How To Increase Male And Female Sexual Desire

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How To Increase Male And Female Sexual Desire

Best Ways To Increase Male And Female Sexual Desire

For a sexual relationship to be pleasurable for all parties involved, the emotional and physical well-being must be up to date. For some people, performance at sex is an issue and makes reaching the peak difficult.

It is important to emphasize that sexual desire and performance can be improved at the time of the act. If incorporated into the routine, some habits can make the sexual appetite increase and spice up the relationship.

These changes in routine benefit both women’s and men’s libido.  Making their sexual experience much more pleasurable and intimate. See what habits can significantly increase your sex drive:

Exercise regularly


Practicing physical activities brings several benefits to all regions of the body, but especially to the sexual organs. For example, exercise increases the circulation of blood in the body.  This causes the intimate regions to be irrigated with more blood and resulting in a greater lubrication process in women and more powerful erections in men.

In addition, regular physical activities also increase our body’s resistance.  This gives more breadth to the body at the time of sexual intercourse. Staying active is a very important factor for self-esteem.  It increases security in one’s appearance.

Consuming aphrodisiac foods increases sexual desire


Food is also a very important pillar of our health and it can directly affect sexual desire and pleasure. Including some foods considered aphrodisiacs in the diet can give a performance bonus at the time of the act. We list some of them below:

  • Alcoholic beverages: especially wines and catuaba, are two beverages that increase sexual desire almost immediately, reduce fatigue and give temporary resistance to muscles.
  • Chocolate: one of the foods responsible for increasing serotonin (wellness hormone). It also stimulates the production of an element called alkaloid, which provides more libido and energy.
  • Pepper: A spice that can be added to a wide variety of recipes, peppers help speed up metabolism and bring a greater sense of excitement to the body.
  • Strawberry: known as the sensual fruit, it is always present in scenarios where the intention is to increase sexual desire.

Know your own body


One of the most important points to having a pleasurable sexual relationship is to know your own body and fantasies. Discovering areas of the body that feel aroused and figuring out the best ways to handle your sex organ are vital factors in achieving the height of pleasure.

Do not be ashamed to touch your own body in search of pleasure, an intimate moment alone can bring great well-being.

Chat and have an open relationship with the partner


One of the most important points for a sexual relationship to be pleasurable for both parties is for the partners to get to know each other and be open to giving suggestions and talking about what they don’t like. This takes the sexual act to a level where everyone feels at ease, reducing stress and anxiety.

Communication is a fundamental pillar of any relationship, and talking about sex shouldn’t be taboo, especially with a person so close.

Check if your hormones are up to date


The hormones are an integral part of the functioning of our body as a whole and have a big role in sexual desire. Libido can decrease due to hormonal problems that require the intervention of prescription drugs, and it is not possible to increase it in any other way. Hormonal therapies are currently the solution to several problems and are very much linked to resolving the lack of arousal to relate.

But beware, hormones are an element that varies according to each person’s body, so if you suspect you may have a problem that affects them, go to the doctor. Do not self-medicate or consume homemade recipes that promise to cure this problem, as this only tends to make the situation worse as a whole.

Smoking can affect sexual desire


Smoking is one of the main causes of impotence and considerably reduces the sexual appetite of both men and women. In addition, problems such as erectile dysfunction, vaginal dryness, and infertility are directly linked to cigarette smoking. So avoid starting this habit and if you already live with it, get help to get it as soon as possible.

And if you want to have complete monitoring of your sexual health, the best way to do this is to consult specialist doctors. To access such professionals and several other benefits in the health area, make your health plan now.

The List 


Best Vitamins to increase sexual desire

L-arginine is an amino acid that helps the body make protein. Once absorbed into the body, it is converted into nitric oxide, a molecule that helps open blood vessels and improves blood flow. Since an erection results from the penis filling with blood, improving blood flow can make achieving an erection easier. According to a scientific study, L-arginine in combination with the supplement pycnogenol resulted in significant improvement in sexual function of men with erectile dysfunction.

Vitamin B3 for Energy – It aids in converting enzymes to energy, vital for engaging in robust sexual activities. Additionally, Vitamin B3 helps improve blood flow, making for stronger erections.

Vitamin D for Sexual Function – According to a study in the International Journal of Impotence Research, low vitamin D corresponded with impaired male sexual function, and the severity of dysfunction correlated with the degree of deficiency.

Vitamin E for Healthy Sperm Count – vitamin E is known as the  “sex vitamin”, due to its role in the production of testosterone and its ability to improve sperm function.

DHEA to Improve Symptoms of ED.  It produces adrenal glands and then uses them to produce sex hormones.

Zinc to Prevent Low Testosterone

Magnesium helps to get in the mood and keeps testosterone in the bloodstream, boosting sex drive and desire.

Best Supplements for your penis

DHEA to Improve Symptoms of ED.  It produces adrenal glands and then uses them to produce sex hormones.

Fenugreek– One study published in the journal Phytotherapy Research found men who took the supplement experienced an 82 percent increase in libido (more intense arousal) after six weeks.  63 percent of the men taking fenugreek enjoyed a boost in sexual performance (stronger orgasms), and 67 percent said the supplement enhanced their sexual recovery time and promoted greater muscle strength, overall energy, and well-being.

Ginseng – Increases overall sexual health, including proper penile function, libido, performance, sperm quality

L-citrulline – Men also reported having more sex and were very satisfied with the results.

Maca –  published in Andrologia, found that 40 percent of men who took maca plant supplements for three months experienced a stronger sex drive, as well as improved sperm formation and movement.

Yohimbine helps increase the health of your sexual organs, yielding firmer erections, and combating erectile dysfunction, according to a meta-analysis published in Wiley.

Vitamin E for Healthy Sperm Count – vitamin E is known as the  “sex vitamin”, due to its role in the production of testosterone and its ability to improve sperm function.

Best Supplements to Improve Women’s Libido

Vitamin B3 for Energy – It aids in converting enzymes to energy, vital for engaging in robust sexual activities.

Vitamin D for sexual function: Deficiency in vitamin D can be associated with reduced sexual function.

Vitamin E: It is called the “sex vitamin” due to its involvement in estrogen production.

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA): It is a hormone generated naturally by the adrenal glands.  It helps in the synthesis of other hormones such as testosterone.

Zinc: It can help libido in women.

Magnesium helps to get in the mood and keeps testosterone in the bloodstream, boosting sex drive and desire.

Omega-3 fatty acids can increase dopamine levels, which can improve mood and promote arousal.

L-arginine can increase libido.  It can expand clitoral blood vessels, boosting flow to erogenous zones and aiding arousal to your sex life.

Maca Root – For thousands of years, people have used the plant’s roots to increase sexual desire.

Ginkgo biloba can increase sexual desire

Tribulus Terrestris is a Mediterranean plant that can boost estrogen and testosterone levels in both men and women.

Turnera diffusa (damiana) – boosts sex desire and overall enjoyment. Surprisingly, postmenopausal women appeared to gain the most from the supplement.




Stacey Chillemi

Stacey Chillemi is an entrepreneur, bestselling author, speaker & coach. She is the founder of The Complete Herbal Guide. She has empowered hundreds of thousands worldwide through her books, websites, e-courses, educational videos, and live events. You can Twitter me at @The_HerbalGuide.

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