Plant with Benefits: The Health Benefits of Garlic and How to Grow it at Home

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Plant with Benefits: The Health Benefits of Garlic and How to Grow it at Home

As we all know, garlic is a common ingredient in most dishes all over the world. Even if you don’t see garlic, you’ll surely sense it in a meal because of its strong smell. Because of its pungent smell, some people don’t like garlic. Despite the scent, garlic has so many health benefits. Garlic has a small number of calories and also contains nutrients that our body needs.

Even the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates used garlic to treat fatigue, remove parasites, and other respiratory complications. The father of medicine, Hippocrates, witnesses how garlic is effective in relieving such ailments.

With that said, garlic should be present in almost every household. These are some more health benefits of garlic and a quick guide on how to grow these plants in your home.

Garlic Helps Fight off the Common Cold

They say prevention is better than cure; Intaking garlic supplements every day will help you beat cold and flu before you’ll catch it. With the pandemic going on, it’s safe to say that taking garlic can increase the chances of you avoiding Covid-19. We suggest that you visit Gardener’s path for more information.

So what makes garlic so strong against the common cold? For one, garlic is rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C or citric acid is a common nutrient found in garlic and other citrus fruits. These acids can kill both bacteria and viruses that spread disease.

Garlic Reduces Blood Pressure

Garlic’s active compound will help you lessen the chance of having a stroke or getting any heart disease. It will also lessen the risk of a person already suffering from hypertension since garlic helps reduce blood pressure.

Garlic’s active compound will also help boost your cardiovascular health. People with cardiovascular problems would sometimes use aged garlic, extract them to 600mg, and intake it every day for 24 weeks.

Garlic Can Reduce the Risk of Having Cancer

Garlic’s antibacterial properties will keep the cells active; having that said, it will prevent the production of substances that cause cancer and control cell propagation. Garlic’s allium content is found to wield defensive effects against free radical oxidation, lowering cancers’ possibility.

Garlic Helps Prevent Diabetes

Diabetes is a continuing condition that is caused by lengthy periods of elevated blood sugar. It occurs when the body cannot make insulin. Garlic can help treat diabetes by helping the body develop more insulin.

Garlic improves Mental health and Physical Health

Garlic is rich in carbohydrates and proteins. This will help improve both your mental health, and you’ll be physically fit in anything. As for your Mental health, garlic will help you become a critical thinker and sharpen your decision making. As for your Physical health, you will be less likely to suffer from body pains.

Garlic Lessens the Chance of Having Alzheimer’s Disease

The antioxidant enzymes in the garlic minimize oxidative stress in brain cells, reducing the possibility of Alzheimer’s disease. “According to research done by Curtin Researchers, they have discovered that an odorless aged extract of the root vegetable may help reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and even reverse its effects.”

With all the benefits that garlic has, you should have this plant in your Home. So how can you grow this miraculous plant in your Home? Here are some tips:


  • Before planting, loosen the soil and dig to a depth of at least 8 inches.
  • You can mix organic fertilizers into the soil.
  • Separate the garlic heads into individual cloves.
  • The papery covering on the cloves should be intact.

Correct Planting

  • Plant the cloves 3 inches to 4 inches deep. Adjust the cloves so that the pointy ends are facing up.
  • Gently water the soil and cover the bed with straw. 4 to 6 inches of straw should be enough to cover it. The straw helps provide warmth to the soil, even if temperatures drop. Even with newly planted garlic, they’ll survive the freezing grounds, given that you’ve covered the bed with straw.

Final Stage

If the clove elevations are clearly defined, the bulbs are the right size, and few leaves have died back, then you can harvest them. If you are not sure or you want to double-check, pull back the soil over one of your bulbs. Usually, the garlic will take seven to nine months to harvest.


One of the most popular plants in the world is garlic. Whether it’s for medicinal or culinary use, you can’t go wrong with it. Garlic is rich in vitamin C that strengthens the immune system. Aside from that, this plant also helps reduce blood pressure, reduce the risk of having hypertension and stroke, can prevent cancer, and can treat diabetes.

With that said, everyone should at least try growing garlic at home. Whether it’s for personal use or if you want to start a farming business, you can easily grow garlic along with other herbs and spices. Just keep working hard and eventually, you’ll reap what you sow. Keep safe and enjoy planting at home!

Stacey Chillemi

Stacey Chillemi is an entrepreneur, bestselling author, speaker & coach. She is the founder of The Complete Herbal Guide. She has empowered hundreds of thousands worldwide through her books, websites, e-courses, educational videos, and live events. You can Twitter me at @The_HerbalGuide.

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