CBD Oil and Skin Care: Everything You Need to Know
CBD oil is gaining in popularity because of its medicinal qualities that help treat anxiety, pain, inflammation and more. Did you know this therapeutic oil can also help improve your skin? Here is how CBD can help treat common skin conditions and improve overall skin tone and appearance.
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Why Is Skin Care Important?
It’s important not to underestimate the importance of skin care. As the largest organ of the human body, your skin plays an important role in keeping you safe. The nerve endings in your skin allow you to feel sensations, such as heat, cold and pain, to warn you of potential harm. Skin also helps the body maintain internal body temperature, prevent dehydration and avoid potential infections. It’s also common to prioritize skin care to improve appearance and prevent signs of aging.
Proper skin care is an ongoing process because the skin is constantly shedding and replacing its cells. The two most important aspects of daily skin care are cleansing and moisturizing. Cleansing the skin removes dirt, bacteria and dead skin cells. Moisturizing helps to protect the skin and keep it hydrated. It is also recommended to apply sunscreen any time you will be outdoors, to prevent skin cancer and other harmful conditions.
What Is CBD Oil?
CBD, or Cannabidiol, is one of the natural compounds found in the Hemp plant, a member of the Cannabis family. Pure CBD does not contain THC, and will not get you “high.” Hemp Bombs’ CBD offers all the medicinal qualities of Cannabis in a legal, non-psychoactive experience. CBD works as a complement to your body’s Endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is responsible for regulating various functions in the body like sleep, mood, and digestion. The ECS has a network of receptors throughout the body which includes CB1 and CB2 receptors. CBD targets CB2 receptors, which help regulate the immune system. CBD is known for potentially treating anxiety, insomnia, and depression. However, its positive effects on the body also extend to your skin.
CBD Oil for Skin Care
CBD has a wide variety of positive effects in the body that may impact skin conditions directly. Our customers use our CBD oil to potentially treat acne, eczema, psoriasis and other skin problems. While there is no formal research proving that CBD can treat skin cancer at this time, there have been many testimonials of skin cancer patients saying CBD either cured their disease entirely or helped tremendously with the pain associated with the tumor and/or treatment recovery.
CBD offers the following benefits for skin care:
Anti-inflammatory properties
Inflammation is directly related to the body’s immune system. As we mentioned, CBD works with the CB2 receptors in your body that manage the immune system. When CBD binds to the overactive immune cells, a protein called caspase is created. Once activated, caspase will send a signal to end the immune response of inflammation. By reducing inflammation in the skin, appearance is approved, and the itchy or painful feeling is soothed.
Antioxidant benefits
CBD has antioxidant properties that help defend the skin against harmful environmental factors, like UV rays, smoke and pollutants. This helps prevent skin damage and wrinkles.
Restriction of uncontrolled skin cell production
CBD can help stop the production of uncontrolled skin cells, which is a key factor in treating psoriasis.
Stress and lifestyle benefits
Stress can be a major cause of acne and a trigger for flare-ups of certain skin conditions. CBD is known for treating anxiety and short-term and chronic stress. CBD can also improve sleep, which can play an important role in promoting healthy skin.
Effects on sebaceous glands
As we mentioned, CBD helps regulate the processes in the body. This includes oil production, which is a function of the sebaceous glands. By reducing excess oil in the skin, in many cases, acne will drastically improve.
What Are Some Common Skin Conditions?
Skin conditions can cause frustration and embarrassment, and they can affect self-esteem and daily life. Also, skin conditions impact the skin’s ability to protect your body from physical harm and infection. Here are some common skin conditions:
Acne is one of the most common skin conditions in the U.S. While acne can affect people of all ages, it’s particularly common in teenagers and young adults. Acne affects the skin’s oil glands and pores and involves the development of pimples on the skin. Pimples typically form on the face, back, chest, neck, and shoulders. Acne can vary greatly from patient to patient, as it ranges in severity and location on the body. There are also different types of pimples, like whiteheads, blackheads, cysts, and pustules. Skin type, like “dry” or “oily,” can also play a role in how acne affects the body. Acne can also cause deep scars that can last for months or even years. Treating acne can be a challenge, as there are many options and results can vary. Treatment options include:
Over-the-counter medications
Including cleansers, moisturizers, creams, serums, and multi-step regimens
Prescription medications
Including pills, ointments, creams, and antibiotics
Lifestyle changes
Getting more sleep, avoiding pimple popping and improving hygiene habits
Medical therapies
Including chemical peels, laser therapy, and light therapy
Home remedies
Homemade face masks and dietary changes
Acne may go away on its own, especially for teenagers
Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)
Eczema is a condition that involves outbreaks of red and itchy skin. Common symptoms include dry skin, itching, red patches, small and irritated bumps and raw skin from itching. It can be extremely uncomfortable and flare up unexpectedly. Eczema hinders the skin from protecting itself to the best of its ability, allowing for environmental factors to affect the body more easily. This can include allergens and other irritants. Eczema is sometimes associated with asthma and hay fever. Treatment options include:
Prescription or over-the-counter, to moisturize the skin and sooth the itchy feeling
Oral medication
To manage inflammation, may present serious side effects
Medical therapies
Including wet dressings and light therapy
Lifestyle changes
Such as avoiding itching and preventing exposure to allergens
Psoriasis is a chronic disease of the skin. It occurs when the skin has an accelerated life cycle of cells, resulting in an accumulation of skin cells. The build-up of skin cells can look like scales or red patches. There are many forms of psoriasis, including plaque, nail, guttate, inverse, and pustular. Psoriasis can cause extreme discomfort and make it challenging to perform some daily tasks. Also, psoriasis can be associated with other diseases of the body, like psoriatic arthritis and type two diabetes. Common treatments include:
Topical medications
Like corticosteroids or retinoids
Light therapy
Because ultraviolet light can slow skin cell turnover
A costly option for reducing symptoms of psoriasis
Oral medications
To decrease the production of skin cells, may cause severe side effects
Skin Cancer
Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the U.S. Common classifications include basal cell cancer, squamous cell cancer, and melanoma. Skin cancer typically begins as a new or evolving bump, growth, mole, lesion or textured patch on the skin. Risk factors for developing skin cancer include the high amount of time spent in the sun, fair-colored skin and physical features, older age and family history. Once skin cancer is properly diagnosed, treatment options often include:
- Surgery – to remove the cancerous tumor
- Radiation therapy – to destroy the tumor x-ray beams
- Other procedures – like cryotherapy or laser therapy
How to Use CBD For Your Skin
Choosing a product
Just like not all skin conditions are alike, not all CBD products are created equally. It’s important to look for a premium, pure CBD product. It’s important to choose a brand that verifies its products through a third-party lab, to confirm CBD potencies. Learn more about a prospective brand’s Hemp sourcing to ensure products are free of harmful pesticides or metals.
Hemp Bombs’ products are made from organic-certified, non-GMO premium Industrial Hemp. Our products are pure and potent, and we regularly test our products through a third-party lab to verify its high quality. We also offer our premium CBD in capsules, gummies, e-liquids, vape tanks and more, so you can take CBD in your preferred method.
When it comes to CBD oil dosing, there is no exact answer of how much you need to take. It depends on a multitude of factors, including age, physical size, and severity of your skin condition. Please review our CBD general dosing guidelines to determine a starting dose that best meets your needs.
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