Author: MikeJones

Health and Natural Healing Tips / Articles posted by MikeJones
bleaching scar

How to Bleach an Old Scar with Home Remedies

Scars usually occur when the dermis (the thick, deep layer of skin) suffers heavy damage. The most basic explanation for this mechanism is that scars are the result of a very aggressive healing process through which the body struggles to prevent other outside elements from entering the system and affecting other areas by rapidly closing the wound. To aid this process, the body generates a natural protein called collagen, which in turn generates fibrous tissue popularly known as ‘’scar tissue’’ – which is the reason why scars have a slightly different quality and texture than the rest of the skin. Over time, scars tend to get lighter to the point of becoming almost unnoticeable, but they can still make people feel self-conscious about their appearance. While experts...

Health and Natural Healing Tips