Lose Belly And Whole Body Fat With Only 1 Tablespoon A Day
Have you been trying to lose weight, but nothing seems to work?
I’m going to show you how you can lose up to ten pounds with just one tablespoon of this powerful and effective fat-burning drink. About a three months before summer starts most people begin to run around like chickens without heads trying to figure out how they are going to get lose those extra pounds that most people pack on during the cold winter months.
Some people put themselves on strict healthy diets and others hit the gym almost every day. But unfortunately for most people, they tend to get drained and their motivation decreases, and their willpower starts to fade away.
You’ll start to see all those pounds that you lost come back before you blink an eye. In this article, you’ll see how you can slim down in a healthy way without draining and stressing yourself out.
Table of Contents
The secret
How? The secret lies in a drink that not everybody knows about. It’s a fat-burning drink. In this article, you’ll learn how to prepare it. But before I show you how to make it let’s go over a few weight loss steps that will help assist you so you lose that excess weight quickly and permanently.
6 Steps to help you lose weight quickly
Remove all the temptations in your kitchen
If you have junk food in your pantry and fridge chances are when you get a little hungry or stressed out you’ll head straight to the junk food no matter how bad you know it is for you.
Incorporate activity into your life
Purchase a Fitbit, apple watch, or an activity tracker to count your steps and show you how active you are on a daily basis. Try to get in 10, 000 steps. Basically, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week — not a specific number of steps. But a 2011 study found that healthy adults took between 4,000 and 18,000 steps per day, so 10,000 is a reasonable daily goal.
A 15-minute walk will give you a lot of steps or try swimming, biking, or jogging. Nothing crazy. Choose activities that work for you.
Eat Healthy Portions
Make sure your portions are normal. Don’t overdo it. Try cutting your size down slowly. Make your portions sizes about 25% smaller than what you normally eat. Try using a Weight Watchers plate or portion size plate for dieters. This is a great way to learn healthy portion sizes.
Stop drinking unhealthy drinks
Cut down or stop completely drinks like milkshakes, coffee with fatty cream, and ease up on the alcohol. If you want to reduce your calorie intake just replace these drinks with water you’ll be shocked by how much weight you lose.
Read the labels
Check the nutritional facts on food labels this way you’ll be able to keep track of the number of calories you consume each day and to make sure that the products are healthy and not processed. Focus on whole foods like fruits and vegetables.
Be wise with the grain foods you eat
Whole wheat, flour brown rice, and oatmeal are much better for your body. Check the nutrition label packaged on all the food you buy. For example, oatmeal has a lot of sugar, and sugar packs on the pounds!
Now for what you been waiting for!
The fat-burning drink!
All you need to do is drink a few tablespoons each day and you’ll see the pounds fall off your body. The main ingredient of this drink is cumin. If you’ve never heard that this spice cumin can accelerate weight loss.
Check this out…
Cumin can be used for weight loss as it is an effective weight loss remedy. You can lose fat from your belly as well as your whole body within just 15-20 days by eating cumin seeds or drinking cumin water daily.
Previously, a study was held in which 80 obese women were divided into two groups.
‘The Cumin Group” and “Diet Control Group”. The cumin group was asked to consume cumin daily and the other group was asked to eat a healthy diet. After 3 months, it was found out that women who had used cumin on a daily basis lost a lot more weight compared to the other group.
Cumin Fat Burning Drink
- 1 teaspoon of cumin
- One teaspoon lemon juice
- 1/2 teaspoon of grated ginger root
- One cup of water
- Boil the water
- Put in the ginger and cumin keep this mixture on low heat for five more minutes
- Take it off the stove
- Let it cool
- Add the lemon juice
You should have one tablespoon of this drink 20 minutes before every meal and after just a month this drink will help you lose up to 10 pounds.
How it Works
Each of the ingredients in this drink speeds up weight loss. Cumin is full of phytosterols which comes from plants sort of resembling cholesterol
in their structure and function but phytosterols don’t let bad cholesterol get absorbed into the digestive tract encouraging weight loss.
Cumin is also full of body cleansing antioxidants ginger which boosts the metabolism and the quicker your metabolism the more calories your body burns.
Lemon contains a lot of vitamin C which reduces your cortisol levels. Cortisol is basically the body’s stress hormone and causes your body to store fat and feel hungry when you’re really not lemon is also full of polyphenols which keep your body from accumulating fat and thus putting on extra pounds.
Get ready for some serious weight loss!
Other ways to use Cumin for weight loss
There are many ways in which you can use cumin for weight loss. Below are a few.
Cumin seeds
- Soak 2 tablespoons of cumin seeds in water for 5-6 hours or you can soak them overnight.
- Boil the seeds
- Filter the drink.
- One teaspoon lemon juice
- 1/2 teaspoon of ginger to it
- Drink it on an empty stomach for 2 weeks.
Cumin powder and yogurt
- Mix one teaspoon of cumin powder with one teaspoon of yogurt
- Have it after your meals for 15 days.
Cumin powder
- Boil one cup of water
- 1 teaspoon of cumin powder
- One teaspoon lemon juice
- 1/2 teaspoon of ginger
- You can also add a little salt, to make the drink taste better.
- Drink this after your meals every day for 20 days.
Afterward, you should see some great results. I hope this works for you.