Benefits and Uses of CBD
There are more than a hundred different cannabinoids found in cannabis that exhibit a variety of effects. The two cannabinoids most of us have heard of are cannabinoid (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). While both have shown to have medicinal properties, unlike THC, CBD is not a psychoactive compound. Using it does not produce the feeling of euphoria which is associated with using THC.
It is precisely for this reason that CBD has been enjoying growing popularity as natural medicine. It is used to treat many health conditions. Once in the bloodstream, it interacts with the receptors in the endocannabinoid system (ECS). ECS is a complex system in the human body. It is regulating some of the major physiological and cognitive processes. CBD plays a key role in improving the functioning of the ECS. This brings balance to the body and the mind.
Because of the way it impacts the functioning of the ECS, CBD improves overall well-being but also helps alleviate the symptoms of a range of medical conditions. It has been shown effective in:
- Treating epilepsy
- Reducing pain
- Decreasing inflammation
- Easing the side effects of cancer treatment
- Managing anxiety
- Managing depression and more…
The benefits are many and the costs are few to none as CBD is 100% organic, does not cause addiction, and does not have damaging side effects which are common when using over-the-counter drugs.
Given that it is used to treat a variety of health conditions, CanaBD marketplace, for high-quality CBD products, offers products suitable for different methods of consumption and tailored to different user preferences. The products are 100% natural, contain no additives, herbicides, or pesticides, and contain less than 0.2% of THC.
They meet strict manufacturing requirements and have successfully passed third-party laboratory testing. Read on to learn more about the most popular CBD-based products on the market and how they are consumed.
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CBD oil
Most of the people who are new to CBD start their treatment with CBD oil, which is the most popular CBD product. CBD is extracted from the cannabis plant and diluted with a carrier oil such as coconut or hemp seed oil to make CBD oil. What makes it appealing is the fact that there are different ways to consume it.
The most common method of CBD oil consumption is sublingual. A few drops of oil are placed under the tongue for 60 to 90 seconds, allowing the active ingredients to be absorbed by the mucous membranes under the tongue. This enables CBD to bypass metabolism rendering quicker results.
CBD oil can also be applied topically, which is ideal for treating localized muscle or joint pain. The oil is applied directly to an afflicted area and absorbed through the skin, where it helps reduce pain and inflammation.
CBD oil can also be consumed orally. It can be used as a cooking ingredient and added to the food. While this method of consumption is both delicious and inconspicuous, the absorption of CBD is slightly reduced because of digestion and it takes a little longer to see the effects.
CBD capsules
CBD capsules are ingested orally, much like any other capsule or pill. To make them, CBD is extracted from the cannabis plant and suspended in a gel capsule. Taking CBD capsules is a discreet and accurate way of consuming a prescribed dosage. It is considered a cleaner and easier method of consumption compared to CBD oil because CBD capsules are pre-measured and there is no risk of overdosing. They do not need to be refrigerated and can be kept where you use them the most. This makes them a go-to CBD product when traveling.
CBD edibles
CBD edibles are CBD-infused foods and drinks. They are becoming increasingly popular as an everyday wellness product. Also, they allow for a quick and easy daily intake of CBD through a flavorful CBD-based product. In addition, they are the most discreet way of CBD consumption and are very easy to make, which is why there is a wide variety of products available on the market (chocolate bites, gummy bears, jelly domes, and lozenges). While it takes longer to see the effects of CBD, since the edibles are digested, the effects last longer than with other methods of consumption.
CBD cosmetics
CBD cosmetics has the reputation of doing wonders for the body. In recent years, a growing number of people are turning their back on modern cosmetics, which contains toxins, often having negative long-term effects on health, and choosing CBD cosmetics, which is non-toxic, sustainable, and has health benefits such as reducing inflammation, soothing acne, and alleviating symptoms of skin diseases like psoriasis and dermatitis. You can find anything from cooling creams and body balms to bath salts.
CBD terpenes
Terpenes are natural compounds found in plants that are responsible for their color, flavor, and smell. There are over a hundred terpenes in the cannabis plant. Terpenes in themselves have medicinal properties.
When combined with CBD, they act either as catalysts, intensify its effects, or inhibitors, lessening it. There are two ways terpenes can be used: they are added to other CBD products to intensify the benefits of CBD or are vaporized.
If you are starting your CBD treatment, you should exercise due diligence by consulting with a health care medical professional to determine what the best CBD-based product and dosage is for you.
You should be especially cautious if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking prescription medications or supplements, since CBD may interact with those. Lastly, do research on the most reputable suppliers to ensure that the product you buy is high-quality and can offer the best possible CBD experience.