How Do You Extract CBD Oil?
In this article, you’ll learn and discover how CBD oil is extracted.
When it comes to massive trends, CBD is one that won’t be going away any time soon. In fact, if anything, it is gaining in popularity. The more people that are using CBD to help in their daily life as either pain management or as a health supplement, the more people are speaking out about the positive impact it is having.
There are a few things that may be of interest to people who either are looking for more information about CBD before they make it part of their daily routine or buy capsules and those who have found it to have a significant impact and wonder how it’s extracted. Much like where your fruits, vegetables, and meat comes from – the more you know, the better choices you can make.
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So what is CBD?
CBD or cannabidiol is a compound that has been proven to have many positive effects on the human body. Unlike THC, CBD cannot get you high, and instead, the body uses it to support other functions.
How does it work?
Your body is already equipped with a system called the endocannabinoid system. This network is responsible for much of what goes on in the body. CBB interacts with the system to support the function.
A few of them are:
- Pain
- Anxiety/mood balances
- Hunger/appetite
- Sleep disturbances / sleeplessness
- Brain function
How can you take it?
You can take CBD in a number of ways. You’ll need to decide what it is that you are hoping for in terms of results. You can take a daily supplement in the form of a capsule, you can drink it throughout the day in water form, you can eat it or turn it into tea. This is a personal preference and not an extensive list.
How is it extract?
There are a few ways the CBD is extracted. Let’s take a look.
Isolate Method
The isolate method is when the CBD that is extracted only contains CBD and nothing else. There are no fatty acids, no terpenes, and no other cannabinoids in the extraction. This method is often preferred by many because it has no level of THC, and it is a less risky option for people to take who don’t want to take anything that might be ‘impure’ or contain low levels of THC. The chances of THC in any extract is already low, but isolate is even smaller.
CBD Whole-Plant Extract
You will often see on labels ‘whole-plant’ or ‘full-spectrum.’ This means that there are going to be some levels of THC present in the CBD. Not only that, but there may be other cannabinoids, terpenes. Terpenes are the anti-inflammatory agents, so in some respects, if you are looking for pain relief and to reduce inflammation, then this is the right option for you.
Ethanol Extraction
This is the most common extraction methods. Ethanol used in the solvent form will remove the CBD from the cannabis plant. It is a fast process and less power-intensive than the C02 method, and cheaper too. The issue with this one is that ethanol is very flammable and takes a lot of precautions.
C02 Extraction
To make the oil, supercritical carbon dioxide is the most expensive process. But it is also the purest way that the oil can be made. Fluid C02 is used as a solvent in this case. The process is also used in the making of coffee and omega-3 oils.
Now you know just a small amount about each process. You probably have a preference. It is just as important to know what you should be looking for in terms of quality and consistency. There will always be some variation in the color of your oils because that is the nature of natural products. However, when you see a yellow or gold oil, you can consider this as a high-end filtered oil. It will likely have the price tag to match. Decarboxylated oil is heated to activate the CBD’s healing properties and is very potent – this will usually be brown or amber in color. Raw oil will be green-tinted and likely have plant fibers still present.
In the end, you really should look at how the plant was grown rather than the method of extraction. While many states have given the green light on CBD, there are very few regulations in place. So if you can look for a third-party testing seal of approval and a % of CBD and THC below 0.3% – then you have found a quality item.