How to Improve Posture and Relieve Back Pain

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How to Improve Posture and Relieve Back Pain

Although we’ve all heard about the importance of maintaining a good posture or the adverse effects of bad posture, most of us still don’t pay attention to how we position our bodies or take action to improve our posture. For instance, whenever you hunch or slouch over your computer, you add stress to your spine, which can lead to lower back pain.

One of the biggest challenges of dealing with the effects of bad posture is the fact that, as a society, we spend most of our time seated. From the moment you leave your house, you sit in your car, get to the office and sit behind your desk, then go back home and sit on your couch. The amount of time you spend on your feet is very little unless your job involves a lot of walking up and down.

According to Iron Neck, Prolonged sitting causes misalignment of the spine which leads to back pain. However, these effects can be mitigated by sitting on ideal seats and ensuring that they are properly cushioned. There is a lot of information that relates to correct sitting and general posture and mobility some of which can be found on

How does Improving Posture Relieve Back Pains?

Although the ill effects of sitting with a bad posture are not always felt immediately, the stress it causes to your spine makes an impact on your spine anatomically. Nerves and blood vessels are constricted by the bad positioning of the body which in turn provokes back pain. At the same time, the impact on muscles, joints, and discs also significantly contributes to back pain.

Here are some of the ways you can improve your posture and ease back pain:

Always be aware of your Balance

As you grow older, your ability to maintain your balance progressively diminishes. That’s why you need to spare some time to work on your balance in order to keep your core muscles constantly engaged. This strengthens your brain-body connection. You can also perform exercises that help with improving your balance and keep increasing the frequency and amount of the exercises.

Practice Proper Sitting

Sitting is the posture we find ourselves in most of the time. When you sit for long hours, your core, which includes those muscles around your stomach and lower back areas, becomes fatigued and you begin to slump. The net result of this is an exhaustion of your other structures. To avoid this, try to position your hips and knees at an angle of 90 degrees. Also, choose seats that support your lower back.

Walk tall

Your posture is also important when you are walking running or exercising. When you walk, always ensure that your head stays balanced right above your spine. Drooping your shoulders is the other thing you should avoid.

Always monitor your stress

Many times we don’t monitor how our bodies respond to our environment. Your body is always making little adjustments and as signals and a wide variety of information hit your senses, your body and brain constantly respond accordingly. Your muscles tense up and shoulders rise and blood leaves your digestive process as it prepares to respond to stress.

Set aside some time for exercise

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Your core strength plays an important role in keeping your back stable and relieving pain. Because your body is designed for movement, it goes without saying that you should always try and find some time for mobility and exercise. Walking, hiking and yoga are some of the things you can do on a regular basis for your overall well-being.



Spend some minutes every day stretching your entire body and at least one muscle group. Stretches are especially good for people who suffer from back, hip and neck discomforts. Some of the muscles you should focus on are the ones in your hamstrings, legs, calves, feet, quads, mid-back, lower back, and shoulders. Also, include your biceps and triceps as well as your arms.

Wear proper shoes

There are certain types of shoes that can be detrimental to your posture and walking style. These include high heels and poorly supported shoes. They affect the alignment of your spine and hamper its proper functioning. Heavy accessories such as handbags cause stress to the part of the body they are placed, which forces the muscles to adapt. This eventually affects your joints.

Lift heavy loads carefully

Poor lifting techniques are also highly likely to cause injury to your joints, muscles, and discs in your upper and lower back. To avoid damaging your back when lifting heavy objects, push your chest forward and move your hips first. The weight should also be as close to your body as possible.

How can identify incorrect posture?

The first step towards improving your posture is identifying what needs some improvement. The best way to do this is to monitor your posture constantly throughout the day. Watch how you sit in your office chair, carry objects, or stand in line at regular intervals and make mental notes of back support and posture.

What are the other causes of back pain?

Sleeping on your stomach

This increases pressure on your joints and muscles. If you want your spine neutral, you should sleep either on your back or your side. If you must sleep on your tummy, then place a pillow below your hips. This will help alleviate pressure on your discs, muscles, and ligaments.



While back pain has been known to lead to depression in some cases, there are some studies that have found the reverse to be true as well. People dealing with major depression are highly likely to suffer from neck and lower back pain.

Daily activities that we perform without even thinking such as sitting in front of the computer, getting into bed, driving for long hours, or even wearing shoes can significantly affect our spine health over time. What makes the treatment of back pain difficult is the fact that a large percentage of the common problems cannot be diagnosed by doctors. This should be a good reason why you should do everything in your power to keep your back stable and avoid straining it too much.


Joe Fleming

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