12 Tips for Eliminating Toxins and Improving Your Health
Modern life continues to provide advances that speed up the pace of everything. There are conveniences everywhere, from fast processed foods to electronics to microwaves. And yet, while everything has gotten faster, one thing hasn’t changed: Nature and our human bodies need balance and one way to do that is by eliminating the toxins in your body.
Often, advances that speed up the pace of life can also upset the balance so necessary for our health… and this is often seen in the form of toxic overload.
Toxins lodge in your cells, soft tissues, and muscles, and overwhelm your entire immune system.
For several years, we have seen increasing imbalance in the form of growing rates of cancer, Alzheimer’s, autism, diabetes, fatigue, obesity, heart disease, allergies, candida, and infertility. Almost all of these can in some way be linked to toxic overload in our bodies.
Table of Contents
- So what can we do?
- 12 Tips for Eliminating Toxins
- Start by incorporating eating the right foods
- Drink plenty of water
- Eliminate sugar and artificial sweeteners from your diet
- Choose your produce wisely!
- Choose the right meats, poultry, and fish!
- Eliminate processed foods
- Consume fermented foods and drinks
- Assist your liver
- Eat ocean vegetables
- Cleanse your colon
- Switch to organic, natural, and environmentally friendly personal care and household products
- Learn effective ways to cope with stress!
So what can we do?
While it’s impossible to avoid all of the toxins that come with modern life, you have the power to create balanced health!
First, let’s take a brief look at where many of these toxins are coming from:
- Air
- Water
- Food
- Drugs and tobacco
- Household and personal care products
- Stress and negative emotions
For more information, read: Why Your Body Needs to “Cleanse” (& the Surprising Signs that it is Cleansing)
12 Tips for Eliminating Toxins
Start by incorporating eating the right foods
Eat whole, healing foods that boost your immunity and detoxify your body. In this way, diet alone can go a long way to keeping you protected from toxins you encounter in the environment.
Drink plenty of water
This helps your body eliminate toxins through your sweat, tears, and urine. Make sure that you are drinking pure, filtered water from a safe source. Do consider investing in an alkaline water machine.
These machines, invented in Japan, take regular tap water, filter it, and then split the water into acid and alkaline water. Both are useful but you drink alkaline water each day. There are now many of these machines on the market and obviously, some machines are better than others.
I prefer the ones made by Enagic for several reasons. These are the only machines recommended by the Japanese government for use in hospitals. Also, each machine is carefully assembled in Japan by one person. These machines are expensive, though, ranging in price from $1280 to $3980 … but are well worth it.
Eliminate sugar and artificial sweeteners from your diet
Sugar is extremely harmful to your health and feeds candida, while artificial sweeteners are downright poison. Use Body Ecology Stevia instead.
Choose your produce wisely!
Locally grown, organic and fruits and vegetables in season are the best way to ensure you’re not consuming dangerous pesticides and chemicals.
Choose the right meats, poultry, and fish!
Look for organic, pasture-fed antibiotic and hormone-free organic sources of meat and poultry. Fish should be wild, not farm-raised.
Eliminate processed foods
Foods that are processed and packaged in boxes, bags, or cans often contain preservatives and artificial flavorings that encourage you to eat more AND have toxic effects on your body.
If you choose prepared foods, read the ingredients or nutrition labels to be sure you are getting the highest quality foods.
Consume fermented foods and drinks
Adding fermented foods and drinks to your diet is an excellent line of defense against toxins.
These probiotic-rich foods have healthy bacteria and yeast (microflora), which are essential for strong immunity, good digestion, detoxification, and keeping your intestines free of pathogens like candida.
The best way to add fermented foods and drinks to your diet is with cultured vegetables and drinks like Coco-Biotic and Innergy Biotic.
Cultured veggies are often made with cabbage and kale. These two vegetables are members of the cruciferous family and are a significant source of calcium glucarate, a powerful detoxifier. Research has shown that calcium glucarate helps prevent cancer of the breast and colon.
You can make your own Young Coconut Kefir at home, or try Body Ecology’s convenient CocoBiotic, which has many of the same properties as Young Coconut Kefir without having to find and crack those young green coconuts! For more on the best sources of fermented foods and drinks, read: Probiotic Liquids and Foods versus Probiotic Supplements: Which Is Better?
Assist your liver
Your liver is your body’s main cleansing organ and could use a little help, such as giving it the best liver cleanse it could obtain. It is a great way to support your liver and your bowels in removing toxins from your body. It works by increasing bile flow that stimulates peristaltic movement. Then your colon will eliminate its contents more efficiently. Toxins leave the liver in the bile so you want to increase bile flow to get those toxins out!
Eat ocean vegetables
Ocean vegetables have a long list of health benefits, are delicious, and have amazing detox properties. For more information on their benefits and how you can incorporate them into your diet, read: 8 Healthy Seaweeds Worth Knowing and Trying.
Cleanse your colon
You can use either a home enema or a visit to a certified colon hydrotherapist.
Switch to organic, natural, and environmentally friendly personal care and household products
As more people are becoming aware of the dangerous toxins that these products put into our bodies, air, and water, natural alternatives are becoming available.
For more information read: The Dangers of Typical Body Soaps and What to Use Instead
Learn effective ways to cope with stress!
It’s not possible to completely eliminate stress, it’s a part of life. But you can learn to manage it. Additionally, many people cope with stress and negative emotions by bringing and by eating foods that are unhealthy for them.
Whether you go running, do yoga, or practice deep breathing exercises, find what works for you and make it a part of your daily life. Many people find that the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), founded by Gary Craig is a fast, easy, and practical way to clear stress and negative emotions. By quickly practicing these techniques they can be free to enjoy their lives!
The tips I’ve listed can seem overwhelming at first, but if you commit to one small step at a time and stick to it, you’ll find that new healthy habits start to pay off.
It’s important to know that when you first begin to eliminate toxins from your body, it’s normal to feel tired, achy, and even more emotional or grumpy. These symptoms of cleansing usually last for a short period of time so don’t give up. Cleansings are a sign that what you’re doing is working. Instead of giving up go for several colonics instead.
For more information read The Quick and Easy Guide to Improving Your Health on The Body Ecology Program Part VI: Why You Might Feel Bad (At First) When You Start to Eat Healthily.
We live in a fast-paced world and yet, with these 12 tips, you can take charge of your health so that you can live as Nature intended: in health and balance!