motion, flexibility, and movement, while preventing muscle fatigue and soreness. A vestibular rehab program might include various exercises for building better hand-eye coordination, improving balance, strengthening joints and muscles, and improving fitness and endurance. These exercises can also help ease pain and allow you to rest better if you usually find you can’t sleep comfortably.
Epley maneuver
Also called the “Canalith” repositioning maneuver, the Epley maneuver is the first go-to strategy for many people experiencing vertigo. Research indicates that the Epley maneuver is extremely effective for people with BPPV. You can perform the maneuver at home by following this simple procedure:
- Start by sitting upright on a flat surface, with a pillow behind you and with your legs outstretched.
- Turn your head 45 degrees to the right.
- With your head still titled, quickly recline with your head on the pillow. Stay in this position for at least 30 seconds.
- Slowly turn your head to the left, a full 90 degrees, without lifting your neck.
- Engage your whole body, turning it to the left so that you are completely on your left side.
- Slowly return to your original position, looking forward and sitting straight up.
You may also have someone assist you with the Epley maneuver by guiding your head according to the steps outlined above. It can be repeated three times in a row, and you may feel dizzy during each movement.
Semont-Toupet maneuver
The Semont-Toupet maneuver is a similar set of movements that you can perform at home to treat vertigo. This maneuver is less well-known, but some studies claim it is just as effective. The Semont-Toupet maneuver is very similar to the Epley Maneuver, but it requires less neck flexibility.
- Start by sitting upright on a flat surface, with a pillow behind you and with your legs outstretched.
- Lie down, turning to your right, and look to your left side, looking upward.
- Quickly sit up and turn to your left side, keeping your head facing to your left. You will now be looking down at the ground.
- Slowly return to your original position, looking forward and sitting straight up.
Brandt-Daroff exercise
This exercise is most commonly recommended for people with vertigo to do at home because it is simple to do it unsupervised. You shouldn’t perform the Brandt-Daroff exercise unless you are in a safe place and won’t be driving for a while because it might provoke increased dizziness for a short period of time.
- Start by sitting on a flat surface, with your legs dangling as they would from a chair.
- Turn your head as far as you can to the left side, then lay your head and torso down on your right side. Your legs should not move. Stay here for at least 30 seconds.
- Sit up and turn your head back to the center position.
- Repeat the exercise on the opposite side by turning your head as far as you can to the right side, then laying down on your left side.
- You can do this exercise in a set of 5 repetitions and repeat it as often as 3 times a day, twice a week.
Herb Treatment
Gingko Biloba
Ginkgo biloba has been studied for its effects on vertigo and found to be as effective as the leading prescription medication to treat vertigo. Gingko Biloba extract can be purchased in liquid or capsule form. Taking 240 milligrams of Ginkgo Biloba each day should lessen your vertigo symptoms and make you feel more on-balance.
Reducing Stress
Some conditions that cause vertigo, including Meniere’s disease, can be triggered by stress. Developing coping strategies to navigate stressful circumstances could decrease your episodes of vertigo. Practicing meditation and deep-breathing techniques are a good place to start. Long-term stress isn’t something you can simply breathe through, and often the causes of stress aren’t things that you can cut out of your life. Simply being aware of what is causing you stress might cut down on your vertigo symptoms.
Yoga and Tai Chi
Yoga and tai chi are known to reduce stress while increasing flexibility and balance. Physical therapy performed in an outpatient setting trains your brain to compensate for the cause of your vertigo, and exercise you do at home can mimic this effect. Try simple yoga poses, such as Child’s Pose and Corpse Pose, when you’re feeling dizzy. Be cautious about anything that involves sudden bending forward, as that could make your symptoms temporarily feel stronger.
Get Rest
People who experience a lack of sleep, tossing and turning and inactivity are more likely to suffer from vertigo. Make it a priority to get seven to eight hours of sleep every night, so you feel energized enough to move around enough, get regular exercise and experience proper muscle recovery. Exercise is also beneficial for lowering blood pressure levels and controlling stress.
To reduce dizziness once you wake up, try to sleep with your head slightly raised on two or more pillows. Also make sure to get up slowly when getting out of bed, not to walk far in the dark, which can cause you to fall, and possibly even sit on the edge of the bed for a minute before getting fully up to your head and ears can get accustomed to a new position.
Sometimes vertigo is caused by simple dehydration. Reducing your sodium intake may help. But the best way to stay hydrated is to simply drink plenty of water. Monitor your water intake and try to account for hot, humid conditions and sweaty situations that might make you lose extra fluids. Plan to drink extra water during times you tend to become dehydrated. You might find that simply being aware of how much water you’re drinking helps decrease vertigo episodes.
A Healthy Diet
Foods to include in your diet often include: vegetables (especially those high in blood pressure-lowering potassium, such as leafy greens), fresh fruit (like bananas and avocado), healthy sources of fats (like wild fish, coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil) and clean sources of lean protein (grass-fed meat, cage-free eggs and pasture-raised poultry, for example).
In addition, drink enough water each day, and lower your intake of caffeine and alcohol if you feel dizzy often. Even mild dehydration can cause dizziness and changes in blood pressure that can make you feel off-balance and nauseous.