3 Things You Should Know About Psoriasis
Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin issue that is usually associated with scaling on the surface of the skin. It occurs when there is a rapid build-up of skin cells due to the increased speed of the cell’s life cycle. The extra cells then form scaly, red patches that may be painful and itchy. According to a specialist who specializes in Psoriasis in New York, the condition psoriasis is a chronic issue that keeps coming and going. The good news is that although the condition cannot be cured, working with a reliable dermatologist can go a long way in helping you to manage it. Below are some important things that you should know about psoriasis.
Symptoms of Psoriasis
The symptoms can differ from one person to another depending on the type of psoriasis. This skin issue can affect small areas or even cover most of the body. Some of the most common symptoms of psoriasis include:
- Red, inflamed skin patches
- Whitish-silver scales on the red patches
- Dry skin that cracks and bleeds
- Soreness on the affected areas
- Burning and itching sensation on the affected areas
- Swollen, painful joints
- Pitted, thick nails
Not all people are going to experience all of these symptoms. Some patients may experience completely different symptoms or go through cycles of symptoms.
What Causes Psoriasis
It is still not clear about what causes psoriasis. However, after decades of research, there are two factors that have been found to contribute to the condition: immune system and genetics. As noted earlier, psoriasis is an autoimmune condition. It occurs when the white blood cells attack the skin cells by mistake, causing the production of skin cells to go into overdrive. It is not known why this happens in some people but not in others. However, experts believe that the issue is genetic. Therefore, if you have close relatives with psoriasis, you might be at risk as well.
Managing Psoriasis
There really isn’t anything a person can do to prevent psoriasis. And unfortunately, the condition cannot be cured. However, it is possible to manage the symptoms. One of the most effective ways of doing this is to understand the factors that trigger the symptoms.
Psoriasis can be triggered by a number of factors. Its triggers can vary from one person to another. Some of the most common ones include stress, alcohol, infection, injury, and some medications. For you to stay free of symptoms, it is imperative for you to learn your triggers and avoid them.
When symptoms occur, your dermatologists can help you to manage them. Some of the treatments that you can receive include topical treatments, systemic medications, and light therapy.
The Bottom Line
Overall, psoriasis is a chronic skin disorder that can cause significant discomfort. Although the problems cannot be cured, it is possible to manage its symptoms by avoiding specific triggers and even seeking treatment from a dermatologist.